Among the 20 or 30 items, Zhao Qirui was interested in a colorful dragon and Phoenix pen from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, and sold it for 120000 yuan. This made Chu Chen feel a little envious. According to the appearance of the pen, if the price was normal, it would be less than 200000 yuan, and others would not sell it at all. It would be more likely to go to the auction.

However, among these things, the highest auction price is only 300000, which should not be regarded as a good thing. Moreover, several bosses are indifferent to these things, so Chu Chen thinks that there should be good things behind.

As soon as I thought of this, the auctioneer said with a smile:

"boss, the following items will surely make you feel worthy of this trip."

Speaking, I saw a etiquette lady, carefully holding a painting and calligraphy brocade box, came in, and then carefully placed on the table.

The auctioneer put on his white gloves, carefully took the paintings out of the box, then carefully opened the paintings, and then said to everyone with a smile:

"please have a look!"

At the same time, the projector also showed the photo of this work in front of the public.

Chu Chen saw from a distance that this was a landscape map. In the painting, the mountains overlap, the streams circle, the trees are scattered, and the cottages can be seen on both sides of the stream. The whole work looks quite spectacular from a distance.

"It's Shen Zhou's landscape in the rain!" All of a sudden, the people sitting in front of us screamed out.

This voice let the atmosphere of the scene suddenly rise, especially before that a few indifferent boss, are also excited.

Shen Zhou was an outstanding calligrapher and painter in Ming Dynasty. Word Qinan, Shitian, baishiweng, yutiansheng, Ju Zhuju master, etc., Changzhou people. He was the founder of the "Wu School" of literati painting in the middle of Ming Dynasty. He was also known as the "four schools of Ming Dynasty" together with Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying.

Chu Chen didn't expect that the first blockbuster was Shen Zhou's works. Among other things, the price of Shen Zhou's authentic works at the auction was very high. In the Christie's auction last year, Shen Zhou's painting of spring grass and autumn flowers won more than 9 million yuan.

Judging from the size and theme of this work, if it is authentic, even in the black market, its value is not much lower. However, from the perspective of the expression of the buyers, most of them hold a positive attitude, only a few of them shake their heads and sigh, but it may also be used to confuse other people's expression.

Fortunately, according to the regulations, there are not many people who can watch it on the stage. Otherwise, I don't know how long it will be before Chu Chen. It's worth mentioning that Zhao Qirui, who has always been sitting on the stage, is not calm to see such works. He and Chu Chen came to the stage together.

This picture of mountains and rivers in the rain is quite large. Chu Chen estimated that it is about nine square feet.

From the point of view of the painting method, the stone is light textured and dyed, the pen is vigorous and thick, and then the thick ink is used to dot the moss. The painting method should be derived from Huang Gongwang, and the painting style is clear.

The painting said: "autumn is good in the upper stream, the pen and ink are laborious. Old eyes read books all like fog, fuzzy only write rain The seal under the money recognition is Shitian.

From the inscriptions and inscriptions, the lines of the characters are sharp, the structure is ups and downs, the central palace is tight and the four dimensions are open. The so-called "long Pai Da Na" is vigorous and strange, which is in line with the style of Shen Zhou's later years. And the seal is also in line with the characteristics of the genuine.

Therefore, from these two points of view, this work should be the real one of Shen Zhou. But these two points are not enough to judge the authenticity of a painting. And I don't know why. Chu Chen doesn't feel very good about this painting. He always feels that he has some shortcomings in his painting style.

Shen Zhou is good at painting mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, especially famous for mountains and rivers. In his early years, he lived in Wang Meng, catching up with Dong and Ju, and mainly used fine brushwork. After 40 years old, he won over many schools and focused on Huang Gongwang, and his style gradually became thick, forming a thick brushwork style. After 60 years old, he learned from Wu Zhen's painting method, and his brushwork was simple and vigorous, and his style was vigorous and grand.

The landscape in its mature period not only absorbed the hardness and strength of Song Dynasty style and Ming and Zhejiang School, but also retained the implicit style of Yuan people. It was beautiful in the dark and soft in the hard.

In terms of composition, whether complex or simple, he emphasized the "momentum" of the vast mountains and rivers, changed the empty and lonely environment of the Yuan Dynasty, and focused on the simple "quality" and hidden skills in the clumsiness.

From the perspective of style and knowledge, it should be the style of Shen Zhou in his seventies, and his painting style in this period should have been mature. From the style of the painting, it's just rigid, but it lacks a little softness. Rough Yamagawa looks really magnificent, but it lacks a little momentum when you look at it carefully, which is totally inconsistent with the style of Shen Zhou's period.

Moreover, Chu Chen also thought of a detail. This work is almost consistent with the painting of rain in Zhongshan, which is included in an ancient painting and calligraphy catalogue published by the Heritage Publishing House.

For a painter, his creation is mostly accidental. The two works may have the same theme, but they can't even have the same details. This is impossible.

"Is it?"

At this time, Chu Chen thought of a word, and then he immediately used the power, and the result really confirmed his conjecture that the year of this work is really about 500 years, but the real value and the real product are not comparable.Combined with the result of the powers, and from the inscriptions, money recognition and seal, it should be a masterpiece written by Shen Zhou.

Chu Chen came to this conclusion, and then thought of the performance of so many people on the scene, he couldn't help thinking, for a while, I don't know who is the unfortunate guy? Suddenly, Yu Guangjie and Qian Changxing are discussing something happily. They can't help but feel disgusted.

When Chu Chen first met Yu Guangjie, he didn't like him very much, and there was a trace of contempt in Yu Guangjie's eyes, which made Chu Chen particularly disgusted. When he thought of Qian Changxing on one side, Chu Chen had a premonition that there would be a conflict between them sooner or later.

Thinking of this, he had a flash of inspiration. Maybe this painting will be an opportunity.

After Zhao Qirui returned to his seat, he couldn't wait to ask Chu Chen, "little Chu, how about this painting? If it's good, I'll buy it as a birthday present. "

Chuchen nodded with a smile and said softly, "brother Zhao, there is something wrong with this painting. If you believe me, you'd better not buy it."

After hearing the speech, Zhao Qirui was slightly stunned. The painting looked very good. He asked strangely, "that's not right. I've seen Shen Zhou's calligraphy works. It should be written by him."

"Right word, wrong drawing." After all, in the auction, it is not appropriate to say more. Chu Chen's words are simple and shocking.

Zhao Qirui thought that Chu Chen should not be aimless. After listening to this explanation, he hesitated a little and nodded.

Seeing this, Chu Chen also made a look at him at the right time, and then pointed to Yu Guangjie.

As soon as Zhao Qirui saw it, he understood what he meant, so he nodded with a smile.

When the last person on the stage returned to his seat, the auctioneer said with a smile, "I don't want to introduce more about the paintings. I think you can see them clearly. Now there is no reserve price. Please bid."

At the end of the speech, the scene was silent, and everyone was thinking about the appraisal of the work.

About half a minute later, one of the first people said, "300000!"

"Five hundred thousand, boss Meng, it's not too bad for you to pay such a price?" The person who quoted the price said sarcastically that this person would not deal with boss Meng.

"600000!" The others ignored them, and then offered again.

"Eight hundred thousand!"

The price went up very fast. In the blink of an eye, it broke through one million, one million, five hundred thousand, two million

When it comes to 2.3 million, the bidders start to be sparse. When it comes to 1 million, the bidders are those who have just started to sit firmly in Diaoyutai.

In fact, the black market auction does have a disadvantage, that is, everyone must use cash transactions, which leads to the final price is not too high. If you think about it, you'll know that five million alone weighs more than 100 Jin. It's very troublesome to install and carry, let alone ten million.

"Two million four hundred thousand!"

"Two and a half million!" At this time, Yu Guangjie also quoted a price, so that Chu Chen and others can not help but be inspired.

After a long time, another boss asked, "2.8 million!"

After all, no one is a fool, but now the collection industry is more and more hot, as the saying goes, "prosperous antiques, troubled gold.".

Shen Zhou's works like this, even now, can't be bought for 4 million yuan at the auction. Moreover, since it's a flourishing age, such works will certainly appreciate in value. It's more cost-effective than jewelry like gold at home.

"2.9 million!" Yu Guangjie is not willing to lag behind.

"3.2 million!" Just now, the boss seemed to be on the brink of success. He added 300000 yuan directly.

Then they bid in turn, and the price rose to 3.9 million in an instant. The man hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed. This time, he came with 3.5 million in cash, and the premium was only 3.8 million. He was too weak to do anything but shake his head hopelessly.

Seeing this, Yu Guangjie looked around triumphantly. He looked like a villain. The people around him frowned.

"4.3 million!" Zhao Qirui smiles and offers a price.


When Yu Guangjie heard the price, he felt as if he had eaten a fly. In fact, Zhao Qirui didn't quote the price casually. Ah Chao's eyes were very old. He estimated from the walking posture of the bodyguard who helped Yu Guangjie collect money that this time, Yu Guangjie should have brought about 4.5 million yuan.

Yu Guangjie didn't participate in the auction before, so Zhao Qirui thought it was just right for him to offer 4.3 million yuan.

At this time, Yu Guangjie is very entangled. He has no right to pay a premium.

if he buys this painting, he will not be able to do anything when he comes across something he likes later.

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