Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 14 You’Re So Arrogant, Investigate The Murder Scene Immediately

Chapter 14: So arrogant, investigate the murder scene immediately

The director was stunned for a moment in embarrassment, and then immediately followed Wang Donglai with a smile and said.

"King Bureau!"

"If I had known you were coming, we would have been prepared."

"I'm just waiting for your instructions!"

Wang Donglai nodded slightly, his eyebrows raised as his eyelids bulged, and he asked with a serious look.

"What happened to that scammer?"

"Has it been interrogated?"

"Why did you successfully defraud the underground boss?"

The director of the police station followed Wang Donglai, the director of the municipal police station. He did not dare to neglect at all, followed Wang Donglai's fast pace, and then responded.

"I've already asked. He's just a young boy. He just learned some tricks to scam people. He didn't even get two thousand yuan out of him."

"I bought a phone list online, and then tried it one after another, and ended up trying it on the head of this underground boss!"

Wang Donglai suddenly stopped, looked at the police station director with some confusion, and then asked.

"A phone list purchased online?"

"Can I still buy the underground boss's?"

The director of the police station was speechless for a moment, but he did not think of this problem.

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Wang Donglai continued to walk towards the conference room.

Two minutes later, the door to the conference room was pushed open.

Wang Donglai sat directly at the head of the conference table without being polite. After waiting for a few seconds, he said seriously and confidently.

"Everyone, sit down. Those who don't have seats will stand next to you for the time being."

"The situation is urgent and I won't wait for you."

"First tell me what's going on with this fraudster?"

The police officer who had been communicating with Wang Qiang at this time nodded, and then looked at the transcript he had just made with a serious face and said.

"Hello Wang Ju."

"Seven days ago, Wang Qiang purchased a list of phone calls in this city on the Internet and defrauded the phone numbers on the list one by one. So far, the total amount of fraud has been 1,785 yuan!"

"At 8:30 this morning, Wang Qiang made the last call on the list, which was the underground boss he contacted for the first time."

"According to Wang Qiang's description."

"Wang Qiang used professional deception techniques to defraud the underground boss into selling arms on the pretext of arms trafficking."

"I bumped into it by accident and exposed the latest arms deal of the underground boss!"

"The underground boss became angry and threatened to send a killer to assassinate Wang Qiang."

"Then Wang Qiang came to the police station to report the crime."

"At 9:43 this morning, Wang Qiang received a threatening call from the assassin of the underground boss at our police station."

"The content of the phone call has been recorded and recorded."

After speaking, the police officer took out the recording of the conversation between Wang Qiang and Han Tang, and then clicked to play it.

At this time, everyone in the conference room looked at the cell phone in front of the police officer with solemn expressions, and then listened to the recording on the phone.

Five minutes later, an angry roar came from the conference room.

[I killed the person! 】

[I took the money! 】

【Come and catch me! 】

After hearing the end, the city police chief Wang Donglai, who was sitting down and taking notes, threw away the pen in his hand with great anger.

There was silence in the conference room, except for the sound of the pen rolling.


Wang Donglai glanced around in discomfort, then locked his eyes on the phone and yelled angrily.

"Too special girl is so arrogant!"

"Killing people in front of our police officers is simply outrageous!"

"They even threatened and intimidated us in front of us. It's simply lawless!"

At this time, there was only Wang Donglai's roar in the conference room, and no one dared to speak.

After Wang Donglai calmed down, his majestic gaze swept over everyone, and then his thick and powerful fingers began to poke at the table, making dull sounds one after another.




"This killer is so rampant and ignores our Donghai City Police Department!"

"As a member of the Donghai City Police Department, we must bring such rampant terrorists to justice!"

"Now let me distribute the tasks!"

"Donghai City Baiqiao District Police Station, the troops are divided into three groups!"

"One! Deploy police forces from nearby police stations to focus on protecting Wang Qiang's family, and set up defenses near the Wang family. Once any suspicious persons appear, arrest them immediately!"

"Two! Focus on investigating the community and community surveillance where the fraudster Wang Qiang lives, especially the neighbors of Wang Qiang's family at the murder scene, to see if there are any clues about the murderer left in their homes!"

"Third, immediately investigate the phone owner's information and find out all the identity information of this person. The city bureau will cooperate with your investigation on this point!"

"Four, continue to interrogate Wang Qiang, ask him where he bought the phone list, find the store, and then ask where the underground boss's phone number came from?"

"Five, investigate the transaction partner Liu Laizi for me. Check his whereabouts and see if there are any trading trends."

"Start taking action now and get back to me within twenty-four hours!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the police officers in the conference room returned in unison.

"Yes, sir!"

After the meeting in the conference room adjourned, the director of Baiqiao District Police Station San San came to Wang Donglai, looking embarrassed.

Seeing the director's appearance, Wang Donglai frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Is something wrong?"

The director nodded, then glanced at the people who had mostly dispersed and continued.

"Bureau Wang, these people from our police station may not have enough experience to investigate the murder scene."

"Do you think the city bureau can send in more manpower?"

"Otherwise, we can't afford to waste any information at the murder scene!"

Wang Donglai thought about it at this time. So far, except for the fraudster Wang Qiang, it seems that no one has ever received a report.

There were people coming and going in the community. If the murderer had not disposed of the body, he would have been discovered almost five minutes after committing the crime.

If it were handled simply, it would have been a long time now, and someone should have discovered it and called the police.

But no one has called the police yet, which seems a little weird.

Since the other party is a professional killer, I'm afraid a unit like the police station really can't see anything fishy.

So he nodded.

"Well, you have a point."

"I will dispatch people from the forensic medicine, identification section and police force from the city bureau to support you."

"You have to remember!"

"The most important thing is the murder scene, not a single clue can be missed!"


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