Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 17 This Is A Perverted Killer Who Is Proficient In Removing Traces Of Crime At The Scene

Chapter 17 This is a perverted killer who is proficient in removing traces of crime at the scene


Searching murder scenes is not unfamiliar to Baiqiao Police Station, but it is also not common.

After all, the things that this kind of community police station has to deal with every day are relatively ordinary and trivial matters.

For matters like handling murder scenes, it is mainly the city police who take over.

At this time, according to the instructions of the leaders of the city bureau, the identification department, forensic department and physical investigation department all took out their own tools.

Just like what Director Li, the director of Baiqiao District Police Station, said just now.

As long as the prisoner commits a crime here, then according to the Lockard exchange principle, the clues he left behind will definitely be found here.

It's just the difference between easy to find and hard to find.

During the next period of searching for evidence, Director Li, although not as professional as the forensic scientists, kept walking back and forth in the room.

Try your best to find some new discoveries without destroying the scene.

During this period, Director Li really discovered something.

That was the owner of this room, exactly what they heard on the phone. He was an old man, and he seemed to really live alone.

Judging from the phone recording between Wang Qiang and Han Tang, when the man was shot by the murderer, there were no other screams except the sound of gunshots and the moans of the old man.

This is also the basis for them to determine that the owner of this house is an old man living alone.

In addition, they are currently looking for evidence at the murder scene, and they can see that there is also a portrait of a woman who looks to be in her sixties placed at home.

She must be the wife of an old man who lives alone.

All indications are that there will be no problem with the content on the phone.

This is the scene...

It was about ten minutes later.

At this time, the people from the City Bureau’s Situation Investigation Section couldn’t help but ask.

"Isn't this too strange?"

"There is nothing suspicious in this room. Most of them are items used by the owner of the room. It can be said that there are no pointing clues at all!"

"It's not that I doubt you, Director Li. Could the fraudster have made a mistake?"

"Murder scene..."

"Is this it?"

"Could it be that we found the wrong floor?"

"I searched for a long time and couldn't find a single bullet hole or bullet mark."

"And even if he dismembered the body, he wouldn't be able to clean it so cleanly in such a short time, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the appraisal department next to him couldn't help but asked with the same doubts.


"Separating the body is causing trouble for yourself. The murderer may take the deceased away quietly."

The people from the Physical Detection Department couldn't help but wonder, "Take away?"

The person from the identification department nodded and continued.

"If there had been a shooting here, there would have been blood stains."

"But there is no trace of blood here at all. Even after using a drug like luminol, no trace of blood was found."

"It's so weird, honestly, it doesn't look like a murder scene at all!"

"Unless the murderer also understands the principle of luminol detection of blood."

"But the problem is that so far, the only solution that can interfere with luminol detection of blood..."

"Only copper sulfate!"

"But when this substance is sprayed on the ground, it will still show color, but now there is no reaction at all."

"Then there's only one explanation."

"The blood of the deceased did not stay here. The murderer had prepared a container for the body before the deceased was bleeding extensively."

"Just like the corpse dumping case on the riverside two years ago, the body was put in the suitcase."

"But what I'm curious about is, how did he prevent the blood of the deceased from flowing out?"

The forensic doctor who followed closely continued.

"It's indeed a bit strange!"

"Although no tests have been conducted yet."

"But so far, not a single hair has been found."

"If this is really a murder scene, we can only say that the murderer may be a man with no hair and no eyebrows!"

Director Li touched his chin, thinking that Han Tang was so arrogant and lawless on the phone, he couldn't help but nodded and said secretly.

"Since this murderer has been a professional killer for so long."

"It should be very clear how we investigate the murder scene."

"It's very possible that before he left, he had already handled this place without any flaws."

"If this professional killer is what I suspect, his special hobby is cleaning up murder scenes."

"Then it's no surprise that we can't find any trace of crime!"

After Director Li finished speaking, he frowned and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, thinking in shock.

If that's what he suspected.

Then this professional killer is too scary, right?

Not just to kill you!

After killing you, the scene must be cleaned up so that no one can get a clue.

It's like you are still alive, but no one can find you and you have disappeared from the world.

Such a method of committing a crime is absolutely incredible!

It's no wonder that such a killer has not been caught for so long. He commits crimes with such superb techniques. If he commits a crime almost once, it will become an unsolved case.

How do you catch such a person?

At this time, the people from the City Bureau's Situation Investigation Section still looked at Director Li in disbelief.

"Director Li, but no traces were left at all. Isn't it too exaggerated? Doesn't this directly overturn the Lockard exchange principle?"

"I still don't believe there is such a powerful person!"

The people in the forensic department looked at Director Li with a bit of disbelief in their eyes.

"It's really too hard to believe."

"But if you are someone who is really proficient in erasing traces of crime, it is not impossible to do it!"

"It's just that such a person can almost be called a genius among geniuses!"

"Someone has committed a perfect crime before and managed to leave no trace at the scene."

"But it was careful preparation."

"But this time it was a purposeless killing, which is different in nature."

"You can still commit a perfect crime even if you kill without any purpose."

"I don't think there should be such a talent in reality!"


Everyone looked at the people in the forensic department.

"He is a perverted killer who likes to kill people at will, but is also proficient in clearing traces of crime at the scene!"

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