Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 266: Where to run


The Red Meteorite Sword accurately held the trident that pierced him, and Yin Tian kicked it out.


The Hai Clan was caught off guard and kicked by Yin Tian in the chest, and slammed into the water.

"Huh, disappeared?"

The sea clan who sneaked into the sea disappeared without a trace, and Yin Tian couldn't find the trace of the opponent.

To be safe, Yin Tian quickly walked out of the sea.

This sea clan is too weird, completely different from what he had encountered before, but the other party's concealment method that even he could not find would cause him a headache.

Depressing his doubts, Yin Tian stood there and waited quietly.

He knew that this sea clan must still be making another shot, and the previous kick might not have hurt the opponent.

Yin Tian would definitely not leave the red fruit before he got it.

Things that can be judged as treasures by the system will definitely not be ordinary goods. This can also be seen from the timing of the Sea Clan's shot just now. The other party obviously does not want him to get the flaming red fruit.

Yin Tian stood silently for 10 minutes, but the secret enemy still had no plans to shoot.

In the end, Yin Tian decided that he could not wait any longer.

The water pool in front of you is at least an acre in size and the depth is not shallow, and if a sea clan wants to hide in it, he can definitely stay hidden, so Yin Tian can't consume him at all.

After making up his mind, Yin Tian held the Red Meteorite Sword in his right hand and walked into the good water again.

Wow~ Wow~

With the sound of the river, Yin Tian got closer and closer to the red fruit, and he became more nervous.

As long as that sea clan, the other party will definitely do it again before he gets the fiery red fruit.

Yin Tian stretched out left and right, slowly moving forward.

1 meter

90 cm

80 cm


20 cm

10 cm


The water on Yin Tian's left side burst open suddenly, and the trident pierced his neck again.

The sea clan chose a very delicate position. Yin Tian's Red Meteorite Sword was held in his right hand, so the right side of his body was all within his defense position.

And Yin Tian is reaching out his left hand to pick the fruit, so the defense on the left is definitely the lowest.

The speed of the trident is so fast that it is about to stab Yin Tian, ​​but will Yin Tian let the opponent succeed?

The answer is of course no.

Seeing Yin Tian's legs slammed hard, the whole person rose from the water of a meter and a half of the gods, his body instantly left the water surface, and then the palm of his hand drained the surface, and the whole person quickly chose across the water.


The huge centrifugal force caused a large number of water drops to fly away from Yin Tian's body, and the trident stabbed against Yin Tian's body dangerously and dangerously.

The sea clan who attacked obviously did not expect Yin Tian to be so powerful. The super explosive power at that moment just now, even the masters of the sea clan may not be able to do it.

Although this sea clan was surprised, the attack in his hand did not stop.

After a hit, the Trident changed its stabbing to a slash, smashing Yin Tian's waist heavily.

"Huh, is that strength?"

Yin Tian sneered in midair, and his arms suddenly stretched out.

While spinning, Yin Tian directly picked the fiery red fruit with his right hand, and instantly put it into the storage space in his palm.

At the same time, he quickly reached out with his left hand, grabbed the trident that pierced him, and then lifted it up.

"Come out!"


Under Yin Tian's tremendous strength, the sea clan who attacked was suddenly pulled out from under the water.

The sea clan obviously didn’t expect Yin Tian’s strength to be so great. After he pulled out of the water, he let out a piercing scream, then gave up the trident in his hand, and then did not know where to pull out a dagger again. Stabbed to Yin Tian.

Yin Tian looked at the other party with disdain. I might still be afraid of you in the water, but you are a weak chicken out of the water.


Yin Tian waved his right hand quickly and slapped the opponent's chest with a palm.

The latter was shot on the shore by Yin Tian, ​​and the dagger that pierced Yin Tian naturally fell through.

"Huh, why is it so soft."

After taking a palm, Yin Tian felt a strange feeling in the palm of his hand. Could it be that this sea clan is a woman, it's impossible.


Patriarch Hai, who hit the ground, spread out, not exactly like a woman.

Her appearance is very similar to that of European and American people, except that there is a circle of golden scales on her forehead.

She was wearing a leather armor that didn't know what material assembly. The leather armor was not large enough to protect the vital parts of the body.

After landing, the Sea Clan girl gave a bitter look, but did not attack again, but fled towards the distance.

Yin Tian wanted to catch up and kill the opponent, but suddenly stopped.

He narrowed his eyes, and secretly said that perhaps he could use this sea clan woman to find where the Xiahai clan's nest was.

There is a system in his body, and since he knows the appearance of this sea clan woman, it is impossible for the other party to escape.

After allowing the sea girl to leave, Yin Tian looked at the trident in his hand.

The material of this weapon is very strange. Yin Tian was thought to be made of metal, but a closer look revealed that it was not. The material of this trident looked like some kind of animal bones.

Although it was strange that the weapons of the Sea Clan were made of bones, Yin Tian was not too confused. After all, the sea clan lives on the bottom of the sea, and naturally there is no flame on the bottom of the sea, so naturally there is no way to smelt ores to make metal weapons.

He discarded the trident at will, and Yin Tian continued on his way. There were still a lot of purple blood coral. If he didn't take it, he would soon be snatched away by all the major forces.

Since the Kongtong faction where the super masters like Li Sansi belong will come, other ancient forces in China will definitely come back, not including foreign forces, so the next group of visitors from Daxizhou will far exceed the first time.

After harvesting another purple blood coral, Yin Tian did not continue.

Because the sea woman who was injured by him had fled to a hillside 50 miles away, and then disappeared strangely.

Yes, it just disappeared, and even the system can't trace her existence.

"The system why did the target disappear?" Yin Tian asked.

"Back to the host, the disappearance of the target means that the target is no longer in the same space as the host."

"What do you mean?"

"The host can understand that the target has entered the subspace."

"Can you elaborate on it?"


The system arrogantly stopped speaking, Yin Tian was furious, but he was helpless.

Don't you say I won't go see it by myself! Knowing where the Sea Clan woman disappeared, Yin Tian didn't believe he could not find any clues.

In a short distance of 50 miles, Yin Tian didn't need to use the "Xiao Hui" to drive on the road. He directly ran his vitality and ran.

At his inhuman speed, he rushed to his destination in just twenty minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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