Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 268: Sea Cities

"Where am I?"

Yin Tian was stunned at the scene around him. Just now the six-pointed star suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, and then he felt dizzy. When he recovered, he was no longer in the cave.

In front of him, without the gloom of the cave, if it were not for the sun in the sky, Yin Tian really thought he was on the ground.

There is still a six-pointed star stone platform at his feet, and there is no difference from the cave. The only difference is that there is no bulge in the middle of the six-pointed star, which means that he cannot return to the cave.

The surrounding area is very quiet. What you can see is the old stone houses. The houses are all spires, less than three meters high, and they are quite shabby.

Yin Tian cautiously walked out of the six-pointed star platform, and only carefully observed the place after finding that there was really no danger.

The sky is not high, and the naked eye can see the top. To Yin Tian's surprise, the blue ripples above are very much like sea water.

"Could it be... it turns out that the bottom of the sea is not made here?"

The more Yin Tian looked at it, the more he felt that his guess was correct. There seemed to be an energy shield to prop up the sea, and the light of the entire world came from the energy shield.

Looking at his feet, Yin Tian confirmed that the shield was the light source, because there was no shadow under his feet.

Only when the entire energy shield is used as a light source, and the gate line is shot from all directions will cause no shadow to exist. This principle is the same as the shadowless lamp on the operating table.

The ground under my feet is very clean, and it looks like very compacted sand.

Yin Tian leaped slightly and came to the roof of a house.

Standing high and looking far away, the distant scenery gradually appeared in his eyes.

This place should also be a city. Unlike the vastness of Atlantis, this city is not that big. At least with Yin Tian's strength, one can see the other side of the city.

The energy shield above is like an eggshell, and this submarine city is built in it.

If Yin Tian’s calculation is correct, the city is about 10 kilometers in size, about the size of a larger town in China.

There are many high-rise buildings in the middle of the city, and it doesn't look like the place where he is now and how run-down.

Yin Tian went into the surrounding houses and took a look, and found that it was empty, except for some abandoned stone furniture.

So Yin Tian continued to move forward and walked cautiously towards the middle of the city.

If he didn't guess wrong, this should be the nest of the Sea Clan, but I don't know how many people live here, and what kind of race the Sea Clan is.

Although there has always been a mermaid legend on the earth, there is no similarity between the sea clan and the legendary mermaid. This is a brand new race unheard of in the history of the earth.

After slowly advancing 2 kilometers, Yin Tian finally saw the traces of human life.

No, to be precise, it should be a trace of the life of the sea people.

Not far away, a group of marine children were playing in the middle of a small square. They were holding small harpoons and wooden sticks in their hands. They were humming haha. They looked pretty.

Yin Tian hid from the side and looked carefully for a while, and found that these sea children were throwing the weapons in their hands in a different way. If it were not for the lack of strength and speed, they were not much worse than adults.

"This is all the people."

Yin Tian murmured to himself, no wonder the Sea Clan he had encountered before were all very strong, and the weakest ones were about the same as the Ming Jin martial artist.

The Sea Clan does not cultivate inner strength. Yin Tian knew this a long time ago. The Ming Jin warriors among them rely on physical strength to fight. Even stronger, just like Yin Tian met the Sea Clan woman. Similar to the quiet warrior of human beings, Yin Tian didn't feel the slightest inner strength in his body.

What the Sea Clan woman broke out when she was fighting was a power that Yin Tian had never seen before.

In other words, energy is more suitable. The energy in her body should be in her heart, and every time she attacks, power will erupt from her heart and flow along the veins to the limbs.

Yin Tian continued to approach, and he had deliberately heard the voices of these Hai children.

Only deliberately the language of the Sea Clan is different from any language on the earth, and even if Yin Tian exchanged a copy of the "Encyclopedia of Elementary Universe Languages" in the system, he did not find a similar one.

Languages ​​are always changing. Take Chinese as an example. In just one hundred years, many changes have taken place. Various dialects still exist, the same Mandarin has been popularized, and characters have evolved from traditional fonts to simplified characters...

So even if the language of the Sea Clan was recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Elementary Cosmic Languages" before, huge changes must have taken place now. Who knows how many years the Sea Clan has lived on the seabed.

Yin Tian felt that if he could see the text of the Sea Clan, he might be able to find the source. He knew a little bit about the language of the Sea Clan. Now it is impossible to just listen to it by ear.

Bypassing these sea children, Yin Tian continued to move forward.

At this moment, he had already walked to the living area of ​​the Sea Clan. In front of the neat rows of houses, there were stone shelves with strings of salted fish hanging on them.

The appearance of salted fish is very strange. Yin Tian doesn't know what kind of fish it is. He thinks it should be some kind that lives on the bottom of the sea.

Some of the clothes are still aired in front of some houses. These clothes are very rough, similar to the ancient linen of China, and there is no comfort at all.

In summing up everything in front of him, Yin Tian guessed that this place should be a civilian area of ​​the Hai Clan. This can be seen not only from the house, but also from the clothes.

Before, the sea teams who came to Daxizhou to sniper and kill human adventurers, one by one, held stone weapons in their hands, and wore sophisticated leather armor. Even those without leather armor were dressed neatly. I didn't want him to see it now. Those worn-out clothes that have been stitched many times.

Just when Yin Tian wanted to move on a team of Marines with weapons appeared in his sight.

They lined up in a neat line, carrying two-meter-long harpoons on their shoulders, and the leading people were wearing neat leather armor. It seemed that the marine army was patrolling.

"Oh, don't be discovered."

Yin Tian's heart was shocked, and he walked a little too far. Behind him was the playing square of the sea children, and in front of him was an empty road. The row of hidden stone houses still lived in the sea.

If he rushed into the house, there might be a sea clan inside, and the shape would be completely exposed.

Looking around, Yin Tianyi gritted his teeth and jumped up gently, then hid on the roof.

Perhaps that group of marine soldiers was routine, or they thought that no strangers would come here, so they were rather listless, and did not observe the surroundings carefully. Yin Tian felt that he might be able to get past.

(End of this chapter)

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