Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 583: UFO transformation plan

   The empty-shell flying saucer was still thrown under the snow in the Himalayas, but with the work of two maintenance robots, many things have been installed in the flying saucer.

   In addition, the movie theater that was originally in the UFO had been torn down long ago and I don’t know where it was thrown.

   Many electronic devices that Yin Tian had dismantled had also been installed.

   But the power system, weapon system, defense system, etc. are still lacking.

   These things are hard to find on the earth, but they are not a problem for Yin Tian who has a system.

   The exchange price of general mechanical equipment in the system is not high, especially the flying saucer y used, which can barely be regarded as the most advanced spacecraft in the elementary universe, and the price of the required parts is lower.

   If it were not for Yin Tian's reluctance to spend money, his current system points could be exchanged for a spaceship of the same level as this flying saucer.

   After some searching, Yin Tian spent millions of points and finally exchanged everything he needed.

   Norma group spacecraft powertrain: 250,000 points. Coming to the elementary universe from the Norma Imperial Academy of Sciences, today’s most advanced spacecraft-powered propeller supports the second-generation curvature flight system.

   Thrallman energy main gun: 300,000 points. It can destroy the energy shield of the Stanford-class spacecraft. In addition, the attached secondary weapon system includes 8 Ska-class secondary guns, 108 rapid-fire cannons, and 4 torpedo tubes.

   Pluto-6 energy shield: 550,000 points. From the Middle Universe Plucan Star Technology Research Institute, it can resist the attacks of all main guns of the same level and below.

   In addition, Yin Tian also exchanged 8 of the same maintenance robots. The price of this thing is terribly cheap, with 10,000 points each, which is really cheap.

   After getting all this done, Yin Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   Judging from the current maintenance progress, it will take up to 120 days for the flying saucer to be repaired. Then, you can go to a place outside the solar system for a lap.

   ordered the "Xiao Hui" to decompose a subsystem into the central controller of the flying saucer, and took over the command system of 10 maintenance robots. After taking charge of the flying saucer enclosure, Yin Tian returned home.

   It's not that Yin Tian wanted to come back, but Fang Yun called and said that the No. 3 boss above wanted to see him.

   When Yin Tian returned home, there was already a special car waiting for him.

   The number three boss met Yin Tian in his office.

   "I really didn't expect us to meet again, you were very nice. By the way, I would like to thank you for saving me last time." The number three face was solemn, completely different from the last time.

   It seemed that he already knew Yin Tian's true strength and regarded him as an existence of the same level.

   For a master like Yin Tian, ​​if he is good and his heart is toward the motherland, then it is a blessing for the country; and if he is bent on evil, then it is a disaster for the country and the nation!

   Seeing Yin Tian's youthful appearance on the 3rd, he unconsciously began to guide his heart. If such a super master can be brought to the national military department, then China's foreign deterrence will immediately rise to a higher level.

According to Master Wuxiang, in this world, in addition to the European pope and the president of the Dark Council, the prince of the vampire family who does not take action, and the unborn old immortal of the Chinese ancient martial arts school, there are already very It is difficult to find Yin Tian's opponent.

   This kind of statement has made No. 3 a little unbelievable until now. He checked Yin Tian's information. He was only a 26-year-old young man. He could not achieve this kind of cultivation level even if he started practicing in the womb.

   On the 3rd, he knew that Yin Tian must have his own secret. He originally wanted to see if Yin Tian could hand it over. If this kind of strength enhancement method could be promoted in batches, then China would not be able to dominate the world.

   But after thinking about it, the 3rd finally gave up this plan.

   Even if Yin Tian said it, this kind of defying method would definitely not be able to be promoted in batches, not to mention that if it caused Yin Tian’s plan, it would be counterproductive.

   talked to Yin Tianke, and the number three entered the subject.

   "Yin Tian, ​​how many of the things in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, have you taken away?" asked the third.

   Yin Tian nodded, did not refute, he did take it, and this was his reward for killing the three largest hunting groups.

   On the 3rd, seeing Yin Tian say this, he was a little dissatisfied: "These are all national cultural relics, which should not be held by individuals. I hope you will consider the overall situation and return the things to the country."

   Yin Tian is funny in his heart. If things are taken away by the people of the three big hunting groups, will they return it?

   When someone is greedy for the elixir, they might have thought that those cultural relics would be destroyed a lot?

   However, Yin Tian is too lazy to take care of these things. He is not in his position and does not seek political affairs. It is not impossible for him to hand over the things, but he has to get Pisces Yupei.

   "I can take it out, but I am very interested in the Pisces jade pendant from Dannian Lop Nor. Can you give it to me?" Yin Tian made his request straightforwardly.

   No. 3 frowned, the Pisces Yupei that had caused a turmoil in China, he naturally knew, because he personally quelled the turmoil.

   By instinct, No. 3 knew that the Pisces jade pendant was not easy, but it was a pity that after decades of research by the China Research Institute, there was still no gain, which disappointed him.

   Now Yin Tian asks for the underground, No. 3 instinctively thinks he might know some secret things about Pisces Jade Pei.

  After thinking for a while, No.3 said: "You can talk about Pisces jade pendant. I only ask you one thing. Among the nine things you got, is there an elixir of life?"

   Saying that, number three can't help but get up and stand, full of momentum.

   Yin Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, is he still here?

   knows that the elixir cannot be avoided, no matter how great a person is, he cannot keep his heart in front of the elixir.

   But it's a pity that the elixir of life has entered Fang Yun's stomach, and Yin Tian didn't even take them out.

   Moreover, Yin Tian is also afraid that after taking out the elixir of life and being studied by others, it will be linked with the meteorite, so even if there is one, he will not take it out.

Fortunately, the only person who knows the secret of the Tianxing meteorite is Venard, an outsider, and Venard is dead, Yin Tian is relieved a at the majestic look of No.3, Yin Tian I sighed in my heart, if I didn't take out the elixir of life, Pisces Jade Pei would be useless.

   After thinking about it, Yin Tian thought of a solution.

   Although the elixir of life is gone, the newly upgraded system mall has a lot of treasures from the universe of comprehension. It is not difficult to redeem an elixir that can extend the life span of one hundred and eighty years.

   No one has seen a real elixir, as long as the pill that Yin Tian took out has the effect of prolonging life, no one would doubt it.

   secretly exchanged a essence pill in the system store, Yin Tian put it in the original porcelain and took it out.

   "This is the elixir of life, but you don't have to think about the elixir that can really live forever. Who knows how effective is the pill that has been used for more than two thousand years, at least I dare not take it."

   Looking at the porcelain that Yin Tian handed over, Rao Yi could not help shaking with the calmness of No. 3.

   took the porcelain tremblingly, and No.3 opened the lid carefully.


No. 3 screamed, and saw a purple-red pill with a faint halo in the porcelain lying quietly inside. The pill did not emit a fragrance of fragrance, but No. 3 just breathed it immediately. It feels light and fluttering, as if a few years younger.

   At this time, No. 3 no longer doubts that this is the real elixir of life. Only two scents can make people feel a few years younger. It can't be imitated with the current level of human technology!

   (End of this chapter)

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