Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 46 I Am A Bad Guy, Infinitely Arrogant

Han Tang hit the nail on the head and everyone understood immediately.

Thunderjaw couldn't help but smile and waved his hands and said.

"That's easy to say. I'll just change my clothes when the time comes."

"A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. It's like changing clothes."

Some people are naturally charming, but some people are not.

After all, Shen Nianyun is a good kid from school and has not experienced any big storms.

It is really difficult for her to grasp this essence all at once.

After all, this kind of thing cannot be learned in a day or two.

At this time, Yan Yan also came out to help, looked at Han Tang and said with a smile, "Yeah, just change your clothes and talk less."

"The most important thing is to rely on you to deal with the arms dealers."

"It's a little difficult for her to learn this now."

"No one said that a mistress must be sexy."

"Perhaps Liu Huaqiang has a unique taste?"

Han Tang glanced at the two of them and shrugged.

"I do not mind."

"I can run away if the mission fails."

"But all your hard work over the past few years is gone."

"It's up to you to figure out what happens."

Shen Nianyun looked at the three tangled bosses, biting his white teeth on his red lips that were dripping with blood. His face was already red to the roots of his ears, and finally he clenched his pink fists and took two steps forward.

Then he said.

"Mr. Han?"

"Excuse me..."


"What does it take to be considered 'that'?"

Han Tang glanced at Shen Nianyun and said that Shen Nianyun's appearance was indeed a beauty.

Coupled with this soft and waxy posture, it is really likeable.

It's a pity that this kind of woman will not be kept by the underground boss.

To be able to keep the underground boss by your side, you must not only have a face, but also be flattering. When arousing people's desires, you must also maintain a trace of sanity.

That is, this woman can only be touched by their eldest brother Liu Huaqiang.

If someone else moves.

The only thing he faced was the revenge of the underground boss.

Han Tang thought for a while and then said.

"You have to learn to seduce people with your eyes and body, but at the same time you don't really want to seduce anyone."

"Because you know that even if Liu Huaqiang's little brother covets you, he wouldn't dare to lay a finger on you!"

"Liu Huaqiang is very vicious! No one dares to touch his woman."

"So when you are seducing someone, you have to understand that you are joking and not really seducing anyone."

"Does that make sense?"

Shen Nianyun nodded blankly, feeling that the amount of information was a bit large, as if his brain understood it, but his body had not yet learned it.

"What about?" Shen Nianyun looked at Han Tang and asked, "What about Liu Huaqiang?"

"Is this the same feeling?"

Han Tang shook his head, thinking of Liu Huaqiang and his mistress, and said after thinking for a long time.

"For Liu Huaqiang, it should be like a pet feeling towards its owner."

"No matter how fierce Liu Huaqiang is, you will cling to him like a cat."

"But pets are pets after all, and they will be afraid of their owners."

"So, you should understand, right?"

This time Shen Nianyun nodded firmly, and instantly understood what Han Tang meant.

What the two of them didn't know at this time was that Yan Yan, Wang Donglai and Lei Jaw were all stunned.

They did not expect that Han Tang could analyze the characteristics of Liu Huaqiang so accurately just by reading the information once.

By the way, Liu Huaqiang's mistress was analyzed so well.

If this person didn't become an actor, he would be too talented!

But it’s impossible for an actor to have the villainous temperament of Han Tang!

This temperament is deep in the bones!

But what the three of them don't know is that all of this is the result of Han Tang's villain value.

The innate aura of a villain cannot be acted out!

At the beginning, when Han Tang was in the interrogation room, he imitated many people, but they were just imitations on the surface, and they were not really brought to life.

And this time Han Tang has to play a character for a long time.

You must have the deepest understanding of this person's character traits.

The arrogant temperament of a villain himself, coupled with the personality traits of various villain bosses, will make Han Tang a real underground boss!

Yan Yan saw that the two were communicating now, so he immediately whispered to Thunder Jaw.

"Go, bring the clothes and whatnot?"

"Let them try it here later."

Thunderjaw nodded and quietly left the room.

ten minutes later.

Lei Jaw returned to Wang Donglai's office holding a large bag of clothes.

After placing the package on the table, he said to the two people who were still exporting culture.

"Han Tang, Shen Nianyun, come and change your clothes."

"Time is running out, so get familiar with your new identity as soon as possible after changing your clothes."

After speaking, Lei Jaw took out two pieces of clothing from the package, then looked at Han Tang and said.

"These are your clothes. After putting on these clothes, you will be Liu Huaqiang."

Han Tang frowned when he saw the clothes thrown by Thunderjaw.

This clothes was a little different from what he imagined.

how to say.

The clothes the police officer chose were more or less decent.

Not quite like what an underground boss would wear.

At least the underground boss must have a sense of arrogance, or domineering, wantonness when wearing clothes!

Even if you dress more formally, you still won’t behave yourself!

So Han Tang directly put the clothes thrown by Thunder Jaw back into the package.

"This definitely won't work."

At this time Han Tang began to think about a new thing.

Since you want to play the role of an underground boss.

Who would be better to play?

After thinking about it, I realized that the Liu Huaqiang Lei Jaw was talking about was a character they made up.

But even if it is fabricated, they will release some information about Liu Huaqiang to arms dealers and others.

In other words, there is the legend of Liu Huaqiang in the world, but there is no such person as Liu Huaqiang.

If this is the case, then he can play whoever he wants, but his name is Liu Huaqiang.

In this case.

Han Tang suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Then after picking through the package, I picked up a black leather waistcoat, a large gold chain, and round-frame retro sunglasses.

That’s it!

In terms of dressing up, you can play Brother Crow first!

Because when the time comes to meet with the arms dealer, Brother Crow's dress and demeanor are simply like - I am a bad guy, infinitely arrogant!


Is anyone else watching? The data is bleak. It’s too uncomfortable for the author to be single-player, but daily updates are not a small number in a new book...

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