Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 19 The Murderer’S Information Was Found, His Name Is Han Tang!

Chapter 19 found out the murderer’s information, his name is Han Tang!


Thinking that he heard wrongly, Wang Donglai raised his head, glanced at Director Li seriously, blinked and asked again.

"What do you mean no clues were found?"

Director Li's face turned red and he was very embarrassed.

The murder scene was indeed visited, but no clues about the murderer were found.

If he said that the murderer had never appeared, he felt that some people would believe him.

But they knew very clearly that the murder scene must be Wang Qiang's neighbor's house.

They heard it clearly on the phone and there was no way it was false.

Director Li thought about how to word it, but found that no matter how he said it, he couldn't find a suitable excuse.

So he nodded and said directly.

"Wang Bureau, we really didn't find any clues about the murderer at the scene."

"But we found a photo of the room owner. Through the room owner, I think we should be able to know who the room owner is. Maybe we can get some information we want from this aspect."

As soon as he finished speaking, a crisp voice was heard.


Wang Donglai threw the pen in his hand onto the table and looked at Director Liu with a sullen look on his face and asked.

"The murderer was killing without purpose. Even if we know the information about the deceased, can it help us find the murderer?"


"I asked you to go to the murder scene to look for clues. Did you just go there for fun?"

"How could I not find anything!"

"I can't believe there isn't a hair on the scene! There's no trace of the murderer."

At this time, the experts from the Municipal Bureau looked at Director Wang and knew that Director Wang was angry.

But if you don't stand up and explain at this time, I'm afraid you will be the next one to get stabbed.

The people from the City Bureau's Situation Investigation Section looked at Wang Donglai and said cautiously.

"Wang Ju, I know you may not believe this."

"To be honest, we didn't believe it when we arrived at the scene."

"It would be a bit abnormal to say that the house was the murder scene!"

"We went in and searched three times, but we didn't see any bodies, no blood, and no bullet marks!"

"I did find some hair, but the hair was overall whiter, not like the hair of a young man, unless he has leukemia!"

After finishing speaking, the person from the forensic department continued.

"I have already taken these hairs for identification when we came back, and the identification results will not come out for another six hours."

"But from what I can tell, these hairs really don't look like those of young people."

"Other than this, we found almost no clues about the murderer at the scene."

"Wang Bureau, if it is determined that that is the murder scene, it can only mean that this killer is very familiar with the method of collecting clues at the scene, and has cleaned up all the traces we can find."

"He is a very top professional killer, and his crime methods are very superb!"

At this time, Wang Donglai glanced at his notebook, and the words "Clues to the 429 Homicide Call" had just been written on the notebook in front of him.

When he thought that there were no clues now, Wang Donglai angrily put his notebook on the table, frowned and couldn't help but think secretly.

Is there really someone who can clean up the scene so perfectly?

Anyone who has ever been a police officer knows that there cannot be no clues left at the murder scene.

Could it be that this theory they have believed in all their lives will be overturned today?

This is impossible!

Wang Donglai took a deep breath at this time, and then said in a deep voice.


"There must be clues we want at the scene. Maybe you didn't find them."

"But this also shows that the murderer is not an ordinary murderer, but a professional killer with rich killing experience."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to find no clues at all."

After speaking, Wang Donglai leaned back on the chair, folded his arms, and began to think about what to do next.

But at this time, Wang Donglai also had a deep doubt.

How authentic is this phone call?

If a movie clip is shown on the opposite side, they will still have a picture in their mind.

But they had clearly heard this phone recording, and the conversation in it was live, not pre-recorded audio.

This alone is enough to prove the authenticity of the phone recording.

If the other party is a person who is proficient in imitating sounds, it is still questionable if he imitates one or two sounds.

But all the sounds inside are imitated very vividly.

This is one hundred percent impossible!

There is no such powerful person in the world!

When I was thinking about what to do next, suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.


"found it!"

"The identity of the phone owner has been found!"

Hearing the news, Wang Donglai and all the people in the meeting couldn't help but straighten up and looked expectantly at the police officers coming in at the door.


"Hurry up and turn on the projection, I want to see who this is!"

Although he was looking forward to this news, Wang Donglai himself also knew that most of the phone calls from such killers and the phone calls from the gangsters were not genuine.

In the underground market, this kind of phone card costs about ten yuan a piece.

The phone card information belongs to others. Even if you want to check it, it will be difficult to trace it to them.

Soon, Han Tang's information appeared on the projection screen, and the police officer who came in to play Han Tang's information stood in front of the projection screen and began to introduce it.

"Telephone 137*******"

“The owner’s name is Han Tang!”

"Graduate from Donghai University of Science and Technology."

"Age 25."

"No job."

"I am currently preparing for the psychiatrist qualification exam in three days."

"This is his application information we found online."

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