Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 234: Purple blood coral

"Is this the purple blood coral?"

Wang Zheng said with one stroke of a purplish-red coral ten centimeters high and five centimeters in diameter.

Others also looked at this purple blood coral, their eyes full of surprises.

Unexpectedly, such a small purple blood coral is worth millions.

"Let's leave quickly, if we don't leave again, the smell of blood here may attract monsters." Sima Liang said, looking at the corpses under his feet.

The members of the Morgan family were all resolved by the Dragon Claw Team in one face, and there was no chance to resist.

After getting the purple blood coral, the Dragonclaw team will naturally not stay here much.

After they left here, they continued to advance to the depths of Daxizhou, and the terrain along the way was all recorded. When the satellites were not working, the most primitive maps were more precious.

Yin Tian followed behind the team, his eyes narrowed, and he seemed to be distracted.

At this moment, he is using the system to search for purple blood coral. Others may not be able to see the full picture of Daxizhou, but Yin Tian can see most of Daxizhou from the perspective of the system of God.

"Brother Wang, there seems to be a purple blood coral over there." Yin Tian said suddenly, pointing to a high **** a hundred meters away.

As soon as Wang Zheng heard the words, he immediately said, "Okay, let's go over."

As a result, Dragon Claw Squad began to walk in the direction pointed by Yin Tian. During this period, there was no doubt about what he said.

For such a long time, Yin Tian has established his own authority in the team, and he has never made a mistake in what he said, so no one will doubt his words anymore.

Soon, a few people came to the hillside. Yin Tian took an engineer shovel and started digging as he said: "Look, the situation in this place is very similar to the place where the purple blood coral was found just now."

"According to my judgment, purple blood coral is already a kind of living environment that likes high temperature and humidity. The top of this high **** should be the place with the highest temperature, and the humidity above it also shows that there is a lot of water here, so there is purple. The possibility of blood coral is very high."

After hearing this, everyone nodded, and after thinking about it so carefully, what Yin Tian said really makes sense.

Therefore, several people with engineer shovel Hu Hai also joined the excavation. With concerted efforts, a purple blood coral was dug out in just two minutes.

"Haha, there really are! Brother Tian, ​​you are so awesome." Zhou Hongyu looked at Yin Tian's eyes full of admiration, feeling that Yin Tian is a mobile treasure hunting machine.

The others were all smiles, and today it was really a good start. At the beginning, two purple blood corals have been obtained, and they are not small, and they are worth at least one million.

After Yin Tian dug out the purple blood coral, he was not too surprised. After all, with the super cheating device of the system, he knew that there must be purple blood coral there.

"Everyone, go ahead, I feel that there seems to be a lot of purple blood corals waiting for us to dig." Yin Tian said with a smile.

According to the system's map, he has planned an optimal route. On one road, there are almost 20 purple blood corals.

If all of them are dug out, then the total value is probably hundreds of millions.

Against the warm sun, the Dragon Claw Squad kept advancing under the leadership of Yin Tian. Under the laughter and laughter, they continued to dig out purple blood corals, which made them feel that Daxizhou is not as abnormal as the legend.

"Hey, look over there, is there someone lying there?" Zhou Hongyu said, pointing to a mud pond not far away.

Everyone turned around and saw that there seemed to be a figure falling in the water.

"It seems to be there. Look at the clothes...a bit like SAS military uniforms." Yin Tian frowned.

He has the strongest eyesight, so he can see the most clearly.

"Let's take a look, it's not far anyway." Wang Zhengyi said curiously.

Other people will naturally have no opinion. In this deserted continent, there are less than 200 humans in total, so the probability of wanting to meet a person is very small, and the corpse is the same.

As the distance got closer and closer, everyone soon came to the mud pond. Yin Tian said just now that there is indeed a human corpse inside, and the military uniform is indeed SAS, and the M4A1 automatic rifle next to it can also be used. prove.

"It's really from SAS, how could he die here?" Zhou Hongyu asked.

Everyone shook their heads. It is said that they left Mannis Heights early in the morning and moved forward very fast, so the SAS special team led by Matthew should not be in front of them.


Yin Tian leaned over and pulled the body out of the water.

This is a white young man, not more than 30 years old. His skin is now swollen due to long time soaking in water and looks very oozing.

"It has been dead for at least two days. The wound is on the back, and the wound penetrates. It should be some kind of sharp weapon that penetrated the body from behind." Fang Yun said after looking at the corpse.

Having learned some medical skills, she can easily judge the time and cause of a dead body's death.

"It's weird. Two days ago, it should be the day we just arrived, the day before we got off Matthew and them." Yin Tian frowned and said, "Do you remember what Matthew said? He said, Eagle Nation is number one. After the group of explorers came to Daxizhou, fewer than 20 people survived. This corpse may be one of those people."

"Well, it's possible, but it's a pity that this place should be hundreds of kilometers away from the coast. Why did they come here instead of going to the Mannis Heights?" Wang Zhengyi asked in doubt.

"Moreover, why didn't Matthew and the others be with the other survivors, but instead acted alone?"

After hearing his words, everyone fell into thinking again. Wang Zhengyi was suspicious. For those who have just arrived in Daxizhou, going to Mannis Heights is the best choice. It is a gathering place for human beings, and it is relatively safe. After that, not only safety is guaranteed, but also a preliminary understanding of Western Continent from other to get some rough ideas. intelligence.

"We continue walking, maybe... Matthew didn't tell us the truth." Yin Tian said suddenly.

He used the system to find Matthew's position just now, but was surprised to find that Matthew was five miles ahead of them, and things were getting more and more interesting now.

In order to find out what Matthew was doing, Yin Tian slightly changed his route. If nothing else, he would be able to reach where Matthew is now in half an hour.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you heard the gunfire?" Zhou Hongyu asked.

Yin Tian nodded and said nothing, he heard it naturally with his hearing.

And not only did he hear it, but he also knew where the gunfire came from, who fired it and why.

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