Chapter 56: Why are you trying to kill me?

Seeing Han Tang's gaze, the melon stall owner was startled.

I just feel that there is a bit of murderous intent in this gaze, which is so sinister and scary.

But among those who are living on the road, who hasn’t seen the world?

No matter how ruthless he is, he has seen people, let alone customers who come to buy melons. How capable can he be?

At this time, the melon stall owner smiled disdainfully, picked up a watermelon and patted it, and then chuckled.

"I am a melon seller, how can I still sell you raw melon eggs?"

After saying that, he directly placed the watermelon in front of Han Tang, and couldn't help but think to himself.

Some people still buy melons that cost six yuan a pound.

There are a lot of people being taken advantage of these days.

Come on, if you sell him a melon for dozens of dollars, you can just treat it as fun.

Just as he was about to weigh the watermelon, the owner of the melon stall quietly placed a magnet under the scale. Before he could put the watermelon on it, he heard a cold and chilling voice.

"I ask you, will this melon stay ripe?"

Han Tang lowered his head and stared at the melon stall owner, with a faint smile gradually appearing on the corner of his mouth.

Shen Nianyun knew that Han Tang was arrogant, but he didn't expect that buying a melon was not safe. He looked around and secretly thought that it would be bad if he met the police here.

After all, there are still many police officers at the train station.

Although she is also a police officer, she is currently on a mission and it is not convenient for her to be exposed.

If you are targeted by the local police, it will be more or less troublesome.

So I looked around to see if anyone noticed.

Shen Nianyun's grades in all subjects in the police academy were very good, and his eyes were also very good.

With just a casual glance, I saw a spotted leopard not far away, hiding in the crowd and constantly looking this way.

So he touched Han Tang secretly, and then whispered in Han Tang's ear.

"The man is following."

Han Tang heard this and ignored it, still staring at the melon stall owner.

At first I just wanted to buy a melon to quench my thirst.

But what Han Tang didn't expect was that the melon seller didn't look like a melon seller at all.

A normal vendor owner will shout loudly when he sees a train arriving at the station, someone leaving the platform, or someone getting off the train to get some fresh air.

No matter what, you can just check whether the passers-by have any intention of selling melons.

But this person is different. He seems very happy without business.

Someone asked about the price and left, not only not disappointed, but actually a little happy.

Something is wrong.

Most of the people who come to the train station to sell melons want to make money.

But the person in front of me doesn't seem to be aiming to make money.

His eyes swept around the crowd. If he didn't know better, he would have thought he was a spy.

At this time, the melon stall owner felt the coldness in Han Tang's words, raised his head and glanced at Han Tang, curled his lips and said angrily.

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

"Do you want it or not?"

The tone of the melon stall owner was also very domineering, and he did not have the temperament of a businessman who values ​​peace.

At this time, Shen Nianyun noticed from the corner of his eye that the spotted leopard not far away was walking towards this direction, so he coughed twice to remind Han Tang.


Following closely, the spotted leopard came to Han Tang and Shen Nianyun, and greeted Han Ai deliberately when he saw them.


"Buying a melon?"

After speaking, the spotted leopard knocked on the melon stall owner, and the two seemed to have known each other before.

The melon stall owner was surprised when he saw the spotted leopard.

At this time, the spotted leopard was twitching his eyebrows at the melon stall owner, seeming to be hinting at something.

The melon stall owner, like the spotted leopard, is a subordinate of Brother K-head.

According to the agreement, I will sell melons at the next stop in (bgfd) Donghai City, specifically to meet the spotted leopards.

If the spotted leopard is fine, take the spotted leopard and leave together.

If something happens, the spotted leopard will definitely find a way to pass the information to himself, so that he can go back and report the news to Brother K.

But what puzzles the melon stall owner now is.

What does spotted leopard mean now.

He didn't convey any information and acted sneaky.

What exactly do you want to say.

Han Tang glanced at the spotted leopard coming next to him and ignored it. He just glanced at it and smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at the melon stall owner and jokingly said.

"I definitely want your melon to stay ripe."

Although Han Tang's current eyesight is not very sharp, it cannot compare with a professional sniper.

But his eyesight is very strong.

You can clearly see the little moves between the spotted leopard and the melon stall owner.

Just now he was wondering that the fruit stall owner was very suspicious.

I get it now.

It turned out that the two were together.

They should all be under Brother K-head.

The purpose was to keep an eye on Han Tang and see if there was anyone suspicious around Han Tang.

Although it was outside the station, the purpose of meeting the spotted leopard was probably the same.

Although Han Tang is not the real underground boss, if he is based on the character of the real underground Tu Yin.

I must be a little annoyed now.

After all, the underground boss doesn't have a very good temper.

If you are really the boss of the underground, no matter who you are, no matter who you are in the trading department, if a little brother like you dares to shit on my head, I would have fucked you long ago.


"I'm just going to make a plan!"

Han Tang suddenly had an idea.

Without saying anything else, Han Tang walked around the fruit stall and came to the melon stall owner. He noticed that there were two watermelon knives hidden next to the watermelon, and couldn't help but think in a funny way.

These guys even brought watermelon knives into the train station.

It's really quite a solution.

Shaking his head slightly, Han Gong pointed at the watermelon and continued.

"Then what if it's not familiar?"

Seeing Han Tang walking up to the melon stall owner, Shen Nianyun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

This guy.

Are you trying to do something stupid?

This is at the train station!

If there are no people outside, just let them be.

But there are so many people in this place, and there are so many railway police officers outside. If there is really trouble, they will probably be targeted immediately.

At that time, the identity may be exposed, and the deal may be directly ruined.

This Han Tang...

What on earth is he doing?

"Haha, forget it." Shen Nianyun didn't want the situation to escalate. After all, he just came to buy a watermelon. After selling the watermelon, he had to take a car to continue on his way.

It's not worth it to delay the transaction because of such a trivial matter.

So he stretched out his hand to take out his mobile phone to pay the bill, and then asked.

“How much does it cost boss?”

At this time, not only did Shen Nianyun want to turn a big deal into a trivial matter, Zai Ban was also feeling guilty.

Compared with the undercover police officers Han Tang and Shen Nianyun, these arms dealers who are truly on the run do not want to cause trouble in public.

If you cause trouble here, they will go in even if you don't protect them all.

As long as you enter the police station, according to the current rules of survival in the world, no matter whether you expose the K-head brother or the Nine-faced Buddha, you will be killed after you come out.

Even in the police station, he will find a way to sneak into the police station and kill you.

After all, only dead people are the safest.

And once something happens to him, his parents, brothers and sisters will all suffer.

Maybe your former eldest brother, after seeing you imprisoned in the iron fence, changed hands and killed your whole family.

This is the current law of survival in the underground world.

So he quickly looked at the melon stall owner with a smile and asked.

"Boss, I know these two people, so I'll invite you."

The spotted leopard couldn't help but take out the cash, looked at the melon stall owner with a smile, continued to wink and said, "This is one hundred, is it enough to buy your melon?"

The melon stall owner looked older than the spotted leopard, and his body had a stronger aura of martial arts.

At this time, Han Tang was so angry that he didn't even notice the look in the spotted leopard's eyes. Even if he did, he didn't have the time to figure out what the spotted leopard meant.

He turned around and pointed at his watermelon, staring angrily and loudly.

"It's none of your business."

“This is the first time I have encountered such trouble when selling melons.

"I'll just tell you!"

"If this melon is not ripe!"

"I ate it myself!"


Just now, the melon stall owner looked like he was in a hurry to find someone.

Maybe it was because now that he saw the spotted leopard appearing in front of him, he wasn't as anxious as before.

Instead, he only wanted to have a good time with Han Tang.

At this time, Han Tang smiled and nodded, glanced at the scale, smiled knowingly, and asked knowingly.

"Okay, secret."

The melon stall owner showed a victorious smile. Seeing that Han Tang finally gave in, he couldn't wait to put the watermelon on the scale.

Before the pointer on the scale moved away, the spotted leopard next to him coughed twice as a reminder.


"Boss, please don't do anything."

"We are all 'honest people', don't play tricks on us!"

The spotted leopard's words naturally wanted to remind him that it was almost done and not to really make Han Tang anxious.

After all, this guy might be a big boss who had a deep friendship with the Nine-Faced Buddha.

If someone gets anxious, it's really not something they can deal with.

At least in this realm, they have nothing to do with Han Tang.

But the melon stall owner didn’t think so complicated.

At this time, watching the pointer settle, he glanced at the spotted leopard with joy, and there was even a bit of pride in his eyes.

My heart said that I wasted half a day talking, and if I didn’t cheat him, I would be sorry for the time I wasted!

So he turned to look at Han Tang, pointed at the pointer on the scale and said.

"Fifteen pounds!"

"Six yuan per pound, every day.

Han Tang glanced at Zhi, then pointed at Zhi with a pretended serious look and continued.

"Do you think I haven't bought anything?"

"How can your melon weigh fifteen pounds?"

"Is there something wrong with your name?"

The smile on the melon stall owner's face suddenly disappeared, and he looked at Han Chang with anger and said in a deep voice.

"I understand!"

"You're just looking for trouble, aren't you?"

"Just tell me if you want it or not!"

After speaking, he placed the watermelon directly in front of Han Tang, raised his voice twice and said louder again.

"do you want!"

Han Tang's face was startled, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and a fierce light began to appear in his eyes.

You, an underground underground element from overseas, sold melons to me, Liu Huaqiang.

you are the first!.

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