Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 66 Difficult To Handle? Damn It, Then Don’T Do It.

Chapter 66 Brother Crow: Is it difficult to handle? Damn it, then don’t do it

The words just fell.

The spotted leopard suddenly rushed out, pressed Han Tang's hand, then took out the AK, held it up and smiled.

"I'll just come."

After saying that, he saw the confused look on Brother K-head's face, so he hurried over and whispered softly.

"Boss, this man is just a fucking lunatic. We can't give him a gun now!"

"Give him a watermelon knife and he will dare to chop Huazai Mao into the hospital. If you give him a gun, he will kill us all if he is not happy!"

Hearing the spotted leopard's words, the K-head brother suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Previously, I only knew in the text message that the cat was hacked, but at that time, the spotted leopard didn’t say who hacked it.

At that time, I was still thinking who was so bold?

Dare you kill someone on a train station platform surrounded by police officers?

Don't want to die?

Although there are many people here, Liu Huaqiang will definitely die if they get into a fight.

But the question is, before dying, will this guy drag himself to death?

Thinking of this question, Brother K-head smiled quickly, picked up the gun and said.


"There's no reason to let guests test the gun, I'll do it anyway!"

After saying that, without waiting for Shen Nianyun, Han Tang and others to react, he directly pointed the gun at the three people on the hook machine.

In an instant, Brother K-head directly pulled the trigger.

Suddenly a series of gunshots came from the abandoned factory.

"Da da da!"

It wasn't until all the bullets were fired that the K-head brother let out a strange scream, raised his gun and shouted.



After speaking, he turned to look at Shen Nianyun, who looked a little pale, and Han Chang, who looked expressionless, and asked.

"How about it?"

"Madam, do you think this is a small workshop?"

The corners of Shen Nianyun's mouth and eyebrows couldn't help but twitch, and he looked at the three people opposite him blankly.

I heard Brother K-head said that these three people were undercover spies working beside them.

If it were true, a comrade would have died by now.

At this time, the spotted leopard came over with a smile, put the gun back into the box, and said to the two of them with a smile.

"Don't worry, you two."

"Brother K-head is just teasing you. These three people are not police officers, they are my disobedient smugglers."

"According to the rules, you will be killed."

When the K-head brother heard that he was exposed by the spotted leopard, he shrugged his shoulders boredly, and then looked at the three people who were killed and said wolfishly.


"You dare to smuggle goods under my nose."

"I'm so tired of living!"

"Brother Dao, do you mind?"

Hearing this, Shen Nianyun breathed a sigh of relief.

But Han Tang seemed dissatisfied at this time, glanced at the three people who were killed, and then shook his head slightly.

"The gun is just average."

"How many do you have?"

The K-head brother threw the AK casually, and then said.

"You can have as much as you want."

"Brother Dao, can you show me the money you brought now?"

Han Tang glanced at Shen Nianyun and secretly thought that it was time for Shen Nianyun to play his role.

So he smiled and said.


"Do you think I look rich now?"

"You should have known from the moment I walked in that I didn't bring any money!"

Brother K-head's expression changed.

"Don't bring any money?"

"Then what are you trading for?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Han Tang activated his god-level acting skills at this time. Thinking of Brother Crow, he raised the corners of his mouth and shrugged.

"Killing people and setting fires with gold belts, repairing bridges and repairing roads, but no corpses."

"Do you know the difference between you and me?"

"You don't need to use your brain to be a bewilderment, you will always be just a bewilderment."

"I came to trade with you on horseback, and you searched me on the road and searched my body.

"You are safe, where is I?"

There are too many people in this abandoned warehouse.

But there are only two people who can count them.

One is himself, and the other is Shen Nianyun.

After the transaction is completed, how to leave is a question.

Besides, from now on.

Han Tang no longer decided to be the good boy.

He wants money.

He also wants the goods.

There are no choices in the adult world.

I, 'Liu Huaqiang', have a huge appetite and want them all!

So he said.

"I've asked my little brother to prepare the money. It's up to you to see if you have the courage to take it."

"If you want to trade, just bring the goods and come with me!"

After saying that, Shen Nianyun looked at Han Tang in confusion, pretending to admire him and smiled charmingly.

"Brother Qiang, it turns out you made arrangements a long time ago!"

"It makes me still worried!"

Han Tang glanced at Shen Nianyun, and then said coldly.

"I have to tell you everything, you slut."

"Then how can I be the boss?"

Hearing these two words, Shen Nianyun was startled.

what's the situation?

If the guess is correct, this is Han Tang sending a code to himself.

But how does she convey information to the outside world now?

The phone has been taken.

He only has a tiny camera on him.

Should I use this?

But now I don’t know if they watched Yan Yan again. What if they didn’t see it?

The K-head brother didn't notice Han Tang and the others' flirting at all at this time. He just looked at Han Tang with a troubled expression and said.

"Brother Dao, everyone is from the Yin family."

"You give us the money, and we give you the goods."

"You want to change the trading location temporarily now, which makes it very difficult for us!"


"Nine-faced Buddha would not agree!"

Han Tang raised the corner of his mouth, stood on his feet, stood up and took out Fang Baolu with a white cigarette holder from his pocket.

It was thrown upwards like an acrobatic, and after two circles, it just landed in Han Tang's mouth.

At this time, De Hantang was extremely arrogant, with tendons visible to the naked eye under his black leather waistcoat.

The big gold chain on the chest was dangling, reflecting the metallic luster from time to time.

A pair of round-frame Hong Kong-style retro glasses sits astride the bridge of the nose like a woman, and the gaze behind the lenses is full of playfulness.

Then Han Tang stretched out his hands and shrugged.

"Difficult to handle?"

After saying that, Han Tang directly pressed one hand on the table, and before anyone could react, they saw the muscles on his arm suddenly bulge.

Then with a strong force, the table was overturned.

"Damn it, then don't do it!"

The hot pot soup on the table suddenly poured out, and the red butter bottom directly touched the body of a man in a black suit.

The spotted leopard quickly pulled away the K-head brother next to him.

Only then did he not get burned by the hot soup.

But this also made the spotted leopard and the K-head brother dumbfounded.

Both of them couldn't help but think in shock.

Damn it, Tian is so playful!

If you say you are going to fall out, you are going to fall out, faster than flipping through a book!

He had a smile on his face when discussing the goods.

When it came to asking him for money, he turned over and flipped the table.

What does it mean?

Your money is money.

Our guns are not money anymore?

This is simply too arrogant!

So far, I have never seen such an arrogant person.




The steaming hot pot pot fell to the ground and rolled over, making a metallic clang sound.

The ground was covered with red oil hot pot base, and the meat and vegetables were thrown aside like garbage.

Sensing that something was going on here, the men outside the factory rushed in, each pointing a gun at Han Tang.

Shen Nianyun stood aside and was dumbfounded, not because there were many guns pointed at him now.

But he was completely stunned by Han Tang's operation just now.

what's the situation?

Wasn't this the original plan?

Isn’t it just as long as the transaction is successfully completed?

What's going on now?

You're completely out of character!

You need to restrain yourself from being so arrogant, right?

Can I still trade now?

I don’t know if I can get out alive!

Shen Nianyun just felt a little broken now.

At this time, he not only secretly guessed that Yan Yan would also collapse after seeing this scene, right?

I'm afraid he only valued Han Tang's extremely arrogant quality at first.

But now you wouldn’t have thought that he would be so arrogant, would you?


They were all so arrogant that they lost their heads.

Now they are facing the real underground boss.

It’s Brother K-head, the subordinate of Nine-faced Buddha!

How can you not play your cards according to the routine?

At this time, the K-head brother was thrown to the ground by the spotted leopard. He sat on the ground and looked at Han Tang with a puzzled expression.

"Brother Dao."

“That’s not how business works.”

"You make us all look bad when you do this."

"Follow the rules, come here, and get everything you need."

"Didn't we all agree?"

Han Tang picked up the gun on the ground, touched the body of the AK and then glanced at the K-head brother lightly.

"I'll say it again."

"If you want to make money, just follow me. When you get to my place, you will have money and goods."

"I've already prepared the money."

"It depends on whether you dare to come and get it."


After Han Tang finished speaking, he squatted in front of Brother K-head. There was only two inches away from Brother K-head. As long as the two of them moved a little, their noses could even touch.

It was a murderous intent. After the spotted leopard saw it, a cool breeze blew by, as if it had seen a familiar scene.

Looking up at Han Tang again, I realized that wasn't this the same look in his eyes when he was buying melons and killing people on the platform?

Is this a murderous intention?

If he is murderous here, he will not die, right?

I saw Han Chang staring at Brother K-head and saying in a deep voice.

"Don't talk about rules in front of me, even if your boss, the Nine-faced Buddha, is here, he doesn't have the qualifications.

"Here I am."

"My rules are rules!"

At this moment, Han Tang has raised his villain temperament to its peak, as domineering as Sunny in "Special Identity".

Brother K-head felt his heart tremble suddenly.

I have seen many werewolves in the arena over the years.

If he really wanted to talk about ruthlessness, he had seen someone more ruthless than Han Tang.

But if we talk about arrogance.

He has never seen anyone as arrogant as Han Tang.

At this time, Brother K-head looked at Han Tang with some disbelief and said.

"Brother Dao, I know you are a cruel person."

"I have to admit that you are still very arrogant."

"But don't forget."

"This place is all my people. We have countless guns. It only takes a blink of an eye to kill you."

"You said I have to follow your rules?"

"Why should I be angry?"

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