Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 87 Contact The Chinese Police Immediately!

"Am I right?"


Seeing the dean's body shaking even more violently, Han Tang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly.

Among many people, Han Tang had a special liking for the dean, mainly because the dean definitely knew all the details about Xiaochong's heart being replaced.

Among the others, Han Tang is still very polite.

For example, Dr. Gamma and others have only had their mobile phones confiscated by Han Chang so far.

After all, in this optional mission, Han Tang chose a moral villain.

Although they hijacked the hospital, they still had to walk on the path of morality.

People who don't deserve to get hurt don't get hurt.

Killing innocent people indiscriminately violates mission requirements and is illegal.

But punishing evil and promoting good is another story...

Han Tang glanced at the dean, and then said in a deep voice.

"I'll give you ten minutes to think about it."

"But you have to remember, my time is valuable."

"You'd better think it through before telling me!"

The lobby of the hospital is very quiet. From time to time, you can hear sirens and noisy sounds outside.

When the dean saw Han Tang walking away, he lay on the ground and groaned in pain.

Everyone fell into silence for a while, and several people from the demon country looked at the dean on the ground with different expressions.

Everyone has different thoughts in their eyes.

Contrary to the tranquility inside, it was very chaotic outside at this time.

In addition to maintaining order on the scene, most of the demon country's police force also had to dedicate a lot of police force to survey the hospital's terrain.

Collect information about Han Tang.

We also have to find a way to negotiate with Han Tang.

Xue Zhengyi looked at the door of the hospital at this time, then turned around and greeted the police officers around him, came to the side of the police car and said in a deep voice.

"This person should have family that is going to be in this hospital."

"Find out who's going to have a heart transplant today."

"And find out what's going on?"

"Also, contact the technical department quickly. I want to see the scene inside the hospital now.


Before he finished speaking, a man in police uniform suddenly walked out of the cordon.

Compared with Xue Zhengyi, this man was dressed very formally, with no wrinkles on his collar, as if it had been ironed just before going out.

When he came to Xue Zhengyi, he looked at the hospital and then said.

"Old Xue, why are you still dawdling?"

"The special police have arrived, let's attack directly!"

The man who came here was a police officer from Mangu Police Station just like Xue Zhengyi.

Tea scorpion.

But it is different from Xue Zhengyi.

Xue Zhengyi has been working for thirty-five years and has always been just a small police officer in the police station.

Cha Xie has only been in office for five years, and now he has reached the position of deputy director.

Underneath his youthful appearance, almost every pore is filled with promise.

Even in front of an experienced police officer like Xue Zhengyi, his chin was still raised high.

Seeing that Tea Scorpion had just come over, he advocated a violent attack. Even though Xue Zhengyi knew that his official position was not as good as that of the other party, he still shook his head affirmatively.

"There are a total of fifteen people inside, not including the robbers~". "

"The robbers are very arrogant. The slightest movement may cause harm to the people inside."

"And there are six floors in this lobby."

"According to the information we have now, the robbers only supported the first floor.

"After he kills all the people on the first floor, it is not ruled out that he will go to the second floor to continue kidnapping.

"Very passive towards us."

"If this kind of injury is allowed to continue, I think no matter how thick your 'thighs' are, your black gauze hat will not be saved.

After speaking, Xue Zhengyi turned his head and continued to distribute tasks.

After listening to Xue Zhengyi's words, Cha Xie began to look at the hospital hesitantly.

At this time, Tea Scorpion couldn't help but think secretly.

If we only kill the people on the first floor, we can pour all the dirty water on the robber.

But this robber really killed all the people on the first floor as Xue Zhengyi said, and then moved to the second floor. What about the third floor?

If it were the past, he would definitely continue to advocate storming the hospital, and they would have killed the robbers without giving the robbers a chance to kill all the people on the first floor.

But the hospital today is different from the past.

The hospital is already very crowded.

Once the public opinion goes bad, it may be difficult to clear up later.

Even if someone wants to protect themselves by then, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

If you want to solve this matter, I'm afraid you really have to take your time.

If you don't handle it well, you may really lose your hat as Xue Zhengyi said.

Tea Scorpion touched his chin, then turned to look at Xue Zhengyi, and said after a while.

"Even if the attack fails, I don't think you can make the robber free by negotiating with him.

"I heard from the police that this is a tough gangster."

"You don't really believe that the gangsters will come out and surrender, do you?"

Xue Zhengyi raised his eyebrows at this time and glanced at Tea Scorpion. Although he didn't want to pay attention to it, he couldn't help but say.

"The robbers inside are indeed very powerful."

"But it's not without negotiation."

"He told me what heart to look for."

"My guess is that he must have family members in this hospital."

After saying that, Xue Zhengyi turned to look at the police officer and continued.

"By the way, let's first check who is the patient undergoing heart transplant surgery today."

"After finding this, I think we should be able to know who the robber is."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tea Scorpion was stimulated for some reason.

I saw Tea Scorpion's eyes suddenly widen, and his expression became serious and nervous, as if he had thought of something.

Heart transplant surgery?

I almost forgot, there seems to be a giant Buddha who is going to perform a heart transplant surgery here today.

If something goes wrong at this time

Although the operation will definitely not be affected, even if the hospital is bombed, the operation that needs to be performed will still continue.

It's just that at this time, we can't let any stain appear on the big Buddha.

If the public really knows something.

I am afraid that I will become the biggest scapegoat.

So Tea Scorpion almost didn't have time to react, so he whispered to the police officer beside him.

"What are you still doing standing here?"

"Get the snipers ready!"

"No matter what angle you look at, get rid of the robbers inside!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cha Xie suddenly felt his cell phone vibrating in his pocket, so he quickly took out his cell phone, glanced at the caller number, and quickly pressed the connect button.

Immediately afterwards, the sullen expression on his face a second ago turned into a smiling face.

"What's going on now?" A low and magnetic voice appeared on the phone.

Just by listening to the voice, I can feel that the person on the other end of the phone is not too old.

Tea Scorpion didn't dare to neglect, so he said quickly.

"It was an unknown robber who hijacked the hospital."

" seems to be looking for the heart."

Soon the deep voice continued on the phone.

"Looking for a heart?"


"You should know how to do it without me telling you, right?"

"At this time today, I don't allow anyone to know about our affairs."

"I hope to receive news that the hospital has resolved the crisis in five minutes.


"."News of someone's death. "

Tea Scorpion quickly stood at attention, then looked serious.


"The battle will be resolved within five minutes!"

Just after he finished speaking, there was a hang-up sound on the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone.

Looking at the phone screen, the phone numbers that have been called to each other 37 times are displayed.

Tea Scorpion's face was no longer relaxed at all.

Either the hospital resolves the crisis.

Or kill someone.

This someone...

Not a robber.

But he is a very important person in the hands of the robbers.

As a person on a boat, Cha Xie knew very well that this man knew too much.

Once it is exposed, I am afraid that everyone in this boat will capsize.

It seems that we must find an opportunity to get rid of this robber.

If you can't kill the robbers, you can also kill the dean.

As long as the dean is dead, they will have no worries.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Cha Xie glanced at the police officers around him, and then continued to growl.

"What else are you looking at?"

"Order the snipers immediately and end the battle within five minutes!"

After saying that, Xue Zhengyi immediately rushed over, his eyes widened, grabbed Tea Scorpion's collar and shouted in a low voice.

"Are you crazy?"

"Find a sniper to attack. If a mistake doesn't kill the robber."

"It will only make the robbers go crazy again!"

"At that time, all the people inside will fall into the revenge of the robbers!"

"Even if you don't think about those people in the hospital, you should still think about your (Wang Hao) hat!"

Tea Scorpion allowed Xue Zhengyi to grab his collar. After a while, he glanced at Xue Zhengyi contemptuously and said softly.

"Please take your hands away, Officer Xue."

"I am the deputy chief of Mangu Police Station.

"Now I am personally in charge of this operation, and I will be responsible for all actions!

"You can go and rest."

After speaking, Tea Scorpion looked at the old hand on his collar and couldn't help but secretly said.

If this robber doesn't die now.

The next person to die was the dean.

If the dean is not dead, then he is the only one who will die.

So now we can't control that much, we can only attack by force.

And the sooner the better.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a police officer suddenly ran up beside him, saluted the two of them and reported back.


Xue Zhengyi looked over and asked, "Any clues?"

The police officer nodded and hurriedly reported: "It has been found that the robber appeared in Bangkok yesterday afternoon.

"Then I met a lady named Jiajia in a hurry."

"The name of the robber is currently unknown."

"But what is certain at present is...both of them are Chinese!"

Hearing this, Xian Zhengyi was stunned.


The next moment, without waiting for Tea Scorpion's reaction, he immediately ordered the police officer.


"Contact the Chinese police immediately!"

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