Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time

Chapter 689: This is fate

Water escape, big water burst!

Duke stood at the forefront of the battle line, folded his hands together, and the surging Chakra formed a sphere visible to the naked eye around him. While spinning wildly, whirlwinds scattered.

The ninja of the melee coalition unit realized that his commander was going to make a big move, and very tacitly put down the Kunai with the detonation talisman in his hand, and stepped back a safe distance. Judging from Chakra’s measure, this ninjutsu cover The range must be pretty scary.

However, they still underestimated Duke, and the big water bursts he showed were map cannon level.

Duke’s chest bulged, and a large amount of water was spit out from his mouth to form a tsunami that obscured the sky. Waves tens of meters high surging out, stacked one after another, swallowed hundreds of mass-produced people in an instant. The earth, rocks, and trees on the ground are smooth and smooth.

The sound of the water rumbling, like thousands of troops advancing side by side, the vibration of the earth can also be felt behind the position. Not to mention the mass-produced Bai Jue on the battlefield. After the natural disaster, the entire battlefield turned into a blue ocean, and countless Bai Jue's corpses that were shot to death by the water floated on the sea and turned into trees.

The momentum of the sea charge stopped, and there was a tendency to crush and turn back. The melee united forces were in a hurry. Before they could take any action, Duke had already jumped on the surface of the sea, putting his hands on the surface of the water, and madly injecting ice to escape the investigation. carat.

Ice Age!

Click — Click —————

The cold air rose, only a white line was scattered, and the sea was still before turning back.


The sea and the sky were all turned into ice, and the howling cold wind passed by, the sea froze into a transparent ice sheet in just a few breaths.

Duke's standard two combo of water escape + ice escape has a large coverage area and strong strike force, making it most suitable on the battlefield. After the second combo, the mass-produced Baijue, which could have been rescued, can now only be covered with white cloth.

"What a terrifying Chakra quantity, can actually release ninjutsu of this scale twice in a row, is our commander a monster?"

"Duke Mitarai! His name is recorded in my ninja handbook, "I encountered this person during the mission, and I will not be punished if I interrupt the mission." It's just the first time I saw his technique today..."


After a brief period of calm, the units of the melee combined army whispered to each other, casting awe at the figure on the ice sheet. The ninja is the world powerhouse. Duke only used two ninjutsu to win the respect of the second ninja. , The prestige value can fly.

"Everyone, advance through the ice field, and when encountering an enemy, follow the orders of the coalition command. We don't need to be captured." Hei Tu received Duke's signal and issued an order on his behalf.

The ninjas of the melee combined army unit marched through the ice field in a mighty manner in the only team of three. During this period, the mass-produced Bai Jue army was once again encountered. With Duke, the big killer, the Bai Jue army was suppressed without any storm.

With the advancing of the front line, the enemy encountered gradually turned into a small group of troops, obviously the enemy changed its deployment against Duke.

An embarrassing thing happened, the order from the coalition command, the second unit temporarily postponed its advancement and changed to outflank it. The speed of Du Keqing's small soldiers is too fast, and the ninja coalition forces have not achieved results on other fronts. If the second unit continues to penetrate the hinterland, it is likely to be surrounded.

This is the case for large-scale battles. The command of a ninja force of 80,000 people is a severe test for the coalition command. In addition to ensuring logistics, ninjas from various countries are organized into special combat units such as reconnaissance, intelligence, medical treatment, and perception based on their ninjutsu skills, and the main combat capabilities must be refined into close range, medium range, close range, long range, and so on.

The more detailed the organization of the troops, the simpler the coalition command will be. However, the more the burden of the command system is, the easier it is to make mistakes. Therefore, it is a good thing for the second unit to obtain combat exploits, but it must obey the overall control of the command headquarters, otherwise it is easy to be eaten by the entire army alone.

Upon receiving the order from the coalition command, Duke did not have any doubts, marching to the left honestly, and surprise the Bai Jue army on the other side.

There is no kyoto that will not be incompatible with foreign military orders, nor the idea of ​​leading the troops to hit Uchiha Madara. Duke is very clear about his role. If the Ninja Alliance is a high-speed tank, then he is a man. With a chariot wheel, he can't play alone without the power of a chariot.

On the other side of the battlefield, Duke did not zoom in this time, because the entire battlefield was full of melee. If one big move was released, more of his own people would die.

On the chaotic battlefield, the killings shook the sky, and the ninja coalition saw the arrival of support, and the morale of the mass-produced Bai Jue met the enemy, and was quickly killed.

Duke rushed forward, his figure flickering continuously, and ‘Z’-shaped lightning flashed across the ground. The autumn breeze swept the fallen leaves wherever he passed, and the white sky was flying all over the sky.

The cruelty of the war was manifested, and the second troops who came to the reinforcements began to suffer casualties!

The mass-produced Bai Jue did not have the fancy ninjutsu attacks of the ninjas, nor did it have shurikens, kunai, and detonating symbols flying all over the sky, but their transformation skills have greatly frustrated the ninjas.

Imagine, when you meet your partner and give him your back without worry, he stabs you in the kidney. What will happen to you?

will die!

So, even if you react quickly and you are lucky enough to fight back, you will not trust your companions after this, and would rather fight alone than let yourself be close.

Not everyone has a huge chakra like Duke, which can quickly clear the field. Once the two sides are fighting together, Bai Jue can rely on mental torture to make the Ninja coalition miserable.

After a big battle, the mass production Bai Jue was surrendered, at least on the surface, more Bai Jue turned into ninjas and mixed into the coalition forces.

After the battle, Duke immediately ordered all the ninjas of the second unit to evacuate. After returning to the original front, the team leader checked the number of ninjas, and all ninjas who did not answer the code were killed.

An hour later, hundreds of fake Bai Jue turned into corpses, and a few unlucky ones who experienced the battlefield for the first time, because they were too scared that their brains were blank, they could not answer the code, and became members of the corpses.

In the context of war, no one held injustice for them. As ninjas, they couldn't even answer the code. They were destined to die in battlefield wars. The difference is early death and late death, death in their own hands and death in the hands of the enemy.

Good news came from other battlefields, and as the various ministries were reorganized and reorganized, the night fell quietly. At night is the time when mass production Baijue is the most active, and it is also the busiest time to perceive ninjas. Many alarms and traps are set up at the edge of the camp. Konoha's Hyuga clan rolls his eyes all night, and by the next morning his eyes are as red as Uchiha. spell.

Because the second unit was well prepared, there was no chaos in the camp. The mass-produced Baijue was trying to fish in the muddy waters of the night. When it was near the camp, it was found blindly and blocked outside the camp.

Early the next morning, the camp was buried in a pot for cooking. Simple food and ration pills were the ninja's ration for a day. After these 24 hours, the ninja of the second unit was deeply convinced by Duke. Although his own commander looks very damn, and his face is crushed by the female ninjas want to cry, but he is really good at leading the battle, the second unit is the least harmed by Bai Jue, and it is an indisputable still It was a slowly advancing marching speed, which Duke also noticed at this time. The strategy of the coalition command is to focus on stability. It's not that the staff has no smart people, but that there are too many smart people and chose a compromise.

It's not good or bad, as long as you can get results, then this strategy is right!

The advancing speed of the Ninja Allied Forces on the second day was even slower than the day before, because elite ninjas from various countries who had reincarnated from the filthy soil appeared in the White Jue army. Hei Jue has more ethics than Pharmacist, and he doesn't know how many graves he dug. The second unit alone encountered hundreds of ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty soil. The most frenzied thing is that as long as the corpses that are excavated have a good skill, all the dirt comes out, even the dead corpses of the Zhongnin level have not been let go.

The march of the second unit was still easy. The ninjas yawned and watched Duke zoom in on their moves, and the sealing squad stepped forward to seal one by one, and once again lay down and won the battle. Then they received an order from the headquarters to repair and support the flanking friendly forces in place. Many ninjas complained that they were not a melee unit and should be renamed the fire unit.


Finally, after the march on the third day, the second unit encountered a real enemy.

I probably realized that no matter how much Bai Jue came, he would die. There were only three enemies in front of the second unit, a polite girl, a one-eyed old man, and a mustache.

"Damn, these three adults!" Terumi Ming looked at the three people in front of him with a tangled expression, the first generation water shadow, the second generation water shadow, and the third generation water shadow.

Malicious fate... Duke seems to be **** with Shui Ying!

(End of this chapter)

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