Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 290: The killer appears

   After buying the genetic medicine, Yin Tian immediately returned to China and got through to Zhuang Peng.

   "Hey, Brother Zhuang, where are you now"

   "It's Yin Tian, ​​you can just call me Zhuang Peng, now you are the captain, and the necessary rules between our brothers are still required. I am in the capital now." Zhuang Peng said.

   Yin Tian nodded when he heard this. Zhuang Peng said that this time is not bad. He has become the captain now. It would be inappropriate to call Zhuang Peng the eldest brother. The captain's majesty is still required.

   "Well, now you come to me, I have something to look for you."

   "Okay, Captain."

   Half an hour later, Zhuang Peng came to Yin Tian's villa. Seeing his excitement, he must have guessed Yin Tian's purpose.

   "Captain, are you?"

   "Not bad."

   Yin Tian nodded directly. When the team had a meeting last time, he said that he would buy genetic medicine for Zhuang Peng to use. Zhuang Peng guessed it was not surprising.

   took out a bottle of B-grade genetic medicine, Yin Tian passed it directly.

   "Zhuang Peng, if you fully recover, you can use it." Yin Tian said.

   Zhuang Peng was excited when he heard the words, and said, "I have already fully recovered, can I take it now?" Zhuang Peng said excitedly.

   Yin Tian didn't nod his head when he heard the words. Fortunately, he asked more questions this time, otherwise, something happened.

   "Gene medicine is not taken, but injected into the body"


   Zhuang Peng looked embarrassed, and secretly said that he was embarrassed this time.

   Yin Tian smiled and took out a metal injection device, which was given by Harrods when he was selling the gene potion, and it came in handy now.

   I was watching here, Zhuang Peng would not be in danger when using genetic medicine.

   So, Yin Tian directly injected the gene medicine into Zhuang Peng's arteries.

   A little bit of time passed. At first, Zhuang Peng didn't take it seriously, but soon his blood vessels agitated, as if he were boiling in boiling water.

   "Hold on, just stay through it." Yin Tian said lightly.

When    genetic medicine is improved, almost the entire human body is crushed and reassembled, so pain is inevitable. And it is said that this kind of pain has reached an astonishing level 10, which is the same as the pain of a woman during childbirth.

   Zhuang Peng was already rolling on the ground with pain. The sweat continued to fall and wet the floor. He was extremely hideous, his veins burst out, and his skin was like a cooked lobster.

   After suffering for half an hour, Zhuang Peng finally couldn't help but fainted.

   During this period, Yin Tian has been watching coldly, indifferent.

   After suffering hardship, Fang is a master. If you want to improve your strength, you have to endure the pain of the promotion process.

   Zhuang Peng should be thankful. The whole world doesn't know how many people are desperately trying to get a bottle of genetic medicine.

   After another hour, Zhuang Peng's body twitching was a few hours, and the red skin gradually returned to normal.

   Yin Tian then held his back with his hand, and transferred a trace of internal energy to his physical strength so that he could wake up quickly.

   "Well, am I still alive?" Zhuang Peng said weakly.

   Yin Tian rolled his eyes and pulled Zhuang Peng up.

   "Of course not dead, but much better than before."

   Zhuang Peng smiled at the words, although he felt a little weak, he still felt pretty good.

   "Hey, I don’t think it’s different."


   Zhuang Peng took one step before he finished speaking. As a result, he couldn't control the surge of power. He slammed into the background wall and shattered the LCD TV of Yin Tian's home.

   "Be careful, my TV is expensive." Yin Tian said with a twitching corner of his mouth.


   Zhuang Peng stood up, his movements were obviously much slower, he was very careful without taking a step.

   "How come I am so powerful, am I now a genetic warrior" Zhuang Peng asked incredulously.

   Yin Tian nodded, then grabbed Zhuang Peng and took him to the yard.

   If Zhuang Peng were to toss in the living room, he still didn't know what it would look like.

   At this moment, Zhuang Peng's physical strength has increased several times, and it will take a while before he can fully adapt.

   Moreover, he has not undergone the corresponding training, and his combat effectiveness is far from that of the b-level genetic warrior. At this moment, he has no strength to use, even if the c-level genetic battle can easily defeat him.

   "Zhuang Peng, you can get used to it right here. I will call Wang Zhengyi and he will arrange for you to go for adaptation training."

   After finishing speaking, Yin Tian left the villa in a flash.

   It's not that he is in a hurry, but that he has noticed that someone is watching him in secret.

   The killer the black widow said, here comes

   After leaving the villa, Yin Tian immediately cast a spell and rushed to the outskirts.

   His speed is not slow or slow, just so that the person who is secretly tracking can follow, and will he let the other party catch up.

   After running wildly for half an hour, Yin Tiancai stopped on an unmanned hill in the outskirts.

   Yin Tian stood upright on a boulder, waiting for the killer to appear.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

15 minutes.

   Yin Tian finally got impatient in waiting, he had no time to delay with someone in the dark.

   "Come out, do you still want to assassinate at this time?"

  The man in the dark is still not moving at Yin Tian sighed and continued, "One on the northern tree, your sniper rifle must be aimed at my head."

   "The one behind the western stone, you have become a beast, and you don't plan to come out yet."

   "And that ninja, I have to say, your hiding skills are very good, but unfortunately it's useless to me."

   The three killers were all locked in position by Yin Tian, ​​and their part was revealed.

   The man with a sniper rifle in the north is the 9th "spear god" on the killer list. It uses a special sniper rifle that can cause damage to a-level masters.

   The guy who turned into a giant ape behind the stone is known as the "King of Power" and ranks 7th in the killer list.

   As for the secret island country to endure it, it is easier to recognize. There is only one island countryman in the top ten killers, that is, Tennin Nakata Ichiro of the island country, nicknamed "Sakura Reaper", ranked sixth.

The three people in secret were not surprised when they saw Yin Tian's name breaking their own name. They knew that this time the target was an ancient Chinese warrior, and also the youngest ancient warrior with internal strength. Therefore, these three would be at the same time. Accepted this task.

   Of course, the rewards this time are also very generous. Even if the three are divided equally, it is a considerable number, and if one dies accidentally, the living can still get a little more.

   The three of them were divided into three corners and stood. The "Gun God" steadily held the sniper rifle at Yin Tian, ​​and Nakata Ichiro disappeared again, presumably secretly slowly approaching Yin Tian.

  The rock-like muscles, like a giant ape, the "King of Power" rushed directly to Yin Tian.

   His fighting style has always been straight and straight, and he used huge power to forcibly shred the target.

  End of this chapter

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