Abandoned warehouse.

The bodies of the young master and his two bodyguards were lying not far from Gouji.

At this time, compared with the three corpses on the hook machine, the young master's side seemed even more miserable.

The K-head brother took the phone, secretly glanced at the young master's body, and then spoke quickly into the phone.



"Boss, it's not that I don't want to, it's mainly that the young master has been killed by that lunatic Liu Huaqiang!"

"I had a good fight just now, otherwise the leopard and I would have been killed."

"The key is that after the young master was killed, we still don't know how we escaped.

"If we carry these goods, we won't be able to escape from Yuncheng at all."

After saying this, Brother K-head glanced at Han Tang fearfully, and then said softly.

"Now we can only sell it to Liu Huaqiang."

"Otherwise, we will drive this lunatic into a panic and have a fight with him, causing both sides to suffer losses..."

"Once the young master and the forces outside know about it, there's no telling who will get these goods."


"Okay, okay."

After hanging up the phone, the K-head brother turned around with a smile on his face, then looked at Han Tang walking over and said.

"Brother Dao!"

"Our boss has already said that we can sell them all to you. Everyone will make money anyway!"

"These goods are all yours now."

"Our boss, Nine-faced Buddha, also said that he likes Brother Dao's domineering attitude."

"If possible, I hope to continue to cooperate."

"You also told us that these goods are all yours.

"Those outside are also yours."

"Just wait, I'll ask my younger brother to pull the goods over. Those goods are still at the port, so I'll ask them to pull them over.

Han Tang waved his hand and said calmly.


"Just take these goods and follow me."

"I have asked my younger brother to prepare the money and go directly to my place to trade.

“Then the cargo from your port will be brought directly to me.

After speaking, Han Tang glanced at the K-head brother and the spotted leopard, and raised the corners of his mouth.

If the young master hadn't come out to intervene, I'm afraid they would have completed the deal by now.

Fortunately, the young master didn't bring too many people, otherwise it would be really hard to say now.

I just don’t know how many young master’s people are outside this abandoned warehouse.

Lots of words.

Not sure how to get out.

So he glanced at Shen Nianyun, and then asked.

"Little slut!"

"Have you informed Xiao Yan and Lei Zi?"

Shen Nianyun looked at Han Tang with charming eyes, twisted her waist and walked over and said.

"Brother Dao!"

"They have taken away my mobile phone, how can I notify them?"

"Really, I don't know what these people think."

“Some people can even bring in guns, but we can’t even bring in mobile phones.

"Just talk to us about the rules."

"If my brother Dao hadn't been strong enough, I'd be afraid that none of us would be dead now."

Hearing Shen Nianyun's strange expression, Brother K-head and Leopard smiled bitterly.

Xin said that they are still depressed now.

This young master was originally asked to kill Han Tang Jingqi, but unexpectedly he was killed directly.

What the hell is going on?

Now I don’t know if I can leave Yuncheng safely after the transaction.

After all, the young master's group is not a vegetarian in terms of strength.

If your boss is dead, will you let them go so easily?

It would be okay if there was only one boss in the young master's group.

But in fact, according to their understanding, the young master and his gang seem to be in charge. In fact, the young master's old man is the real werewolf.

It can be said that this old man has contributed a lot to the fact that people in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan are afraid.

His own son was killed, this man must have gone crazy?

Brother K-head shook his head secretly, Fa Zheng had already thought about it.

Since Han Tang is so arrogant, if they can't cure him, there must be someone who can.

As long as Han Tang doesn't leave Yuncheng, the old man will not let him go.

When the time comes, just push the young master's affairs directly to him.

So he smiled and looked at Shen Nianyun and said.

"Haha, sister-in-law, what are you talking about?"

"We're just errand boys."

"I thought I had to obey the boss's orders."

"If you offend someone, please don't blame us."

After speaking, the K-headed brother turned to look at the spotted leopard and said.

"Go, get the cell phones of Sister-in-law and Brother Dao!"

The spotted leopard nodded.

Although I was a little angry to see Han Tang still so arrogant in their territory.

But now there is only one buyer left, Han Tang.

No matter how angry you are, you have to wait until the transaction is over.

So he lowered his head and responded, then looked at Han Tang and Shen Nianyun with a smile.


"Brother Dao, sister-in-law Yin?"

"Shall we go out first?"

Han Tang nodded slightly, then turned back to glance at the young master's body on the ground, and cursed in a moderate voice.


"You made me take off my pants and fart. If this were in Sichuan Province, how could you die so beautifully?"


The spotted leopard couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart.

They've been whipped to death, but it still looks good?

I'm afraid you are extremely cruel.

What a lunatic.

After Han Tang and Shen Nianyun followed the spotted leopard out of the abandoned warehouse, they looked at each other.

After a while, the spotted leopard took the two people's mobile phones over, and saw Han Tang pick up the mobile phone and make a stern call.

After three busy signals, the phone was picked up.

Because Yan Yan, Thunder Jaw, and Wang Hexiang were always in front of the display screen, Han Tang and the others were aware of every move they made in the abandoned warehouse.

So after Yan Yan answered the phone, he immediately returned the favor, and the younger brother generally cooperated with Han Tang and said with a smile.

"Boss, when will you come over?"

"We have been waiting in Fengduhui for half a day."


This should be a stern reminder to him that the police had set up an ambush in Fengduhui.

It seems that they have been looking at the abandoned warehouse through the display screen.

That's fine, it saves you thinking of ways to hint them.

Now he just needs to trick them into going to Fengduhui with him.

Han Tang glanced at Shen Nianyun lightly, then raised his chin slightly and shouted loudly.

"What the hell are you urging?"

"Do I still want to accommodate you when we talk about business?"

"Keep waiting there for me, I'll make trouble and come over."

"Take care of my money. If I lose a note, I will throw it into the sea to feed the fish!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone, then turned to look at the spotted leopard and K-headed brother.

"You drive, take the goods, and take that fat body with me to Fengduhui!"

Brother K-head still felt a little uneasy, frowned and looked at the spotted leopard, and then asked softly.

"Leopard, why do I still feel a little uneasy?"

"Is there really nothing wrong with Liu Huaqiang?"

At this time, the spotted leopard nodded with great certainty.

"Don't worry, Brother K-head, you saw it just now, he is a ruthless person.

"Kill people when they say they will. Tiao Zi doesn't have the courage."

"I saw his ruthlessness with my own eyes when I was on the road, so don't worry.

"Look at him..."

"He doesn't look like a good person from head to toe."

"How could it be a note?"

Brother K-head nodded. Thinking about it carefully, this is a bit convincing.

From the first time he saw Han Tang, two words popped into his mind.



I have never seen such a crazy person.

Facts also prove that Han Tang does not have the word restraint in his dictionary.

Everyone says that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake.

This guy was lucky. He killed the young master within twenty-four hours after arriving in Yuncheng.

If this kind of person is a cop.

I'm afraid there are really no bad people in this world.

Because no one can be worse than him.

So he looked at the spotted leopard softly and said.

"As soon as the goods are released, we will leave."

"The boss means that after the transaction is completed, he will get the money and kill Liu Huaqiang directly."

"But I don't think we need to take action ourselves."

"There should be someone who wants to kill him more than us."

"So as soon as you get the money, you go directly and inform the young master's gang."

"The person he said has been killed by Liu Huaqiang."

"Tell them to come quickly and collect the body."

"Just pour all the dirty water on him."

The spotted leopard nodded knowingly, thinking that I thought so too.

After the two discussed it, the spotted leopard asked his two younger brothers to load all the goods into the car.

Load as many bullets as you can.

All AK-type firearms must be installed.

Just when Han Tang was about to leave.

Suddenly there was another vibration on the phone.

Han Tang frowned, wondering if he was being harsh. Did they have anything else to warn him?

I opened my phone and took a look, and immediately noticed that it was a text message I had received on my phone card.

[Xiao Chong’s heart was snatched away. Rilang’s cousin, please help me. Rilang has been missing for several days! 】

Seeing this text message, Han Tang suddenly felt angry in his eyes.

Heart stolen?

Cousin is missing?

No matter how you look at it, something feels wrong.

Did something happen to Qian Hao Zhao?

Rilang is Han Tang's cousin. Although they are not blood relatives, they have played together since childhood.

After growing up, cousin Jiu Lang went to Dai to develop.

Then the contact gradually became less and less.

But in Han Tang's opinion, his shadow has always been there in his childhood.

"Brother Dao!"

"Then shall we leave now?"

Suddenly there was a reminder from the spotted leopard.

Han Tang looked up, nodded slightly, then silently deleted the text message just now, and then turned off the communication function of the phone card.


Seeing Han Tang's sudden expression, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing." Han Tang shook his head slightly, and then continued softly.

"Be smart."

"If something unexpected happens later, remember not to worry about me and run away."

After saying that, Han Tang got directly into the spotted leopard's car.

After the two boys in suits next to him handed over the black hoods again, Han Tang glanced at the spotted leopard coldly.

The spotted leopard knew that Han Tang was angry just now, so he glanced at the two of them and shouted to Miao in a low voice.

"I'm still taking you with me!"

"Brother Hu Dao is still carrying something with him when he goes down the mountain?"

After speaking, he quickly waved his hands.

"Get out of here."

The two men in suits looked suspicious, but they nodded and got out of the car.

Han Tang glanced at the spotted leopard and said secretly.

Looks like I don't have time to play anymore tonight.

The fun ends here. .

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