Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 78 Killing Three Birds With One Stone? Thoughtful Han Tang

The security guard was frightened by Han Tang's momentum.

After being stunned for two seconds, he finally came to his senses, and then nodded quickly. He couldn't close it so much now, so he could only do what the boss said first.

So without thinking, I quickly turned on my phone and pressed three numbers on the keyboard.


"Is it a police officer?"

"This is Hua Xia Bank, I..."

"I call the police!"

Seeing the security call, Han Tang looked down at the time on his phone and frowned.

Although I am not familiar with this place, according to the police's emergency plan, we should arrive within three minutes.

In other words, there are only three minutes left for him to leave.

Han Tang didn't really want to rob the bank, he didn't want to be a suspect and get into trouble.

I just thought that if these arms dealers' firearms were given directly to the police station, they would cause a lot of trouble for themselves.

After all, he had just hacked the Nine-Faced Buddha's goods, and then feinted the police. If they were caught, they would definitely ask a lot of questions.

This will waste a lot of time.

Although there is no crime, what Han Chang needs most now is time.

So naturally the gun cannot be sent directly to the police station.

It's somewhat unsafe to put on the road. After all, this is a truckload of ammunition, not a truckload of candy.

No matter who knows what will happen.

It's also causing trouble for yourself.

There may be many choices, but now Han Ai can only think of the most perfect way.

Seeing the security guard calling the police, Han Tang patted the AK47 behind him and said calmly.

"Watch it."

"One less gun, you're the only one asking."

After saying that, Han Tang walked directly towards the distance.

The security guard stared blankly at Han Tang who had walked away. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and cursed secretly.

What on earth does this person want to do?

Did you call the police here on purpose?

Why do you do this 463?

Could it be that he was setting a trap for the police?

Killing a police officer on the road?

Or is this a military philanthropist who specializes in donating weapons?

At this time, Han Tang did not know that the security guard had magnified his imagination two hundred times.

After walking to the roadside, he stopped a taxi and disappeared on the street.

at the same time.

On the other side, Wang Hexiang, who was cooperating with Shen Nianyun, Lei Jia and the strict network tightening team, suddenly hung up the phone.

Then he walked to Yan Yan and heard that the three of them were still discussing Han Chang's affairs.

"I didn't expect that Han Tang would fool us all."

Lei Jaw couldn't help but nodded at this time and said, "Wang Donglai, the director of the Donghai Municipal Bureau, is indeed worried. 11

"This guy is indeed an unfinished bomb. Just when you are most complacent, he will give you the most painful blow."

"Who would have thought that this young man who seemed to have just graduated would pretend to agree to us acting as an undercover agent."

"In fact, with the help of our status as undercover police officers, we staged a wave of gangsterism among underground bosses?"

"It's really abominable that someone at such a young age is being fooled around!"

At this time, Thunder Jaw put some mineral water on his chest, and then rubbed the dragon tattoo on his chest vigorously.

Yan Yan on the other side couldn't help turning his head to look at Shen Nianyun, and then asked.

"Xiao Shen, didn't you notice any strange behavior on his part along the way?"

Shen Nianyun's head was as big as two at this time.

Thinking that he had imagined that Han Chang might be a good person at the beginning, and even had some secret feelings for him, his face turned red with embarrassment.

Shen Nianyun never stopped doubting Han Tang all the way up the mountain, so he said.

"Yan Ting, I have always been suspicious of Han Tang along the way."

"After experiencing this firsthand, he was calmer than we thought."

"Even when facing people like K-head brother and spotted leopard, he behaves as if he has experienced it many times."

"I'm thinking that if a person really doesn't have any black background, how can he be so calm when facing the K-head brother?"

"And when he was at the train station, he didn't hesitate at all when he was killing people."

"In the abandoned warehouse just now, he was very calm when he shot and killed the three young masters.

"That feeling..."

"It was just like when he was interrogated about his murder memories in the interrogation room before."

"Very calm, as if he was talking about a very common thing."

"Normal people would feel guilty if they killed a chicken."

"And there was no compassion in his eyes."

Yan Yan nodded at this time. He also felt what Shen Nianyun said.

But unlike Shen Nianyun, Yan Yan didn't react much to this.

Just nodded.

"The person killed at the train station, if nothing else, should be the person they hated.

"We were just as confused as you were at first."

"It wasn't until I figured out the identity of the melon stall owner that I realized that this was Han Tang's plan to kill two birds with one stone."

"It gives us an opportunity to interrogate the melon stall owner and find out about the Nine-faced Buddha."

"Actually, I think it might be possible to kill three birds with one stone... The third thing is to win our trust!"

"It also indirectly confirmed Liu Huaqiang's identity. Look at these two, didn't the two of them who were deceived didn't find out that he was fake in the end?"

"I have to say, this Han Tang is so thoughtful and thoughtful, it's really terrifying!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two cuffed people on the ground twisted wildly.

It's the spotted leopard and K-head brother.

At this time, the two of them felt as if they were being talked about as little birds after walking with them in the moonlight, which was very shameful.

Especially the spotted leopard, when he thought that his identity had been discovered from the beginning, he vomited blood.

In addition, when he was in Xiaoban Town, he thought that Han Tang had already figured out that the melon stall owner was one of their Nine-Faced Buddha, so he killed him, which made his face turn red with anger.

No wonder he can be so ruthless.

The relationship has long been known that they are all on the same side.

From the very beginning he was treated like a monkey.



At this time, the spotted leopard and K-head brother were unable to make a sound because their throats were seriously injured by Han Tang's palm, and they could only make two sounds that contained strong unwillingness.

After looking at the two of them, he continued to add harshly.

"As for that young master."

"A worthy death."

"He is the largest local drug trafficking organization and has killed many police officers."

"If you don't believe me, just ask Wang Hexiang. He is still thinking about giving the young master two more shots."

"People like this deserve to die."

"If we really look at the results, Han Tang killed these two people with no problem.

"Besides, he was killed while acting as our undercover agent."

"It's even better."

"I just don't understand why he wanted to blackmail this guy's goods."

"If this kid really has such a scheming mind, he should have already planned to take advantage of the evil before we came to find him.

"How is this possible?"

After speaking, he shook his head sternly, then turned around and saw Wang Hexiang, so he asked.


"Have you finished your phone call?"

"It just so happens that before Han Tang has gone too far, a wanted order will be issued immediately to arrest Han Tang.

"Even if he didn't make any big mistakes while undercover."

But stealing the Nine-faced Buddha's goods this time is also a serious crime. "

"We have the right to want him."

At this time, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but think secretly.

If Han Tang had really planned to take advantage of others early on, then he would be terrible.

Perhaps from the very beginning of the reverse fraud scammers, the police had already fallen into their trap.

Because it was from this incident that they began to notice Han Tang.

Just when everyone was puzzled.

Wang Hexiang suddenly interrupted.

"Ting Yan, I think there is no need for a wanted warrant."

"Perhaps your informant has already left you an answer."

After hearing Wang Hexiang's words, Yan Ting couldn't help but look at Wang Hexiang in surprise and said doubtfully.

"Leave an answer?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Have you received any news?"

Wang Hexiang nodded and then said.

"Just now, our police station received a call from the security guard of Huaxia Bank in the city center."

"Said a man drove a car to the door of the bank."

"The car was full of guns."

"At first, I thought this person was here to rob the bank, but this person just called the security guard to call the police and left."

"I guess…………"

"We just lost a trainload of munitions."

"There will be a truckload of arms at the bank soon."

"In addition, the call from the bank happened after Han Chang had blackmailed the goods.

"I guess Han Tang probably did this."

"How about it? Do you want to go over now and take a look?"

He frowned sternly, feeling that his heart was full of doubts.

Han Tang robbed the goods?

And then sent it to the bank?

Should I call the police after sending it to the bank?

What is this operation?

"Could it be..."

"Afraid that the young master's group of powerful people will come to snatch the goods? So you sent them to the bank in the city center?"

"That's not right. With our current police force, it would be safest to just detain him here."

Is it because... this place is not as safe as a bank?”

Without thinking too much, he narrowed his eyes severely, looking very puzzled.

Now the ammunition in this car is a bomb, and it needs to be dealt with in time.

So he nodded.


“Go and take a look first before we talk!”

"In addition, find out Han Tang's movement track immediately and see what he is up to!"

the other side.

Han Tang was holding a stack of banknotes in his hand, and an unknown stranger stood in front of him.

"did you see it?"

"As long as you go to the airport."

"This money is all yours."

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