Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 68 During The Transaction, The Video Of Han Tang Murderer Was Exposed

Chapter 68: During the transaction, the video of Han Tang murderer was exposed


Yan Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he is a veteran, and he will not be as impatient as Thunderjaw when encountering anything.

Seeing that the deal was concluded at this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Lei Jaw with a smile, patted Lei Jaw on his shoulder and said.

"You didn't expect that, did you?"

"Actually, I didn't expect it either."

Thunder Jaw looked stern at this time, and couldn't help but look at the K-head brother in the video, still looking puzzled.

"No, who would have thought of this?"

"This K-head guy just killed three people. He was ruthless and showed no mercy at all."

"How come you were so frightened by this guy Han Tang, but you became so dense?"

"This Han Tang has already arrogantly shit on his head, and this K-head guy doesn't resist?"

Lao Jianghu said harshly at this time.

"We were not there, so maybe we didn't feel the atmosphere very clearly at that time."

"But think about it, when we were in contact with Han Chang."

"Especially when he explains Liu Huaqiang's identity, how do you feel about him?"

"Do you feel like you are facing a madman who is not afraid of anything and is ruthless?"

"Even if this kind of person only has the word arrogance in the dictionary, no one can do anything against him.

"Especially under the law of survival of the underworld, where the jungle prevails."

Thunderjaw looked confused at this time.

Looking at the stern look in a daze, he was actually taught a lesson.

Thunder Jaw himself was in the major crimes unit and had come into contact with many underworld bosses. He thought he had a complete understanding of the underworld.

But he didn't expect Han Tang to teach him another lesson.

Tell him what are the rules of survival in the underworld.

Seeing Thunder Jaw in a daze, he shook his head with a stern smile, then picked up the monitor and said.

"Let's go, prepare the money, it's time for us to join the show."

"Be Han Tang's little brother."

"If nothing else happens, there will be a big fish if we close the net tonight."

"Did you see the arms in this abandoned warehouse?"

"so much!"

"Although they are all bullets, there may not be many guns."

"But it's also a big gain."

"The most important thing is that this K-head brother has entered the trap bit by bit."

"As soon as they come out, we can close the net at any time!"

"Now I just hope nothing happens again."

Thunderjaw nodded. Although he was still a little confused, he couldn't care too much now.

The most important thing is the transaction.

As long as there are no changes, once the transaction is completed, it means that the network can be closed.

But all good things often come in hard times.

This matter has not gone as smoothly as expected.

At this time, just as Yan Yan and Thunder Jaw were preparing to set off, they heard a sharp laugh coming from the monitor again.

The two of them were shocked. The laughter seemed neither to come from the spotted leopard, nor from the K-head brother, nor from Han Tang.

Who could it be?

The two picked up the monitor and took a look, and then they saw three more people in the warehouse.

Three minutes ago.

On this side of the abandoned warehouse, just when Han Tang thought Brother K-head was going to drive them away.

Suddenly the K-head brother answered the phone.

Han Chang frowned in confusion, turned around and looked at Brother K-head, and then saw Brother K-head glance at Han Tang, as if he was worried about something.

But in the end he nodded and said.


"Let them in."

After that, he hung up the phone, looked at Han Tang with a sorry smile, walked over and said.

"I'm sorry, Brother Dao."

"Our boss, the Nine-faced Buddha, has arranged two transactions."

"Originally, everyone was planning to trade here."

"But you want to trade somewhere else now, so please wait for me for a moment."

"I'll go with you after I deal with another buyer?"

Han Tang frowned at this moment and glanced at Shen Nianyun next to him. Seeing Shen Nianyun nodding slightly, he knew that Shen Nianyun did not want to cause trouble.

However, during this transaction, two buyers were found at the same time.

Han Tang immediately felt that something was wrong.

Isn't the Nine-Faced Buddha known for his cautiousness?

How dare you find two buyers at the same time?

Even policewomen like Shen Nianyun are worried that accidents will happen.

There’s no reason why the Nine-faced Buddha doesn’t know?

I saw Han Tang with a straight face, looking at Brother K-head with a very unfriendly look, and then asked in a deep voice.

"Brother K-head."

"what does it mean?"

"Are you still looking for two buyers?"

"Do you think I can't afford it?"

"Let me tell you, I will take as much goods as you brought this time!"

"There is no such thing as a second buyer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, laughter suddenly sounded outside the abandoned warehouse.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What a shameless statement!"

"Do you still want to monopolize the goods in such a large warehouse?"

After saying that, three men walked in from outside the abandoned warehouse.

The one in the middle is obviously very fat, almost fatter than the two people next to him combined.

Even when he is not angry, the flesh on his face is still trembling.

It looks very fierce.

Seeing these three people walking in, Brother K-head immediately smiled and greeted them, and then introduced each other.

"Brother Dao, I forgot to introduce you, this is the local boss in Yuncheng, known locally as 'Young Master'!"

"This time we were able to successfully bring the goods here, mainly because of the help of 'Master'!"

"Young Master, this is the man who replaced Yin Ci from Sichuan Province, Brother Xiashan Hudao.

At this time, the young master looked at Han Tang, and then a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared in his eyes.


"Who am I to think that this is nonsense?"

"It turns out he's a junior!"

"Even if your original boss Yin Ci stood in front of me, he would have to stay away from me.

"You still dare to negotiate a buyout in front of me?"

"Who are you?"

Shen Nianyun moved lightly, twisting her slender waist and graceful hips coquettishly, and then came to Han Chang's side.

have to say.

The current Shen Nianyun is almost exactly the same as the underground boss's mistress.

It can only be said that she realized it and mastered it perfectly.

At this time, Shen Nianyun was half lying on Han Tang's chest, then looked at Han Tang with a shy and fearful expression, and said softly.


"Are they trying to steal our goods?"

At this time, before Han Tang said anything, he saw the young master's eyes constantly moving up and down Shen Nianyun's body, and finally he grinned and said with a yellow tooth.

"Haha, little girl, snatching is too much."

"On my territory, I don't need to fight.

"They are mine anytime I want them."

"Anything here can be mine, even you can be mine.

"But I am the most moral person!"

"I wouldn't do such a thing."

"If nothing else..."

The young master suddenly turned to look at Brother K, nodded and continued.

"I still have to give the Nine-faced Buddha some face."

"There are not many people who can give me face!"

"If cats and dogs come to me to ask for face.

"Then my face is no longer face."

"Are you right, Brother K-head?"

Brother K's head is now as big as two.

He couldn't afford to offend the young master on the left.

The smooth delivery of the goods this time was mainly due to the young master's operation.

If there was no young master, this transaction would naturally be lost.

However, the young master was frightened by this and asked to buy some arms from the Nine-faced Buddha, provided that the price dropped by two points.

The Nine-Faced Buddha was very cautious and knew that the young master's help this time was worth the money, so he agreed.

As for Han Tang on the right.

Not to mention that.

Just now this lunatic wanted to drag him along with him to be buried with him.

Brother K-head laughed dryly, and then quickly said to smooth things over.

"Master, everyone is here to ask for money."

"The goods you want are right here."

"But at the beginning, our boss, Nine-faced 153 Buddha, said it was half per person. According to what you said before, I will give you two points."


Before he finished speaking, the flesh on the young master's face trembled suddenly, and then he turned his head and looked at the K-headed brother fiercely.

"say what?"

"half each?"

"My young master wants half of the things he wants to give to others?"

"Then I want your wife to sleep with you during the day and with me at night. How about half of it for each of us?"

After saying this, the young master turned to look at Han Tang again. After a while, he grinned again, revealing his yellow teeth and smiled.

"It's just a young man."

"I don't want others to say that I bullied you!"

"How about this."

"I don't want the two-point reduction, but I want all the goods!"

"How about it?"

"Just treat it as a favor this time."

"Is it okay if you give me all the goods?"

The K-head brother glanced at Han Tang with an embarrassed look, thinking that there was still a batch of goods outside anyway, so it didn't matter if he gave them all here.

When the time comes, just give the batch of goods outside to Han Tang.

So I was caught off guard and couldn't help but ask.

"Master, you are making this very difficult for me!"


"I'm just an errand boy, how dare I plant my flag in front of two big bosses?"


After finishing speaking, Brother K-head took a step back, then glanced at the two of them respectively.

"How about you two big guys decide?"

Han Tang shook his head funny at this time, knowing that the Nine-faced Buddha would not deal with you so honestly.

If he didn't do something for you in the middle, he wouldn't be worthy of being called Nian Buddha.

But Han Tang didn’t wait for anything to say.

A message suddenly came from the extremely quiet abandoned warehouse.

Several people turned to look, and then saw a familiar figure on the TV, and a conversation rang out:

[As soon as his neighbor saw me coming out with a gun, he started shouting and yelling. 】

[There is no other way, so just kill him. 】

And the figure on the TV.

It is the Han Tang before people’s eyes!.

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