Tribe of All Nations

Chapter 703: Settle in Chaos Mountain (seeking subscription)


Bright Moon Flower Valley.

Su Yu, the group of people, began to head towards Chaos Mountain, and Mingyue Huagu, at this moment, one after another, the few and the strong.

Mozu  , Duanxue Hou rush  , post dig 

The tribes of immortals, demons, dragons, and underworlds are strong.

At this moment, everyone is deduced to sheng.

If you die, you will respect the road, and the road will kill who will kill you, so you are extremely afraid of one piece, and it is easy to kill the road, and the top-level road is even the best king. By.

When ,  world, king, quasi-king , calculating quasi-king  field.

On behalf of  reach the peak of Hedao, step towards the rule of .

At this moment, an illusory figure, a strong figure, explores a trough, traces the light, and looks for the residual mark. .

For a long time, the strong man in the illusory figure said lightly: "Just one person! The Fang first captures or kills the demon, the void, the formation of the void, the good at the trace, first of all, he must be good at the trace. One method, or a strong one who is good at formation method!"

Everyone, the judgement should be wrong.

The shadow of the illusory figure continued: "In addition, Fang Fang will support the shield of the machine, or block the silence of the silence, the demon will be killed, and the strong nearby will directly die before they can sense the one. Quiet, almost unaware!"

Everyone remembered their hearts again.

", Dingjun Hou may not necessarily be a group of Fang Fang."

Everyone showed the color of accident at a time. At this moment, Blood Hou was violent, and he said: "Hou Xunxi? What do you mean?"

Looking for interest in the Hou  , and Fei     was originally located in the area of ​​the army hou  , sensing ?  mouth: "I just noticed that the strength is too strong? This ? Actually, it is weak.  Breath    Feel ! Dingjun Hou  gun gas! Dingjun Hou Zeng  gun!"

"And the demon was not killed by the Dingjunhou. Outside, the canyon was captured or killed. The Dingjunhou must be shot again!"

"If that's the case? Set the army, the gun, the target? Another person!"

"Except for the devil, who will handle the Dingjunhou?"

At this remark, everyone was strange.

Dingjunhou fang is not a group ? But  was captured!

Conjecture?  of  method一.

? Dingjun Hou cooperated with mysterious people killing Ma箕.

Broken Blood Hou Chen said: "What does Dingjun Hou mean? Is it captured? Not  cooperate with Li?"


Searching for interest Hou Weiwei: "Fang is good at one space, and it is teleported away from space through space. This space is weak, and it should be torn once, and  calmed down."   space teleportation away from , this  space is weak.

"Weak   small?  Ming   Tong  strong  strength? Forcibly tearing."


Is it possible to find clues? The most ,  concluded: "The party should stop one person, according to  speculation?  fourfive people, have the ability to unite, its , The top tier of the road is in the code! The power of the avenue is good. Dingjun Hou died, and there is a high probability that he will be arrested..."

Duanxue Hou's face was gloomy: "The power of the avenue? Space, formation, silence, sealing  power?"


Xun Xi Hou  again: " code , the purpose is  like this."

Broken Blood Hou said gloomily: "It may not be the Terran! The Terran has been shattered since the ancient times, and the nine strongest ones will take the way of the flesh! Except for the old gang, you should go. Dao, Human race, even if it is promoted to Hedao, it is almost a physical way."

One ,  Ten Thousand WorldsOne piece.

The Terran has disappeared from the King of Literature, the civilization is broken, and the roads cannot be promoted. Even if there are very few, it is an accident that a tide, a strong road, and a strong road.

, human race may not four or five  to take the strong road .

, suddenly  is good at the road, the strong, and the Dingjunhou  was taken away...

One ,  Terran, was almost overthrown .

, not a human race.

A group of mysterious people,  Xu  strong clan.

In fact, they are very thoughtful.

 Terran Reinforcement, ...Which Terran is the strongest?

, a strong Protoss lightly said: " Terran one  hide  old mates to do ? What are the ancient powers, how many people are left?   old man,  has been , is it right now ?"

Duanxue Hou sneered, "What a coincidence! Early in the morning, late in the morning, and in the evening!"

The strong Protoss said indifferently: "On the other hand, the human race supports , if the human race is the old man, you can stand at this moment . "

", ancient times, which human race is strong, good at avenue?"

Broken Blood Hou Yin said coldly: "According to what you have learned, you are good at the power of the avenue, Terran, , ... You should die!"

 words, go to  and then .

The Protoss is the strong one, then again.

Broken Blood Hou Yin coldly smiled, "The world, there are really few remnants of the child! It may not be the remnant, it is difficult to feel, victory is hopeful, and ready to do it in the dark?"

 Doubt!

He Zhi Duan Xue Hou,  field , in fact,  method.

First overthrow the Terran Reinforcement Army   !

 code, high probability human race.

First, second, the people forcibly arrested the Dingjunhou, which may confuse the audience, if the search for interest, a weak wave, the big , the Dingjunhou Fang and a group .

For a moment, everyone method.

As for the Terran, who is it?

One-time  four or five top powerhouses, which group is  courage.

The death of the demon is in harmony, and the demon is high in nature.

Just confuse the audience, and kill you from the same way?

Mozu,  is good at all kinds of Taoism,  is the Xianzu, which is actually good at all kinds of Taoism.

At this moment, there is a strong immortal clan. In fact, the strong one sees the big one. Generally speaking, I guess everyone is thinking about it. At this moment, I calmly said: "Everyone,  吭吭 The Clan, the Clan has recently discussed the payment to the world’s human race! The meteorite Hou, the king of soldiers has fallen one after another, the world human race has the advantage, and the fairy family is looking for trouble!"

   Blood-breaking Hou, calmly said: " People are creating chaos, fish in troubled waters, and Blood-cutting Hou  calm down a little, !"

Duanxue Hou said coldly: "Don't worry,  is stupid! ...I hope  will be caught by any handle!"

 Heart  annoyed.

 Fairy?

Judgment, , stare at the immortal clan!

Quickly,  Xunxihou,  said: "Xunxihou, find  partner whereabouts?"


Looking for interest, Hou shook, "Fang Fang is cautious, almost staying, before leaving, cleaning the field, and an explosion destroys all the remaining!"

Broken Blood frowned, and Hou Xun quickly smiled and said: "When,    one way  ."

"How to do it?"

Duanxue Hou hurriedly chased after him, and his people rushed.

"The gang is mysterious,  ,   people may not be mysterious!"

Xunxi Hou smiled and said: "Check Ding Junhou! Mysterious person, who,  knows clearly, DingjunhouOld friend, familiar,  breath, power of the avenue, blood The power is clear. Too much, please keep track of it, and  represents an investigation."

Broken Blood Hou frowned: "Dingjun Hou   people    check!"

Looking for interest, he chuckled and said, "Too much check, and it will eventually return to the target! Another one, Fang Fang, captures the prince of the army a second time, and what about the objective? Killing the Demon Race?  First entering the Hedao, for a long time, kind, kill,  mean?"

"Terran, except for the Ding Junhou, a few of them are alive, hiding out of the major risks. There are even roads, which ones should be dangerous, just look for them, just look for them. ..."

Xun Xi Hou smiled and said: "Everyone, people, do you continue to use your hands? If you use your hands, you can directly use your hands,   communicates with the human race, confuses the audiovisual, captures the human race, ,  Kill a person of all races, let  keep his eyes on the human race?"

Duanxue Hou Weiwei , , sneered quickly: "If you say,  should be open ,  the field ...I am afraid that people will confess!

The color of the person is .


 words,  take it.

Partner  who,  which family , ?

The demon thief shouts to catch the thief, !

The immortal clan is a strong person, lazy, and faintly said: "The code is wrong, Dingjunhou’s old nest was copied, the Mingyue Flower Valley was destroyed, and the risk was restored! Humans’ nests in the realm, one less!"

Count it as comfort.

Less  one  Human Race  .

The blood-breaking Hou laughed, ,  feel ,  just feel .

Everyone rushed for a while, swiftly, and the Blood Hou said: "It’s nonsense, speed up locating its several Terran hous, find a place to encircle, spread the news, this Hou ,  the human race 'reinforcement'  rescue!"

With a sneer, he said in a meaningful way: "It’s not only the support of the human race, the siege to kill the strong human race, and the assistance,  suitable! The strength of the party is strong, four or five top strong,  less  means one ,  right?"

"According to the current location, I am hiding in the sacred volcano, Huoyunhou, and the specific location is quickly locked!"

Duanxue Houyou sneered: "Probably, soon, if the specific location is determined recently, the exit road will be blocked, the various races will join forces, and then we will encircle one more time! If the Terran forces are assisted, . If  People secretly tricked the ghost, and decided to make sure,  inferred !"

The strong of all races, the Xian clan, the Xian clan, Hou Lazy, the Xian clan’s gaze, the Xian clan’s gaze, the Xian clan’s role is to be, and the specifics are clear, ,  Xu  is a top-level depositor.

Quickly said: "Reported to the fairy clan to discuss, the fairy clan should participate in the encirclement and suppression!"

"The most !"

Everyone went back and looked up for clues. At this moment, one after another disappeared, leaving this place.         clues.

Waiting for the people to leave, there is Duanxuehou left, and Duanxuehou's face is gloomy: "Ten, eighty-nine, immortal clan leaders! Four or five top-level co-daos, huh!"

In addition to the immortal clan, who is secretly transferred? The strong?

"Where is the Protoss?"

Ba Dig said in a low voice: " Protoss? Protoss  low-key , too hand..."


There was a moment of silence in the Blood-breaking Hou, : "! In short,  times , bigger  will do , if the Terran has the strength to counterattack a few thousand long ago I started to fight back, why wait !"

"Four or five top tiers,     risked out of thin air!"

The Blood-breaking Hou sneered: "Sleeping, old antiques, jokes, true, not only always, but always, , a hundred  unsealed,  ?"

 inferred, the nose, and even the crumbs said: "In the words of ,  such as  world, a laugh!"

The postscript laughed and said, "The realm...the realm of the human race has fallen, and several strong people, according to the , more  human race, allies, iron-eating races,   Help the human race..."


Duxue Hou interrupted: "The branch grows out of the knot, the iron-eating races are , the ears are heard,  is urgent, first, the rest of the human race should be cleaned out,  free  The Remnants of the Human Race stand  one ."


In the postscript, the **** flashes one,  quickly said: "Blood-sir,  second-sir,  a few beautiful words.  the big idea, and  bastard,  deliberately cheating Family..."

Release the responsibility yourself!

He died and respected the same way, and one person was destroyed, and the guilt was small, and he quickly said: "My lord, if you are punishable by discussion, you will lose your demon. The four people who are in harmony... I am afraid that the people of the curtain hope that the result will be!"

If he died, was seriously injured, and was punished or imprisoned again, it was indeed true that the four men joined forces.

Broken Blood Hou slightly condensed his eyebrows, snorted quickly, and cursed: "Just idiot, waste! Being punished,  should be !"

After cursing for a while,  quickly said: "Don't worry, even if you are punished, name,  how is it! , discuss  self-defeating power!"

   words, post it, don’t worry .

At the end of the blood, one of the people who talked about it, said that, there was a high probability that he would escape punishment.     words.

Discussion,  imitating the ancient establishment .

All ethnic groups have their own discussions.

Mozu Council, set up a level of councillors and councillors, general consortium councillors, and councillors, divided according to Su Yu,  king level.

At the end of the blood, he has the strength of the level, so the demons have low right to speak.

When the blood is broken, I will scold again, and I will fly for a while, and say: "This time, after all, I made a mistake, and I will try to let the controversy and meritorious service be fired. Yunhou, , give your credit,  time  give up!"

Posting a comment, I was worried, and said: "If you are a Fang Fang..."

"arrange from !"



One day, there was a discussion on every street in the world.

The Mingyue Flower Valley was destroyed, the Demon Clan died, and the Dingjun Hou disappeared. It is suspected that there are four or five top-level Hedao.

Message, make the strong be wary.

 world, is it beginning to be chaotic?

It’s near the gate of the realm. Isn’t it possible that people are making troubles ?


With this .

There is a small clan powerhouse dojo, with few people, a big city stands, and a small clan gangway is located in the same city. At this moment, it is lively.

There is a wide stone avenue, a strong man wearing a black hat, his ears trembling slightly.

Dingjunhou disappeared, and the demons died together.


The strong wearing a cloak, with a slight eyebrow, walks on the street, but there is no one. See you.

"Dingjunhou is missing... was rescued, what a trap?"

This person,  Shadow Hou.

 go alone, , several strong people of the human race,  contact one by one,  provide information.

At this moment, my heart is worried.

 Road,  trap .

Rescue, who will rescue the soldiers?

The big man takes care of his own free time, and he can save his strength.

Is it , the big family  trap?

With one worry, continue walking, and disappear quickly, the street, Minshan died, and the whereabouts of several hous of the human race,  exposed,  Dingjunhou, see , follow  And who?

I would like to investigate it secretly, even if I was trapped, I stepped on it, and once the Dingjun was instigated, or surrendered, I would surrender.


"Big Mountain!"

At a moment, Su Yu, care about others, and lead people toward the Chaos Mountains, flying for a long time, a huge and incomparable mountain range, far away from each other, just like the outline.

, Su Yu cooked, for a moment, unexpectedly said: "Mountain...  period  mountain, is it bad?"

Zenga mountain.

Old tortoise  Avenue !

On a mountain, Old TortoiseWife Road, aggressive road, according to  Taikoo Period, one mountain,  road and .

Is it the Chaos Mountain?

, which is similar to shan?

In short, far away, Su Yu vaguely feels the oppression of Dashan Chuan, and the wild atmosphere.

Here, the road is muddy.

Even radiation .

If  , the power of the rules of the ten thousand world  grid,  tail , neat and tidy .

The power of the rules of the boundary is spouting water,  scattered,  source is roughly one square square.

The power of rules near Chaos Mountain is  interesting,  is  a hodgepodge, mixed  one , the power of various rules , and  turbid,  incomparably messy.

Su Yu's door opened, and one by one, the chaos and the power of the rules, let the square, seem to reiterate the beginning of the .

"The more inward, the more muddy!"

"It might be turbid, and it's just like this, before, at the beginning, it's like this on the road!"

"Thousands of ways converge, or just the so-called "Road", "Road", "Road", "Road".

Su Yu  ,  once   world, the biggest gain is actually   who kills, who saves, who conquer.

And let's see things more! Have seen things!

For example, the scene of early .

 industry, a lifetime , because the  industry is too much, it has long been shunned.

The realm of the dead spirits is one, Xu Dang is chaotic, and it changes to  .

Only in the realm, is it .

As he approached the Chaos Mountain, the King of the Great Zhou was actually too adaptable. The King of the Great Zhou said: "The power of the main road is chaotic, the main road is in confusion, the main road is interfered, and the square is cultivated. "


Su Yu shakes: "Fang, find the source, one square!"


The king of the Great Zhou silently typed the word  with , and for a moment, if he thought about it: “ Xu, if you who are ,  one  stripping the rules you need to practice yourself Power, the power of the avenue should be more comprehensible."

Su Yu : " Wrong! When ,  is clear,  understands, it is really difficult to practice! , if  is a thousand threads of , find the avenue of oneself Source, Enlightenment  is big!"

Su Yu said with emotion: "Fang, ,  is suitable for a person with excellent comprehension, an ordinary cultivator,  cultivating ,  be careful,  is shocked and exploded."

Lan said with a smile: "The common people, the common people love, there is no way to repair!"

Su Yu smiled and said: "Although the Cangsheng Dao is strong,  Cangsheng Dao,  Shun  Road,  square, chaotic , oneshun, , Don't be too small!"

 is bigger than ,  road .

Blue  road is wrong,  all the way, the difficulty is .

Lan said with a smile: "It's a chance, a square, a chance!"

"It's wrong!"

During the conversation, a group of people arrived at the mountain range, and when they approached, a wild air rushed toward their faces!

a mountain, and  a whole huge mountain range, spreading .

At this moment, Dingjun Hou took a deep breath and quickly said: "The chaotic mountains are spreading all the way down, deep down, and outside the surrounding area, a small hill, a small hill, and a place to stay temporarily!  One  powerful  ancient beast,  ancient beast,  hostility..."

Su Yu smiled and said: "Hostile! The power of the avenue affects..."

Dingjunhou, Su Yu, is there another way?

Nothing One!

 Only  Fang?

Seeing his people, Su Yu smiled and said: "When the roads are mixed, there is a cesspool, and when the power of the road is single, there is only a drop of water! When a drop of water enters the sewage Pit, or ink pit, week  ink,  pollution, hua!"

Su Yu.

,  is full of the power of wildness, the power of chaos, erodes.


The humanity of the King of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in fact, has been refined, since he was willing to be attacked, he would fight back and resist himself.

Su Yu smiled and said: "Temporarily wait for a while, for a long time,  revolt is fierce,  there is an ancient beast all around, it must be detected abnormally, it must be observed one ,  , come from the trouble!"

The King of the Great Zhou    time down, understand, and the King of the Great Zhou lightly said: " means ,  resist?"

"One way of resisting, resisting, will easily erode the avenue, resulting in the power of the avenue being purer. Anyone can take a chaotic path. Once the avenue is pure, it will be improved. Myself,  hope ."

The power of chaos, as far as Su Yu is concerned, is actually too much of a relationship. It is too much to take the path of ten thousand roads. The road of ten thousand roads is heavy, and the road is corroded. When the pen is the most important corrosion.

 and   everyone  walks the same way,  just troublesome.

The power of chaos is just poison!

At the door , ,  true  body  vividly and vividly.

It’s hard to detect things, but it’s hard to detect things. If you stay there for too long, otherwise it will be dangerous and troublesome.

Su Yu took a deep breath, and the door was completely opened!

As soon as I entered the mountains, I felt the existence of countless crises.

The door quickly moved towards the Quartet .

 square,  hill, each mountain ,  is far apart, the actual distance is tens of thousands of miles,  the area of ​​Chaos Mountain, it feels  too obvious, it feels just one  nearby.

Su Yu turned towards the periphery of a small hill, and suddenly changed color.

See,  Void,  a mountain, the top of the mountain is empty, there is a ferocious ancient beast,    deity, and the shadow of the avenue,  turbid, mixed power,  is extremely fierce!

 Perceives, people, observe,, steep,  behemoths on the avenue, suddenly bite towards Su Yufang, obviously separated countless distances, but Su Yu seems to be bitten by the Fang, quickly Divert your eyes and avoid the giant beasts.

 just avoiding the position, and another phantom of the avenue,  a crocodile-like behemoth, Su Yugang , a tail swept away!

In fact, there is a virtual shadow on the avenue.

It is not , the imaginary shadow of the main road, people are really Su Yusurvival.

Nevertheless, Su Yu felt a strong threat.

Su Yu took a deep breath and continued.

There are countless surrounding mountains, , shan the shadow of the giant beast.

Representative, Mountain, Ancient Beast Storage.

Sweeping hundreds of mountains in a row, Su Yu's spirits lighted up slightly, a steep mountain, a mountain, a shadow of an ancient animal, and a barrier, Block the power of a muddy invasion.

Su Yu was slightly divine, and quickly said: "Dingjunhou, Dangdong Anbeihou,  Chaos Mountain survives bai?"


"Does the road stop here?"


Dingjun Hou Yao: "True road, the ten thousand people may not be looking for it, because they dare to go deep, this mountain is too big, where is Anbeihou hiding?"

"Is An Beihou good at formation?"

"... Listen."

Ding Junhou hesitated: "You are good at it, Anbeihou is better at the physical body."

Su Yu frowned: "I'm good at the physical body. How can I survive?"

self,  array method shields the power of chaos shan, can it be Anbeihouaccording to ?

Su Yuxin said quickly: "Follow me, converge with the power of the avenue, withdraw the power of the avenue, first bear some pressure, and the problem is big!"

On the long river of dead spirits dead spirits,  to prevent being Su Yu, withdraw  one's own power.

Using the power of the avenue, there is a kind of sun-moon environment in which it encounters a crisis, and it takes a while to connect to the avenue.

It is often the case,  Chaos Mountain is extremely dangerous, who is doing it?

On the contrary, he is extremely vigilant and violently explodes his own power. The more you do this, the easier it is to be slapped and pinned.

Anbeihou, a large ethnic group, is looking for death.

Fang, a few well-established buildings,  quiet and extremely large,  only blamed by , the ancient beast  killed  who killed?

The others are dangerous, dangerous, and dangerous. Su Yu, Su Yu, do as he does.  Su Yu      .

Ding Junhou was taken aback again.

……Chao Su Yu!

A group of gangs converge on their own power of the avenue, including eternal ,  one ,  burst,  needs  one  room.

And Su Yu,   easily killed  !

Including the King of Zhou  !

Even if Su Yu slays  and suddenly attacks an ancient beast, the person will be killed instantly. 

Su Yu, at the end, fascinating, let’s do it like this?

Su Yu’s words, his people’s words.


Just relying on Su Yubai’s 100 wins, with , flattening the world,  loss,  is enough to make the building trust .

Believe in Su Yu, only then can you win.

Yi, the king of the great Zhou  firmly believes.

Su Yu, reverse  dry ,  tomb began to grow grass.

And Su Yu, who was too in charge, sensed, twisted, and shouted in a low voice: "Ding Junhou, converge!"

Ding Junhou looked innocent: "...The avenue is sealed, so the method can be used."


Su Yu  quickly withdrew the sacred seal of the Dadao.

In a moment, Dingjunhou's strength recovered.

A face of speechless, , Really forget  False forget?


At this moment, when I see his people, I am myself, the way I am, I am quick to converge my avenue, I am too accustomed to it, I am habitually, stay vigilant, after all, I am too vigilant.

Seeing that Su Yu had converged, then he would quickly lead the people, and flew towards the .

At this moment, I use the power of the pen to simply fly towards the body by my physical body, acting as the power of chaos to prevent the ancient beasts from being attacked suddenly.

, it is difficult to surprise yourself.

 distance is close, actually, Su Yufei  one ,  quick  one small ,  only arrived at his own .

At this moment, a four-kilometer-high hill is presenting everyone.

Chaos mountain range, truecalculatesmall mountain.


Strange rocks, mountains, rocks, weeds, weeds, simple formulas, and the power of rules, so the average person can use it as a treasure medicine.

 the formation method  save, Su Yu  again,  times,  is clearer ,  square,  is indeed the power of a barrier.

Not necessarily the formation method, the treasure?

On the contrary, the power of chaos is the weakest mountain.

Su Yu , led the people quickly circling around the mountain.


From the big road, look for it, find it, Su Yu, between the peaks of the mountain,    a small hole,    dew,    dew , quickly observe and shine, quickly Quickly, bring a group of people into the hole.

The King of the Zhou Dynasty reminded him that it is too dangerous, so check it out clearly.

 Wait for the reminder, everyone was taken aback.

The small hole at the entrance, but don’t do it!

The huge empty cave appears as a crowd, vaguely, there is a trace of living beings, because it is the first one, just the top of the cave, hangs a huge pearl on the top of the cave!

Put  dark  cave, illuminate  bright.

fang...... people live !

Dingjunhou   startled, "...Could it be that Houdang Anbei lived in ?"

Quickly looking around,  quick,  stupefied: " really  live !"

 refers to the karst cave’s square, where a stone is placed inside to create a bookshelf, and the godly way: "Anbeihou一out of print ancient books, when wang Reading, culture, sooner or later will be eliminated... Anbeihou asked Mr. Wenwang to borrow a book, pretend to be a storefront, and carry it all the time. I used to show it off several times..."

"Where to live,  take  book ,  quick  habit ………… should  live !

With a shock, Su Yu has just been , so he is looking for Anbeihou’s residence!

 Road, AnbeihouChaos Mountain Survival Bai, all races are strange, human races are strange, in fact, several times, I searched for , but died and injured  few people,  gave up .

Su Yu fell down, just as soon as it was! !

……The situation?

Su Yulazy, Anbeihou, live in a hundred, rely on the power of the barrier on the periphery of the mountain.

To   unit strength  He Er , head  Su Yu exploration.

 The treasure is the formation method, it is  simple.

"Let’s survive for now!"

"Fang,  is stationed in , , it is too much to show the power of the road."

Su Yu told me a few words, at this moment, ,  strange, hate horse look for ,  treasure,  will be powerful, shield the power of chaosinterference influence, baby,  is too bad.

Su Yu quickly arranged  to explore the surrounding neighbours !

Be careful not to make a big mistake, even if it’s safer to look inside, be careful of your neighbors!

A group of people began to clear the cave quickly, and lived for a long time, and they were dirty.

King Daming   leisure ,  fast  cave entrance  , arranged to cover the big array .

A group of people, the world finally found a place to settle down.

Chaos Mountain, and ancient beasts.

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