Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 238: Underground city

The Dragon Claw Squad was shocked by the scene before them. Although they had discovered some underground structures before, they were far from comparable.

Even the original fine ancient city is countless times smaller than this underground city.

"It's incredible, is this an underground kingdom?" Fang Yun said in shock.

"Yes, the space here is too huge, you see, this space is like an ellipse, we are on the edge, and the highest point of the ellipse happens to be the center of the underground kingdom." Wang Zhengyi also pointed to the front and said .

Yin Tian closed his eyes slightly, constantly moving the perspective of the entire department map in his mind, and the appearance of this underground city slowly appeared before his eyes.

"It's getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect her to be here too." Yin Tian said to himself. He actually saw an acquaintance in the holographic map just now.

The Dragon Claw Squad, who slowly passed away from surprise, began to move forward, but just after a few steps out, Yin Tian suddenly opened his mouth and drank Zhou Hongyu who was walking in the front.

"Hongyu, stop and don't move!"


Zhou Hongyu immediately stood still, turned around and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Tian?"

Yin Tian didn't speak, but slowly walked to Zhou Hongyu and squatted down, pointing to the middle of a few ten yuan.

After Zhou Hongyu looked at the place Yin Tian was pointing to, cold sweat broke out instantly.

In the middle of the right-angled stones, a thin white line traverses there. Under such a weak light, if you don't pay attention, you can't see clearly.

"Booby mine!" Hu Hai said, "Hongyu stepped back slowly, Yin Tian, ​​you too, let me take this booby mine!"

Hu Hai, who has spent so long in the special forces, is naturally familiar with booby traps.

The so-called booby traps are bomb traps set up with grenades.

As long as the fuse of the tensioned grenade is touched, the grenade will explode instantly, making it hard to guard against.

There are many ways to arrange booby traps, and booby traps arranged by real masters are even more difficult to detect and cannot be prevented.

The booby traps in front of them belonged to the masters. Even in such a weak light, the other party would hide the leads seamlessly, just within the blind spot of sight.

If Yin Tian hadn't found it in time just now, I'm afraid that the booby trap had been triggered by Zhou Hongyu.

Hu Hai carefully followed the lead a little bit, and then slowly digging in a small pile of rubble.

Dense sweat leaked from his forehead, and as the stones were cleared out a little bit, three round high-explosive grenades appeared in front of everyone.

These three grenades are round. Different from ordinary grenades, the shell of this grenade is a thin layer of green plastic, through which round bulges are faintly visible.

"Damn, it's so sinister!" Zhou Hongyu cursed loudly.

The **** who arranged booby traps released three grenades in one go. Isn't this for fear that he won't be killed?


Hu Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he finally put the leads of the three grenades back.

"The hg85 grenades produced in Switzerland contain 3,500 steel balls. After the explosion, they will die within 6 meters, and anyone within 50 meters will be seriously injured!" Hu Hai said in a cold breath.

The hg85 grenade is also called "pearl grenade" or "steel ball grenade". From the appearance, the surface is covered with dense steel **** shining with silver light. It even looks high in appearance, but behind this beauty, What is hidden is deep evil.

Because this kind of grenade is not just as simple as a layer of steel **** on the surface, it can even be said that it is made of steel **** inside and out. It is composed of thousands of steel **** bonded together. In its core part, it contains 50 grams of spray. Trillite high explosive, its explosive equivalent is about 200-300 g tnt.

People in Dragon Claw Team were stunned when Hu Hai said the name of the hg85 grenade. Anyone who has some common sense of weapons knows the overbearing nature of this grenade.

This grenade was designed and launched by the Swiss company Rogge. It is a world-recognized weapon against humanity. After the explosive of the core is detonated, the hg85 will explode and produce more than 3,000 fragments. It will fly around at high speed together with the steel ball, which will terrorize the surrounding personnel. The killing effect.

"My dear, brother, you saved my life again this time!" Zhou Hongyu said with a pale face, "If it weren't for you, I must have been blown into a sieve now."

At the thought of thousands of holes exploded on his body, Zhou Hongyu couldn't help but shiver, and his cold sweat "sucked" outwards.

"Huh, the other party is trying to kill us, I don't know who is so cruel!" Wang Zhengyi said with a black face.

The Dragon Claw Squad is also considered to be a battlefield, but it is the first time that it has been calculated by others. What is even more hateful is that even if it is calculated, it does not know who the opponent is.

"Yes, if you find out who is plotting against us, you must let them taste this grenade." Hu Hai was also filled with righteous indignation. He put away all three grenades, obviously intending to meet the person who arranged the booby trap. Tooth for tooth.

Yin Tian also felt a little chill in his heart. If a grenade of this level exploded at close range, even he would be seriously injured. As for the other members of the Dragon Claw Team, anyone who got closer would die, including Fang Yun. !

Looking up at the hole above his head, Yin Tian's face gradually became cold.

This kind of taste of being conspired is very bad!

"Brother Tian, ​​did you just get the meaning... Matthew and the others laid hands?" Zhou Hongyu, who had been observing Yin Tian, ​​asked in confusion after seeing him looking up.

Yin Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, first shook his head, and then nodded.

"It has nothing to do with Matthew, but it has nothing to do with them. It must be the Eagle countryman who started. Pay attention to the footprints on the ground, look over there!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Yin Tian's fingers, and they found a mess of footprints.

Hu Hai worked as a scout and hurriedly ran over to observe the messy footprints on the ground.

"A total of ten people ~ ~ five men and five women, all wearing the latest Magnum Rattlesnake series military boots. This is a well-known British brand that is loved by special forces and extreme sports enthusiasts. "Hu Hai said.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and they didn't expect 10 people from Eagle Nation to enter here, but they didn't know how strong they were.

"Well, let's move on. This underground city is so big. We will meet them one day sooner or later."

After Yin Tian walked forward, his face was calm and terrifying.

In the rear, Wang Zhengyi and Fang Yun seemed to have thought of something. After they exchanged a glance, they stopped talking.

Since Yin Tian didn't explain it, it's better not to break the matter first.

After I met her, I knew whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally.

If she was unintentional, even though Dragon Claw Squad suffered a loss, she couldn't say much, but if she deliberately wanted to kill Dragon Claw Squad, then don't blame them for not thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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