Trial Of Love


Elizabeth continued to watch the car where the man got in hopes to get another glance at him. But there we just too many men cover the car making it impossible to get a peek of him. 

"Damn it, they found him fast." Jackson cursed as he felt terribly worried for his friend. 

"Will he be alright?" Elizabeth asked, seeing how concerned the man was for his friend. 

"Well, he'll be fine. He is the old man only heir anyways. He won't do anything bad to him, the worse he'll do will probably lock him in his house." 

"He really has it bad then." 

"Ha- you don't know the rest of the story." 

Elizabeth somehow felt the man's pain. For, she too has lived such a life before, may it in her dream, or reality, she has always felt like a cage bird. 

Jackson taps the girl on the shoulder, prompting her not to worry about it, "Let's go?"

"Hmm, let's head inside."

As they walked inside the house, Jackie and James were in the foyer. Jackie was still questioning her brother what happened when the girl noticed her. 

"I guess, I already missed all the fun."

Her voice was like the sound of an angel singing. Jackie turned, all teary as she saw the girl walking in her house with her brother. As if time stops and it was only her and the girl, she ran to her and embraced her tightly. 

"Babes, you're finally here. I've missed you so much."

"Jackie, we only didn't see each other for a few hours." 

"Still, I miss you." 

"Excuse me, I'm still here you know." Jackson complained that his own sister has ignored him. But, he understood and he was not jealous at all. 

"Oh brother, thank you for picking Liz up." Jackie went over to embrace and greet his brother. 

"Big Brother James, how are you?" Elizabeth went closer to the man to greet him as well. 

"My word, Liz, you've grown so..." James was breath taken by the girl's beauty, if she wasn't her sister's best friend and the man's daughter, he would have dated her a long time ago. "

Elizabeth: "...?"

Jackie: "Hot."


James turned to his siblings and glared at them, "What nonsense are you spouting about." 

"Then, I'm not…" Elizabeth acted and played along as they tried to tease the man. 

"No, I mean, you are, but…" James gave up, for no matter what, he'll say, the two will continue to tease him and the girl will act innocent and play along. "Yeah, you're all the above." 

Elizabeth wraps her arms around the man, "It's indeed good to see you Big Brother James." 

"Ha-ha, I'm pleased to see you too." 

"Liz, is that you?" 

The four of them turned to where the voice came from, it was from the Goldsmith's siblings' mother. 

"Mrs. Goldsmith, it's good to see you as well." 

"Mrs?" The woman looked oddly at the girl for she no longer holds that title, "Why are you calling me that, have we not met before?" 

"I'm sorry, I mean Auntie, how are you?" Elizabeth changed her manners towards the woman since they were well acquainted and she is aware of her true identity. 

"Child, I'm doing well, and I'm…" The woman had teary eyes as she was aware of the girl's situation. She wiped her tears as she got a hold of herself. "I'm glad you're alright." 

Elizabeth smiled because she was aware of the reason for those tears. Those tears were shed for her. Jackie must have told them, which is why they have such a look on their face. "I'm fine, as you see, I'm doing very well." 

"Yes, you are, yes, you looked very well." Mrs. Goldsmith continued to acknowledge the fact she was indeed well and alive. What happened before, was now history and something they don't have to worry for anymore. 

"How about you, how are you?" Elizabeth didn't mentioned it, but what she was asking was not about her health or life, but her situation with Mr. Goldsmith. 

"I'm fine, that idiot was easily fooled by a snake. I mean, we both went to such elite school yet he was easily fooled by that. Goodness me, I sometimes don't understand what I see in him, and why did I even marry him?" Mrs. Goldsmith started rambling about her difficult life with her husband. 

"I'm sure you married Dad because you loved him Mom." Jackie stated as she started to tease her mother. 

"Yeah, I mean, weren't you head over heels over dad?" Jackson added, as he added some spice and excitement. 

"Agree, he was a very talented man. Anyone would wish to marry such a man." James with a serious expression on his face didn't let the opportunity split to join in. 

"Well, it seems you must indeed love Uncle then Auntie." Elizabeth smiled innocently, making her words sounded as if she was only assuming them, after what she heard from the woman's children. 

"Ha- you children of mine. If I didn't love him you all won't be here right now." The woman fight back as she was not easily fooled by his children. She was their mother and knows them very well. 

"Ha-ha, guess it didn't work." Jackie stated as she felt defeated by her mother. 

"Anyways, Jackie, where is Steven?" Elizabeth asked as she had not yet seen the man and there were guesses around. 

"Ah, he went to check on something." 

However, no one was being fooled by the girl acting. Mrs. Goldsmith sensed something was wrong and started interrogating her daughter. 

"What happened tell me? Did that b*tch do something again? They, they dare act arrogant in my own house…" 

"Mother, calm down, there are people around us." James calmed his mother for he was already aware of the situation. 

"Damn it, did something happen while I was away? Did she do something to you? What did Steven say?" 

"Jackie, what happened?" Elizabeth too asked, curious as to why she was acting strangely. 

But, before Jackie could answer them, the voice of someone they despise echoed behind them.

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