Yuncheng Police Department.

Shen Nianyun and Wang Hexiang were sitting in the interrogation room, looking at the man opposite who was stripped and wearing only a black leather waistcoat, their eyes full of disappointment.

After learning the news, Yan Yan and Lei Jia immediately gave up searching the train station and bus station, and now stood in the auditorium outside the glass of the interrogation room.

Looking at the man inside through a glass, Yan Yan suddenly sighed.


"I can predict that this Han Chang will leave in a way that we did not expect.

"I also expected that we might not be able to catch this person."

"But unexpectedly, he predicted all our judgments and left in a way that we least thought was possible."

"This person, on the surface, seems to be extremely arrogant, even someone who never knows how to restrain himself.'

"But he was so thoughtful that he deceived us all."

Thunder Jaw turned his head and took a stern look, then shook his head slightly after a while.

"Ting Yan, I still think Wang Donglai's judgment is correct."

"This person is both good and evil. Although he has helped us a lot, it is still necessary to understand him further."

"I don't believe he will hide abroad forever and never come back."

"If one day he comes back and stands on the opposite side of us, we will be the ones in trouble."

Yan Yan heard Lei Jia's words, but remained unmoved and said nothing. He just stood up straight and looked at Shen Nian and Chou Hexiang in the interrogation room.

At this time, Shen Nianyun picked up the pen, then looked at the man opposite with a serious face and asked.

"Please tell me how you got this dress?"

Across the interrogation room, the man shook his head and then said.

"I don't know. When I woke up, this dress was already on me."

Wang Hexiang asked quickly when he saw this.

"Then how did you faint?"

The man frowned and thought about it carefully, and after a while he still shook his head and said.

"I am not sure as well."

"I just went to the bathroom in the bathroom."

"It seemed like a person walked in, but he didn't pay attention at the time."

"When he came to me, I felt something was wrong, but before I could turn around, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and fainted."

After listening for a while, Yan Yan outside the interrogation room shook his head and said.

"It seems like I can't ask."

"It's better to put all the police force on Brother K-head and Spotted Leopard."

"Find out as much information as possible about the Nine-Faced Buddha."

"Also check Han Tang's movement track. Since he left his phone card, it means he is still using it."

"We can find him even abroad.

"Let's see what happened that made him rush over in such a hurry, even taking risks in this way."

After speaking sternly, he turned around and walked out of the interrogation room.

Thunderjaw looked at the stern figure from behind and couldn't help but think secretly suspiciously.

Does Yan Ting still believe in Han Tang?

No way?

He has such skillful escape techniques.

He did such crazy things as eating black people.

He doesn't look like a good person no matter how he looks.

Thunder Jaw couldn't understand it, but he could feel it from the time they found Han Tang.

It has already entered into Han Tang's plan.

Although on the surface it seems that they are in control of the overall situation.

But from the beginning, they were in the game.

And Han Tang is the one who makes the rules.

Ten hours later.

A plane flying from China to Yaoyao Country landed at Mangu Airport.

A man wearing a beige casual jacket walked into the bathroom with a briefcase under his arm. Then less than ten minutes later, the man walked out of the bathroom with a different face.

That's right, the first thing Han Tang did after landing was that he changed his face.

At this time, after Han Tang walked out of the airport, he took a car directly to the hospital based on his previous understanding of his cousin Rilang.

After randomly buying a mobile phone from a second-hand mobile phone store opposite the hospital, I installed my own phone card.

Then I found the text message with my cousin's wife and called her.




Hearing the familiar business on the phone, Han Tang said in a deep voice.

"It's me, Han Tang."

The voice on the phone immediately seemed excited and asked quickly.

"Han Tang?!"

"Is that you?"

"Have you contacted your cousin?"

Han Tang glanced at the hospital at this time, shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"I'm at the Passion Cafe opposite the hospital, come here and talk."

After saying that, Han Tang hung up the phone and walked into the Passion Cafe next door.

Less than ten minutes.

A dark-skinned woman wearing a headscarf and plain clothes walked in.

The woman looked around for a week, found Han Tang in the store, and walked over quickly.

The woman is Rilang's cousin's wife Jia Jia.

Han Tang had seen the woman. Compared with before, Jiajia looked very lackluster at this time. The corners of her eyes were drawn down, and there was countless fatigue in her eyes.

Sitting opposite Han Tang, Jiajia looked at Han Tang and said.

"Cousin Han, I really didn't expect you to come here."

"It's so good to meet you."

Han Tang nodded slightly, thinking about what happened to his cousin and Jiajia now, he really couldn't laugh, so he got straight to the point.

"What exactly happened?"

"When you told me yesterday, I happened to be busy, so I didn't have time to ask you."

"You can say it now."

Jiajia nodded, looking at Han Tang's young appearance, thinking that she was only three years older, but she looked as old as a man in his late forties in the mirror.

When he thought about his recent experiences, his eyes began to heat up before he could say anything.

"It was nothing originally."

"But just a month ago, Xiao Chong suddenly fainted. When he was sent to the hospital, he was told that Xiao Chong's heart had begun to weaken."

"The only option is conservative treatment or heart transplant surgery."

"With conservative treatment, he will not survive for more than a year."

"But heart transplant surgery will require high medical expenses."

"Xiao Chong's father had no choice but to sell all his property and borrow a lot of loan sharks. But just a week ago, when he was about to pay the surgery fee.

"All of a sudden he disappeared."

"Immediately afterwards, I was told that Xiao Chong's father signed a heart transfer agreement, and the heart that was originally intended to be replaced by Xiao Chong was given to someone else.

"Later on, I couldn't contact Xiaoyou's father.

"Brother Han Tang, do you know where your cousin is?"


As soon as she finished speaking, Jiajia suddenly started sobbing.

"I really can't live anymore!"

Hearing Jiajia's words, Han Tang frowned and couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart.

Heart transfer agreement?

This agreement came out of nowhere, right?

Almost during the time when my cousin was missing, there was one more agreement that there was no news about.

No matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

Coupled with the disappearance during the following period, it seems even more weird.

Cousin and he almost grew up naked.

Han Tang knew him very well.

Logically speaking, one would not do such an irresponsible thing.

Could it be that something happened in the middle?

Han Tang was silent for a while, and then asked.

"Sister-in-law, do you know who the beneficiary of the heart transfer agreement is?"

Jiajia suddenly raised her head, with a trace of ferocity and resentment in her eyes, then she gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"have no idea."

"I only know that it was a notification directly from the hospital."

"Although we haven't collected the money yet, it's clearly not overdue yet, so they shouldn't force us to give up our hearts!"

"Otherwise, tomorrow will be the day for Xiaochong to undergo surgery."

"But now the heart has to be transplanted into someone else's body."

"Brother Han Tang, you must help me!"

Han Tang blinked and nodded slightly after a while.

"Give me a day and I will investigate this matter.

"Do you know what kind of loan sharks your cousin has borrowed?"

Jiajia thought for a while, then took out her phone and nodded.

"He told me and I even took pictures."

After speaking, he found a few pictures in the photo album of his mobile phone and handed them to Han Tang.

Han Tang wrote down the names of several loan sharks, and then said in a deep voice.


"You take care of Xiaochong first, and I will figure out the rest."

After saying that, Han Tang took a picture of the demon baht and was about to leave when suddenly Jiajia stretched out her hand to stop Han Tang and said with a cry.

"Brother Han Tang."

"Little insect is running out of time."

Han Tang looked at Jiajia, nodded after a while, and left the cafe. (yes)

The most urgent task is to find where the heart is first.

According to what Jiajia said.

Tomorrow is the day for Xiao Chong to undergo surgery.

After all, the heart is a living creature. After a certain time limit, it loses its activity.

Then as long as you find out who will undergo heart replacement surgery tomorrow, you will know who the beneficiary of the heart is.

It seems that this matter has something to do with the hospital.

Maybe the staff at the bottom of the hospital don't know, but the senior leaders must know who it is.

Such a tyrannical way of snatching the heart.

He can even forcibly change the rules of the hospital, which shows that this person has a good background.

It is a bit impossible to figure out so many things in one day.

However, the top priority is to find a heart as soon as possible to help Xiao Chong complete the operation.

Then, by the way, I investigated the movements of my cousin.

He didn't believe that cousin Rilang would disappear so quietly.

Nodding slightly, Han Tang was about to visit several loan sharks on the list, when suddenly there was a systematic voice in his mind.

[Ding, the host has a new option task to generate! 】

[1 Hijack the Demon Country Hospital, play the role of a righteous big brother villain, get back the heart, and complete the insect surgery! 】

[2 Kill people and steal goods, play the role of a vicious villain with a waist, kill people and steal other people's hearts, and complete the insect surgery!]

[3 Blow up the demon country building and play the role of an extreme revenge villain!].

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