
The police officer looked at Huang Mao quietly, placing his hands on the table in the center of the police reception office. He had no emotion at all about the roar just now, but his eyes flickered as if he was saying something.

Mental illness?

It's normal to be emotional.

During the previous training, the teacher once said that you should be as patient as possible when meeting this kind of people.

However, what the police officer didn't know was that his plain appearance at this time caused the yellow hair to split.

Huang Mao took out his cell phone, pointed at it and said.

"You don't believe I will call you?"

The officer took a deep breath and then asked.

"you say....."

"You're not mentally ill."

"Then let me ask you a few questions."

"You said you were being hunted. Do you have any evidence?"

"Take what you just said as an example. The other party said on the phone that he was going to hunt you down. Do you have any evidence? Is there a recording of the phone call?"

Huang Mao was stunned, shook his head blankly, and hesitated.


"I was so scared that I didn't record it."

"Look!" the police officer shrugged, "You have no evidence. If a normal person comes to report a crime and wants to seek protection from the police, he has to give us some evidence to prove that you are dangerous now, right?"

"You have nothing..."

"How do you want us to help you?"

Huang Mao suddenly became a little at a loss. After looking down at his mobile phone, he was afraid of being wronged and said.

"But that black boss is really coming to find me."

"I can't get out!"

"I will definitely be caught by him as soon as I get out!"

"How about you just put me in jail!"

"Even if you don't protect me, you can still sentence me, right?"

The police officer shook his head helplessly, thinking that there are still people who actively want to come to prison these days!

It's true...the world is changing and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be.

However, since Huang Mao had such a request, it was a little unreasonable for him not to meet it, so he turned on the law enforcement recorder, pointed it at Huang Mao and asked.

"Okay, fraud, right? Tell me honestly, how many frauds have you committed in total?"

"Let me think about it!" Thinking that there was something going on, Huang Mao immediately said with a look of anticipation, "I have probably defrauded... more than 1,700 yuan. I can definitely be sentenced to jail for this, right?"

After hearing the amount, the police officer immediately put down the pen in his hand speechlessly, then pulled out a poster about fraud from the side, handed it to Huang Mao, shook his head and said.

"Feel sorry!"

"If the amount does not reach 2,000 yuan, it does not constitute a crime of fraud."

"But if you must go in and experience life, I can sue you for violating social order."

"According to the provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, a person will be detained for 5 to 15 days and may be fined not more than 1,000 yuan."

"A situation like yours is a surrender and will be dealt with leniently, with a maximum of five days of detention."

"But if the cumulative amount of fraud exceeds 2,000-5,000, you can be held accountable for the crime of fraud, but unfortunately, you are still a little short."

Huang Mao: "..."

what's the situation?

Huang Mao looked at the police officer in astonishment and was so anxious that he almost collapsed.

It takes more than 2,000 to go to jail?

Could it be that after working hard for so long, I haven’t even reached the standard for filing a case?

What the hell is this?

Seeing that Huang Mao didn't speak, he thought Huang Mao was hesitating, so the police officer kindly reminded him.

"Sir, detention will be recorded on your record and will have a great impact on your future activities in society."

"I advise you to think carefully before making a decision. If you tell me which mental hospital you are in now, I can help send you back for free."

"But if you continue to hinder me from going to work, I will really charge you with obstructing the work of a police officer."

Huang Mao looked at the police officer with tears in his eyes. Just when he was about to ask if he could be allowed to stay for a few more days, his phone suddenly vibrated.

At this time, the cell phone in Huang Mao's cell phone was like a time bomb. When the cell phone rang, Huang Mao was so frightened that he threw the cell phone in his hand to the ground.




The phone that fell on the ground was still vibrating, but Huang Mao still had no intention of picking it up.

Seeing this, the police officer shook his head, walked over helplessly, picked up the phone, looked at Huang Mao, looked at it and said.

"It's probably the doctor from your hospital who called."

"Forget it, I'll pick it up for you."

When Huang Mao saw this, his eyes widened and he shouted at Huang Mao.


The phone connected, making it easier to find his location.

Huang Mao has seen this by watching TV on weekdays.

So I was afraid that the police officer would answer the phone at this time, and then the gangster would find his location.

It's just that Huang Mao was a few seconds late.

At this time, the police officer directly connected Huang Mao's mobile phone, and then said in a deep voice.


The number on the mobile phone is Han Tang's mobile phone number.

In order to better defraud the scammer, Han Tang specially changed into his own trumpet account and made this call.

However, Han Tang didn't know that someone else had already answered the phone.

Unaware of this, Han Tang was still sitting at home, smiling, looking at the connected call on his cell phone and cursing.

That phone call just now was rated S.

This time, no matter what, it has to reach the SSS level.

Otherwise, the system may never be activated.

Nodding slightly, Han Tang cleared his throat and pointed at the microphone.


A-level voice actor imitation started.

S-level ventriloquist activated.

Switch to the voice of the young killer.


Han Tang smiled low and coldly, his voice clearer and colder than the previous middle-aged uncle, as cold as a real professional killer.

"Do you know where I am!"

Han Tang stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and made the sound of leather shoes going upstairs.



Then immediately changed back to the voice of the young killer.


"There's no point in hiding if you offend our eldest brother."

"Open the door."

"I'm already at your door."


There are not many words in the new book now, but the author writes very quickly, at least 10,000 words per day. If there is data, he can write 30,000 words and 20 chapters in one day!

I hope everyone can support me. I only ask for 1,000 flowers and 200 evaluation votes on the first day. This data is my motivation for updating!

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