"Brother K-head?"

"How do you know I'm looking for a K-head?"

Although he already knew that the spotted leopard was a K-headed person, he still asked as if he didn't know in order to look more realistic.

The spotted leopard smiled slyly at this time, and then said.

"Brother Dao, don't be angry. In fact, I already guessed it was you when you got in the car."

"This is also to check in advance, just to be on the safe side."

"Careful about sailing the ten thousand year ship."

"After all, if we do this kind of thing, if we are not careful, we may go to jail."

Seeing the spotted leopard's showdown, Han Tang simply stopped pretending, frowned and cursed deliberately pretending to be angry.


"This Nine-faced Buddha!"

"Don't you even believe me?"

"What's the meaning!"

"It's a shame that I saved him back then. If it weren't for me, would he be where he is today?"

The spotted leopard seemed to have expected that Han Tang would be so angry, so he smiled and quickly comforted him.

"Don't be angry, Brother Dao."

"We also want to make money safely."

“I don’t want to make money but I have no life to spend it.”

"This is the first time for everyone, and there will be no problem in working together again in the future!"

Han Tang glanced at the spotted leopard and waved his hand, but still pretended to be dissatisfied.


"Let's see how the goods you brought are like first."

"Let's go."

Shen Nianyun put the miniature camera in his chest pocket, then walked around and came to Han Tang's side.

He held Han Tang's arm like a young couple and said.

"Brother Dao, after the transaction is over, how about we take a look around here?"

"I've never been to this place before!"

Han Tang stretched out his finger at this time, pressed it against Shen Nianyun's chin and said frivolously.

"Okay little slut!"

"When it's all over, I'll take you to have some fun!"

Shen Nianyun's face turned red. Although he understood that Han Tang wanted him to report a message to Yan Ting and the others, he still couldn't help but blush when he unexpectedly found out that Han Tang called him that.

After lightly hammering Han Tang's chest, he pushed Han Tang away with a shy look, and then said.

"I hate you!"

"Oh, I'm almost suffocated this whole way."

"I'm going to the toilet first!"

Because the toilet was nearby, the spotted leopard didn't think much about it. After a brief glance, he thought that this place was not a place where they wanted to trade, so he didn't send anyone to follow him.

And if someone were sent to keep an eye on him, Bao Buqi, the reckless and unrestrained Liu Huaqiang, would fall out with him on the spot.

After Shen Nianyun came to the toilet, he immediately sent a text message to Yan Ting.

[Ting Yan, we have arrived in Yuncheng. We are going to meet the K-head immediately. No need to reply. 】

After sending the text message, Shen Nianyun deleted the text message in his hand.

The mobile phones were new ones given to them by Yan Tang before departure.

There is no personal information on it.

However, Shen Nianyun took some selfies with his mobile phone on the way, and it looked like he used it frequently.

After sending the text message, he walked out of the toilet and followed Han Tang and the others into the Zealopard's car.

As soon as the two got in the car, they saw the spotted leopard holding a black hood, looking at Han Tang apologetically and saying.

"Brother Dao, you should know the rules, right?"

"K-head should have told you when he came here that he was going to take this thing with him."

"And not only do you have to take it with you, but I also have to take it with you."

"Don't mind it."

Han Tang glanced at the people in other cars and found that the man who was called by the spotted leopard also got into the car after they gave the owner of the wedding shop a meal. He probably didn't care about the funeral of these people.

And just like what the spotted leopard said, everyone has already put on a black hood. It should be possible that except the driver, everyone else must wear this thing.

Then a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes and he said.

"Damn it, your boss is just a coward."

"There is no smell of blood at all, but you still have to do so many tricks to buy two guns!"

After speaking, he took the black hood from the spotted leopard and put it directly on his head.

On the road, the mobile phone was put in the hands of the driver, which Han Ai and the others had expected.

After all, one must be very careful when making transactions with people like the Nine-Faced Buddha.

So the phone is basically the same as Shen Nianyun, there is no information about himself.

After putting on the hood.

Han Tang could feel the car gradually starting to move, and relying on his memory, he could completely remember how long it took for the car to turn left or right.

As long as he finds this scrap collection station, he will be able to find the final destination they want to reach.

But Han Tang was sitting in the middle of the back seat of the car.

Presumably the tiny camera on his chest could see where they had gone.

On the other side was Yan Hall in the Yuncheng City Police Office.

After receiving such a text message, I suddenly became alert and couldn't help but think to myself.

Thunder Jaw is still looking for where Han Tang and the others are.

How come Han Tang and the others came to Yuncheng so easily?

I thought it would take some more time to get there.

So I immediately found Lei Jaw's phone number and dialed it.

After a few seconds of blind tone.

Thunderjaw's voice came over the phone.

"Hey, Yan Ting!"

Yan Yan was not long-winded at this time and got straight to the point.

"Are you still arresting Han Tang?"

The stern head on the other side is going to explode.

Xin said that these people disappeared out of thin air and have not been found yet.

So he nodded and said with some shame.

"Hate, I just saw the footage from the video and knew they had arrived in Cloud City!"

"It's really evil. Han Tang and the others seemed to have disappeared from the world, disappearing under my nose.

“It turned out that he was leaving in a funeral car.

"This move is really awesome!"

"Han Tang has arrived in Yuncheng, and I knew you were definitely going to ask me to come there, so as soon as I determined their location, I rushed to the airport.

"I'm on my way to Yuncheng now. I'm about to get on the plane. I'll be there in about two hours."

Yan Ting nodded and then continued.

"They're on their way to the trading location now."

"You keep an eye on the camera."

"We don't know where they are going, we have to determine their location based on the footage in your camera.

"Also pay attention to what they say."

Thunder Jaw is also an experienced person and knows what Yan Ting is worried about.

Once the location of the transaction is known, the arrest will be much easier.

So the most important thing now is to determine where they will trade.

So he nodded and said.

"."Okay, don't worry, Yan Ting, I will keep an eye on you on the road. "

"See you soon, Yan Ting!"

After hanging up the phone, Lei Jaw couldn't help but glance at the display screen in his hand again, then took out his mobile phone and kept recording their route.

Because the camera only has a simple recording function, in order to avoid searches, it does not have a GPS function installed.

We can only explore it bit by bit.

But when they arrived at the place, he believed that Shen Nianyun would find a way to leave a mark to help them find the transaction location.

The problem now is to rush to Yuncheng.


This side of Yuncheng.

In a huge abandoned warehouse, bullets were piled up randomly like mountains.

It seemed like a rotten potato that had been thrown away carelessly.

Several hills made of bullets were gathered together, with a table in the middle.

The hot pot on the table is steaming, surrounded by mutton, beef, and tripe dishes.

The other side of the table is about a hundred meters away.

There were three people hanging on the hook machine covered in blood, without any groaning sound, and the blood on their bodies had begun to solidify.

There is a big TV set next to the table, which looks like it has some age.

Does the picture on the TV shake a bit, as if there is signal interference? (of)

At this time, a man about forty years old was standing on a stool next to the table, looking at the hot pot in front of him, and put two pieces of meat in it.

Then I picked up the TV remote control and switched the channels.

At this moment, a man in a black suit walked in from outside the warehouse, walked to the table, and said with a serious look on his face.

"Brother K-head, the spotted leopard has already arrived with his people.

"Should we ask them to come in?"

The man standing on a stool while watching TV and eating hot pot is exactly what Yan Ting and the others want to arrest this time.

K-head brother.

At this time, K's head was expressionless, watching the meat that had just been placed in the pot slowly turn from bright red to white, then took it out and put it in a bowl, and nodded.

"Have you checked everything?"

The boy next to him looked at the K-headed brother and did not answer in a hurry. It was not until the K-headed brother took the meat in the bowl into his mouth and blew out two breaths that he nodded and said the towel.

"Already passed the security check."

"The phone was placed outside with a signal jammer.

"I didn't have any electronic equipment on me."

K, the first one holding the chopsticks, waved his hand and said nothing.

The handman under his hand spoke knowingly with the walkie-talkie.

"The boss said you can come in."

"Bring the goods in by the way."

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