Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 635: Alien dark creatures (5)

Soon, a dozen plus F-16 fighter jets took off at the military airport in Western Cairo and flew quickly over the Pyramid of Khufu.

The    fighter jets have all been hung up with aim-7m "Sparrow" missiles on their wings, and it is clear that they are preparing to use powerful bombings against giant cockroaches.

   Yin Tian also saw more than a dozen F-16 fighter jets in the sky through the holographic map, but he didn't feel happy.

   The f-16 fighter, also known as the Fighting Falcon, is a single-seat single-engine jet multi-role air superiority fighter of the U.S. Air Force. It is also the U.S. third-generation or third-generation semi-fighter and one of the most successful fighters in the world.

   The f-16 fighter has greatly optimized its line-of-sight combat performance based on the experience of air combat in the Vietnam War. It is the first fighter in the U.S. capable of 9g overload maneuver, and it is also one of the first fighters in the U.S. to adopt wire-borne flight control and ergonomic cockpit.

   But as a Chinese, Yin Tian has no good impressions of this fighter.

  Because in the first two years, China’s sister country Pakistan Railway would rather choose the second-hand f-16 eliminated by the United States than the China J-10 in terms of arms purchase!

   This is a great shame for many Chinese people.

   The Pakistan Railway Air Force regards Mi and French fighters as high-end models, and regards the Huaxia fighters as low-end models that are matched with high-end models.

   Therefore, even though the technical performance of the J-10 is actually comparable to that of the F-16, Pakistani still uses inertial thinking to make an unobjective evaluation of the J-10.

  Yin Tian is unhappy with the f-16 fighters, but now he hopes they can drive away the cockroach monsters and give him a chance to leave the ground.

   As for letting the flying formation of Egypt to destroy the cockroach monsters, Yin Tian didn't even think about it.

   Don't be kidding, how can a powerful existence that has reached the mid-planetary level can be eliminated by a few simple missiles.

   The speed of the f-16 fighter was very fast, and it soon came over the giant cockroach.

   After looking up at the fighter plane in the air, he lost any interest. To him, these little mosquitoes are really insignificant.

The pilot of the    fighter jet had locked on the loud cockroach, and then decisively pressed the launch button. As for whether the missile would destroy the pyramid ruins here, no one was thinking about it.

   Even the safety of life is threatened, who is still in the mood to take care of other things.



   Two aim-7m "Sparrow" missiles dragged a long tail flame and quickly flew to the position of the giant cockroach.

   The giant cockroach was puzzled, looking at the two missiles flying towards him, he didn't understand what it was.

   These two little things can't hurt it at all?

   The giant aim-7m "Sparrow" missile quickly flew in front of the giant cockroach, and the distance was less than 50 meters.

   Although giant cockroaches are not afraid of missiles, they don't want to be hit by them either.

   So, the giant cockroach opened its mouth and spit out a black lightning that hit an aim-7m "Sparrow" missile that wanted to focus on itself. As for the other one that obviously couldn't hit itself, it ignored it at all.


   An aim-7m "Sparrow" missile was directly bombarded with black lightning from the giant cockroach, and there was no chance of it exploding.

   After seeing this scene by the fighter pilots and the top leaders of Egypt, they were shocked.

   This monster is so powerful that even missiles are not opponents!

   Fortunately, there is still an aim-7m "Sparrow" missile. Now I only hope that such a missile can be effective.


   With a loud noise, the aim-7m "Sparrow" missile exploded at a distance of 20 meters from the giant cockroach, and the giant cockroach was swallowed by the huge flames!



   "Is this monster dead?"


   Seeing the people in this scene jumped up excitedly, I didn't expect to hit the cockroach monster so easily.

   Unfortunately, the excitement on everyone's faces suddenly solidified before it lasted for two seconds.

"how is this possible……"

   The flames and waves dissipated, and the giant cockroach was still standing there intact, not to mention hurt, it hadn't even moved its position at this moment.

  In other words, the lethality of the extremely powerful aim-7m "Sparrow" missile can't even make a giant cockroach move.


   Although the giant cockroach was not harmed, it was provoked.

   These ants in the sky dared to attack it. This is absolutely unbearable!

   So, the giant cockroach didn't care about Yin Tian anymore. It flew directly to the sky, preparing to destroy the F-16 fighter in the air.

The pilot of the    fighter jet was shocked when he saw this scene, and immediately began to lock the giant cockroach in the air and start launching the aim-7m "Sparrow" missile.

   In an instant, dozens of missiles flew towards the giant cockroach with tail flames, and the scene was spectacular.

   But unfortunately, for the giant cockroach, the aim-7m "Sparrow" missile is still too slow.

   I saw the giant cockroach open its mouth, and continuously eject black lightning, directly hitting most of the oncoming aim-7m "Sparrow" missile.

   As for the remaining few aim-7m "Sparrow" missiles, the giant cockroach flapped its wings suddenly, and the huge body changed its direction flexibly. If it teleported, it generally avoided the lock of several missiles.

   The aim-7m "Sparrow" missile that passed by the giant cockroach began to turn its head under the control of the computer, but it has long been unable to catch up with the giant cockroach.

   The pilots of the f-16 fighter jet were shocked. This monster was so terrible that it could not even hit the most advanced aim-7m "Sparrow" missile.

  In desperation, the fighter pilot immediately turned on the rapid-fire cannon that came with the f-16, and began to quickly shoot at the giant cockroach.

   The dense barrage shot at the giant cockroach. This time the giant cockroach did not avoid it. The bullets fired from the machine gun were about to hit it.

   bang bang bang...


   The fighter pilots were overjoyed, but immediately their faces became hard to look at again.

   "Oh my God... the machine cannon can't penetrate the monster's defense..."

   I saw the fiery red machine gun bullet hit the giant cockroach, and immediately bounced off the black carapace of the giant cockroach, leaving no traces.


   The giant cockroach is already very close to the f-16 fighter, and it spit out a black lightning, ready to hit an f-16!

  The battle exploded violently in the air, as gorgeous as fireworks. In this case, the pilot of the fighter plane didn't even have the opportunity to parachute.

   Seeing the sacrifice of their companions, the other fighters immediately dispersed, and then saw the opportunity to attack the giant cockroach again!

  As soldiers, they are never timid!

   They want to avenge their companions!

  The remaining missiles of the fighter jet were all fired, and the rapid-fire cannon never stopped.

   But unfortunately, all of this is in vain.

   The giant cockroach is too powerful, and the F-16 fighter jet can't be any threat in front of it.

   Then, the side-to-side massacre began.

   Boom! boom! boom……

   One f-16 fighter plane after another exploded in the air. In just half a minute, all a dozen fighter planes were destroyed.

   Moreover, no fighter pilot can have time to escape.

  The senior officials of the Ethiopian government are all face down. The enemy's strength is beyond their expectations. The F-16 is already their most powerful fighter.

   If even the f-16 can't hurt this monster, then even sending out other f-4e, Mirage-2000emem, Mirage-5, MiG-21, and even gunship helicopters will not be of any effect.

   The president of Egypt looked at his frightened subordinates, with a sullen expression on his face.

   These **** are really unreliable, they have to rely on him in dangerous moments.

   "Notify the ground forces, prepare to launch missiles and artillery coverage!"

   "Yes, Mr. President!"

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