Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 685: Street sweeper and flutter

Duke of the Time and Space Administration showed disdain. Because of his profession, he had seen too many traversers, and all of them had a problem.


No one among the traversers does not look at the natives, as if they are the savior of the world sent by God, and the others stand aside, and only they can save the world.

It's ridiculous, obviously I haven't even studied medicine!

On the surface, these traversers talked loudly and criticized Fang Qiu with justification and evidence, but in reality they copied the theories of later generations, and there was not much dry stuff in their stomachs. Once the plot went wild, without the foresight advantage, he was immediately beaten back to its original state.

Duke of the Time and Space Administration saw the natives hanging and beating the traversers more than once, but they always attributed their failure to bad luck.

It’s true that Mo Qijuanqianqian said, but it was built on the basis of continuous self-improvement, so that failure is the mother of success. Putting it on this group of traversers who wriggle on women's belly all day, can only say... Success, the white-eyed wolf six relatives did not recognize it.

"Recently, the number of traversers has been increasing day by day. The probability of multiple traversers in the same world was very low before, but now they are not uncommon. These people look at each other not pleasingly, often because of some small friction, they often fight, and even compete The chance and the sister hurt the killer and made our work very passive..." Duke of the Time and Space Administration sighed.

"This is a good thing! Passive work is because there is not enough manpower, and you need to recruit people. For your mixed system, it means that a promotion and salary increase is just around the corner!" The main **** Duke Daguangqiu didn't care, congratulations Tao.

"No, our Time and Space Administration has a very high threshold. It is just a gimmick to recruit people to the outside world. If there is no letter of introduction from one's own person, even doctoral students from XX University will not be accepted. I was lucky and saved an insider. He was led in and started from temporary work.” Recalling the past, Duke of the Time and Space Administration sighed.

"Then what do you do, how do you carry out your work if there is not enough manpower? No wonder your mixed systems are not efficient..." The main **** Da Guangqiu said this, as if he had thought of something, with a strange expression on his face: "Uh, yours. Efficiency seems to have nothing to do with manpower!"

"Speak carefully!"

Duke of the Time and Space Administration took a deep look at the main **** Daguangqiu: "The superior has issued a response plan. It does not matter if the manpower is insufficient. All the blind Ji tyrants who are indiscriminate and disobedient, cut it down, and all 404!"

"Awesome, once and for all, it is really high!" The main **** Daguangqiu suddenly realized that he is indeed Guang...cough cough, the domineering boss can't afford it!

"Actually, for these chaotic traversers, other worlds have introduced more reliable plans!" At this moment, someone on the side interrupted and said.

The main **** Duke and the Time and Space Administration Duke were taken aback, dare to say that the boss is wrong, you kid are new here!

Turning around, he is really new here!

Mengxin is a young man in his twenties, at least on the surface, his clothes are ordinary and he is of the kind that can’t be found in shame, but the world he lives in is not ordinary, one interspersed with countless parallel universes, and The Space-Time Administration has a huge worldview.

Duke became a scavenger after crossing, which can be understood as anti-virus software, as a sanitation worker, or as a killer.

The world he lives in is the same as most of the worlds. It is invaded by the locusts entering the traversers. The traversers like the virus parasites have tossed the world so hard that multiple parallel universes have already been destroyed. The will of the world is not as domineering as the leader of the Time and Space Administration, and he cannot afford to lose it across the board. After thinking about it, he came up with a more wicked way.

Use poison to fight poison, use traversers to deal with traversers!

The difference is that the traverser used by the will of the world has an official background and has luck bonuses when walking in many worlds. Even if you are a Lucky E Spearman, you can also defeat lose or lose, but if you are lucky, you will most likely break by jumping off the building. leg.

The will of the world selects the traversers it recognizes, gives them the status of scavengers, and then places an order for the scavengers to dispose of human-shaped combustible garbage, so as to save the parallel universe on the verge of breaking.

The original body of Duke Crossing is such a scavenger, who cleans up **** and gets commissions based on performance, armed himself and then receives higher-level orders, and has been rated as an advanced labor model many times. At the commendation meeting, fortunate enough to see the will of the world, the latter also smiled and pinned a big red flower on his chest.

Facts have proved that the famous saying "My life is up to me" is a saying that is often used by people who traversed. It is on the blacklist of the will of the world. No matter how powerful the system is, it can't change the ending, just like the monkey in the hands of the Buddha. The same, happily again, still slap into a cake.

After reading the memory of Duke the Scavenger, Duke of the Time and Space Administration couldn’t help but sigh: “I suddenly discovered that every world’s traverser is not seen by the world, even Duke, and I still lose every bet. What a wicked one!"

The main **** Daguangqi glanced at Duke, the scavenger, and then at Duke of the Time and Space Administration, and finally spit out: "I always think I have seen this method of fighting poison with poison. If something happens, I say it is a temporary worker... …The will of the world is also a person within the system!"

There was a moment of silence, and there seemed to be some great existence watching this place. The three shivered, and quickly stopped the topic.

"Hey, I crossed again? Where is this place, I didn't remember to write this book?" Just when the three of them criticized the unscrupulous traversers and chatted happily, another newcomer Duke appeared.

Mengxin's face is not yellowish and thin due to malnutrition, but mental exhaustion, as if being pulled into the gym by a dozen **** guys to toss for the night, and they are all weak in talking.

In terms of appearance, Mengxin's facial features are more beautiful than scavenger Duke Nai, if it is not too sad, he is definitely a handsome guy.

The reason why the rookie Duke looked bleak was because of the bumpy experience after the crossing. This is a very unlucky one who has been giving people a backdoor since the crossing.

The original body that Duke crossed was a street writer, with a hand speed of tens of thousands, but he loved the eunuch's unfinished. He wrote more than twenty books, all of them were the ones that couldn't make money at my grandma's house, so they cut it and opened a new book in desperation. As a result, he has been in the Internet literature for many years, and he has not earned as much money as a vest.

There are many reasons for eunuchs. At first, the pen was immature and was spit out by elementary school students; the second one was too hilarious and broke away from the main line; the third one reached the shelves, but the income was bleak and it was unable to make ends meet. ; The fourth book released itself and was 404...

What he wrote in the original body, he fell into a dog all the way, and could only pretend to be a big boss in the street group.

A few days ago, he organized an event in the group, and he also reported his name. After dinner, a group of rushing to the street decided to learn from the ancient literati poker, and won the brothel's lucky name, such as pushing oil or something. Everyone said that the AA system is good, but the original body has an AAB system, that is, other people AA are shameless...

Finally, the sky had eyes. After another eunuch, the **** was struck by thunder and lightning, and his body was taken over by Duke who came through.

It didn't take long for Duke to travel through, and he discovered that the body struck by lightning had a magical ability to be able to travel through, but still passive. From time to time, he will travel to other worlds, in that world, he is the chosen son of heaven, and the protagonist who does his part.

When he first learned about his abilities, Duke was overjoyed, and he was full of joy to open the door to the new world, but later he found out that his abilities were pitted. Every time he traverses, he will replace the protagonist in the original eunuch. However, the original **** has a tendency to abuse the host, and the protagonists in the pen are worse than each.

For example, the first protagonist that Duke crosses, generally speaking, the protagonist will be kicked out from the family, and will fight back and successfully fight his family. The original body, this scam, has taken a different path. After the protagonist is strong and returns home, he pretends to be slapped in the face and slapped. The green wood bamboo horse is marryed by the enemy, and he is also abandoned martial arts, and then... eunuch!

At the end of the first crossing, Duke wanted to vomit blood in depression, but before it was over, he went through again.

Probably it was the original body that had learned the lesson of the first failure. This time the actor was not so miserable. He successfully slapped the family in the face and then hammered his enemies. As a result, on the night of the wedding, the Qiu family resorted to a tactic to transfer the tiger away from the mountain and sent a master to lead away the male lead.

But it doesn't matter, the heroic protagonist in Pujie's writing has reached the level of transformation, slashing and killing no one can beat all the way, killing and killing...puping the street writing too high without stopping, killing for half a month.

Nima, it's been half a month, and you can imagine what happened to the heroine. It is said that Big Gray Wolf has already taken a fancy to the grassland above the male lead and is preparing to move and settle here.

Of course, this book is an **** again!

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