Damn it, I didn’t make a penny, I lost it all. Do you think I am unjust or not?"

Guest said: "So you killed him?"

Zhao Shijie immediately said: "Of course I want to kill that grandson! Mad, if this grandson plays for a while, the entire jewelry store will probably have to... Hey, wait a minute, what did you say?"

Yuan Lu said: "So you killed Gao Kai, right? Because his investment failed and you lost a lot of money. So you killed to vent your anger.

Zhao Shijie waved his hands quickly, "Don't slander anyone! I wanted to kill him, but I didn't do that! No, didn't you policemen all say that he committed suicide? Besides me, who else did the grandson deceive? Few people’s money. There are many people who want to kill him, why do you just say it’s me!”

Geist said: "If you are so impatient, the possibility of the saint venting his anger is very high!"

Zhao Shijie looked astonished, "I, I...I am really impressed by you! I can make millions every minute! Sister, I don't want money to kill people, I'm crazy! I have to pay more than 10 million." Even if I still kill people, you think I’m mentally ill!"

Yuan Lu said: "That's impossible to say. Maybe you were just impulsive.

Zhao Shijie looked helpless, "I, you can say whatever you want. I'll just hire a lawyer! It's really...crazy~!"

Geist smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhao, we've finished asking. I hope you won't leave Binhai during this period. We may contact you at any time."

Zhao Shijie said dissatisfied: "You won't leave if you don't let me leave! Sister, I lost so much money, I have to find a way to make it back! If you don't let me leave, I will drink the northwest wind.

Geist smiled and said: "Then you try it!

If you are designated as a suspect, just wait until the whole country is wanted! When the time comes, you will see who dares to do business with you!"

Zhao Shijie couldn't help being stunned, "I... No, can you give me a few days' grace? I have to go to Guangzhou, and the flight is the day after tomorrow. I really have no choice! I beg you, it's not possible yet. ?"

Geist glanced at Zhao Shijie and said, "Before you go, remember to call the police station to report, and you will also notify us after you land. Do you understand?"

Zhao Shijie was no longer as irritable as he was just now, and quickly said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I promise to keep in touch at any time, thank you, police officer, thank you!"

After leaving the reception room, Yuan Lu immediately followed Geist and asked: "Idol, why did you let Zhao Shijie go? He has an impatient personality. I think he looks like a suspect!"

Guest said: "The suspect did so many tricks on Gao Kai, and he doesn't look like a reckless person.

Zhao Shijie is so impatient, can he have the patience to fake the scene?"

Yuan Lu was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "Idol, you are so smart!"

Geist said: "Come on, stop flattering and look at Chen Fan.

When they arrived at Chen Fan's side, Zhang Yi was still chatting with Chen Fan.

Geist did not ask directly, but said: "Old Zhang, something happened, please come here first."

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded, and then said: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, please wait for a while!"

After saying that, he went out the door.

Geist asked: "What's wrong with chatting for so long?"

Zhang Yi said: "There is something wrong with this guy named Chen. When he talked to me, he was secretive. I hit him deliberately and he seemed very nervous. There must be something wrong with this guy.

I just don’t know if he killed Gao Kai. "

Yuan Lu said excitedly: "The suspect was identified so quickly!"

…Please give me flowers…

Zhang Yi shook his head, "It's hard to say, we have to keep hammering and hammering."

Geist asked: "Can I help?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said: "No, but there must be something wrong with him. You go apply for a search warrant first, I will hold him back here and catch him off guard when I turn around."

Geist nodded, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Wenliang ran over, "Team Gai, Captain Zhang, the delivery boy is awake. Qiangzi and the others have passed."

Geist nodded and said: "Okay, notify me immediately if there is any news. We must find out who sent the anonymous letter.

After Geist finished making arrangements, everyone started to take action.

At this moment, Lei Jaw also rented the house that Wu Tong had rented before, and called Fu Yue to start collecting evidence.

Fu Yue brought people to the house and asked: "Brother, you move very fast! Before Xiao Gai even touched anyone, you started asking me to collect evidence."

Lei Jaw smiled and said: "Actually, I was also suspicious, so I asked you to come here.

After all, Sister Yue has rich experience and can tell at a glance whether there is a problem. "

Fu Yue smiled and said: "My little mouth is like honey, and I like to listen to you. Come, sister will teach you how to do it."

Lei Jaw smiled and put on his gloves, "Thank you very much, Sister Yue. Later, I will ask someone to send you some bird's nests or something. Just applying it on your face has limited effect. The main thing is to take care of yourself. In our work, we can't get enough rest. . But health care cannot be left behind!”

Fu Yue smiled proudly, "Young brother is really good at causing trouble. Come on, I'll teach you how to do a preliminary appraisal."

With that said, the step-by-step instruction began. .

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