Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 48 How To Convince People If You Are Not Ruthless?

Chapter 48 How to convince people if you are not ruthless?

"Changed your address?"

Yan Yan immediately sat up straight, with a hint of care and caution in his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Didn't you agree to stay in Donghai City?"

Lei Jaw was also confused at this time, so he walked to Yan Yan with his mobile phone, and then placed the mobile phone in front of Yan Yan.

At this time, there were only two short lines of words on the phone screen.

[Ten o'clock tomorrow night. 】

[The delivery address is changed to Liuta Town, Yuncheng. 】

"Yuncheng?" Yan Yan asked doubtfully, and then glanced at Lei Jaw and Wang Donglai, and couldn't help but feel something bad.

"Temporary address changes are generally a common method used by arms dealers like them."

"Basically, they will put the goods in a certain place at the beginning, and then when they notify, they will notify several cities where the goods are not at all."

Yan Yan shook his head slightly, then looked at Wang Donglai beside him.

"Could it be that you acted too early and someone saw your flaw?"

Wang Donglai also looked puzzled at this time, shook his head and said.

"I have already told them that in order not to alert others, we will wait until tomorrow to continue taking action."

"And I only informed the director of the road police station. No one knew before the operation. I would only tell them where to operate half an hour before the operation."

"There can't be a problem on our side?"

Yan Yan put down his cell phone. Years of experience told him that it would probably be difficult to catch such a cautious arms dealer.

Even if the opposite person is just a younger brother under the Nine-faced Buddha.

But if something goes wrong, a little bit of news will leak out this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Nianyun walked over in his changed clothes. Seeing a few people gathered around, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yan Ting, do you want to start now?"

He shook his head sternly, and then said in a deep voice.

"The situation has changed. It's too late to practice."

"It's up to you to adapt accordingly."

"Now we are leaving for Yuncheng Liuta Town."

Wang Donglai came over at this time, and then continued to ask.

"Yan Ting, this Yuncheng is on the border."

"Our police force can't get there yet, so you may have to go there on your own."

Lei Jaw nodded slightly, then glanced at Han Tang and Shen Nianyun, "It's okay. We will contact the local department after we get there."

"It's easy to talk about the police force."

"But Han Tang and Shen Nianyun want to go with us."

"It's easy to find police officers, but it's hard to find informants for transactions."

Wang Donglai nodded, then looked at Shen Nianyun.

"Shen Nianyun, do you have any questions?"

Shen Nianyun looked at Wang Dong and the others in astonishment, feeling that the amount of information was a bit overwhelming.

Didn't you say you want to simulate acting next?

Why did you set off so suddenly?

This is too hasty, isn't it?

The most important thing is that she is still not sure whether she can play the role of the underground boss's mistress.

What if you really meet the underground boss then?

Do you really have the ability to cope with it?

At this time, Han Tang threw aside the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, shrugged and said.

"I do not mind."

"But if you want me to work, you have to pay one-third of the deposit first."

"Isn't this too much to ask?"

Yan Yan nodded slightly, paying the deposit seemed like Han Tang was taking advantage of the situation.

But for them, this is not the case.

After all, this matter is very serious. If Han Tang insists on asking for a deposit, it will be a reassurance for the police.

At least Han Tang really wants to cooperate and won't play tricks in the cooperation.

So he said sternly.

"no problem."

"When you arrive at Liuta Town in Yuncheng, you will have an extra three hundred thousand in your account when you land."

"As long as you help us catch these arms dealers, these are not big problems."

Seeing that everyone was ready at this time, Shen Nianyun nodded and said.

"I'm OK."

"You can leave now."

Seeing that everyone was ready and the time was urgent, Yan Yan did not delay any more.

Just as he was getting up to leave, he suddenly saw Han Tang walking over, picked up Lei Jaw's cell phone and said in a deep voice.

"Just leave."

"You are too submissive."

"You can go wherever you want. Do you think you dare to buy arms?"

"In the world of the underworld, the law of the jungle always preys on the strong."

"Those who are as obedient as you are are either just newbies, or they are fake."

"At least make a phone call and curse."

If Stern and Thunderjaw could calm down, they would certainly be able to think of this.

It's just that they are too eager now to complete the deal.

But the more anxious you are, the easier it is for you to expose your flaws.

Although this is just a matter of attitude, calling an arms dealer is just a small matter.

But the arms dealers, they have been hanging out in the underworld all year round, and they will be eaten if they are not careful.

Either he was arrested by the police or annexed by other forces.

If you want to survive, no one must be cautious.

So if you want to make them trust you, you must not reveal any flaws.

At this time, the expressions of Yan Yan and Thunder Jaw suddenly changed. Thinking of the last time, it seemed that they had not resisted at all.

If not for Han Tang’s reminder, this trip to Yuncheng might have been a waste of time.

If it doesn't work well, he will be set up and ambushed, and in the end he won't even die.

Thunderjaw couldn't help but have a cold sweat on his back at this time, nodded and said.

"That's true!"

"Thanks for your reminder, otherwise we would really be suspected!"

Han Tang didn't say anything more. He just took a look at the number on the mobile phone information and found that it was a foreign phone number. Without even thinking about it, he knew that it was disguised by the base station.

The phone said it was in the United States, but no one knew the real location.

After glancing at the phone, Han Tang looked at Thunder Jaw and asked.

"Have you called this number before?"

Thunderjaw looked at it once, then nodded.

"Been beaten."

Seeing Lei Jaw nodding, Han Tang dialed the phone directly, while looking at Yan Yan and Lei Jaw and said in a deep voice.

"Since you want to be an underground boss, you have to look like an underground boss."

"Even the younger brother of an underground boss is not qualified to be manipulated by others."

"Not cruel enough?"

"How to convince people?"

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