Trinitas Mundus - The Story of Saint Knight Ray
Lesson 31: Achieving Requests
Roche had checked the damage to merchants, horses, etc. and was relieved that there had been no damage other than escorts.
The guard was also the one who suffered the worst injury, and still wasn't wounded enough to walk. Ogo, Vieri can't even be described as a scuffle wound, but there is no obstacle to action, so it was possible to continue on to the city of Rezam.
When I tell Orville about it,
"Keep going, we're going to the city of Rezam. As soon as the carriage can move, we'll leave."
In that word, the merchants pack their bags and begin to prepare for the journey.
Ray saw Ashley safe and was horrified, but regretted not being able to help her and had a depressed look on her face.
"Good. I saw you surrounded, so I thought I'd go help you... sorry. I shouldn't have ended up..."
Ashley doesn't look particularly concerned and comforts him in depression.
"Never mind. The last guy was the leader of the herd. The other wolves fled because you defeated them. So as it turns out, it's supposed to have helped."
Having confirmed that Ashley had no injuries, Ray suggested that healing magic could be hung on the bloodshed Roche.
Hearing that Ray, who thought he was just a warrior, could use healing magic, Rosh is surprised, but asks for immediate treatment.
Then he also hung healing magic on Ogo, Vieri.
Both Ugo and Vieri were surprised, losing their voices.
At the end of the treatment, Orville's departure signal hung.
The time was shortly after the dawn of the scheduled departure time - around 6: 00 am. Fearing that other demons and beasts would come by because of the smell of blood, he hurried off on the spot without even grabbing breakfast.
From the camp, you will soon enter the crossroads, so you will go up steep slopes.
Occasionally, the sounds of the beast also reach the streets running in the woods, each time the escorts intensify their vigilance.
Because of the strange state of the woods, he ignored the fatigue of the horses and even went down the road.
In about two hours, the uphill end also ended, and he went to the top of the ledge, but without a small pause, he proceeded with the horse. When it was thought that horse and man fatigue would reach its peak, a small village was seen ahead.
Approximately four hours after leaving the camp, around 10 a.m., he arrived safely in the village of Breemer.
I finished my breakfast with a portable meal on the horse, so I wasn't hungry, but a line of fatigue takes an hour's small pause.
Sometimes in a safe village, the look on the faces of the guards who were stranded also finally loosened.
And then he drank the water, and just took a breath, he started Roche, and the face of the escort called out to Ray.
While Roche slapped Ray on the shoulder,
"Wow, you are. That's just about the guy who beat Theron. I've never seen you powerless a forest wolf with one blow at a time. And I didn't know you could even use the magic of healing... Ashley, you hooked a great man."
Ashley laughs, "There won't be any" hooked, "raising a protest.
Soon as Cardina,
"That was really awesome. Spears are a little different than normal... and they're awesome. Can I have it for a second?
As the same magician, he seemed interested in his spear.
"Be careful because it's unscrupulous and heavy," Ray said, passing his own spear, but Cardina got her buttcake on more weight than she could have imagined.
"What a weight! Take this like that..."
to Cardina, surprised with her eyes round, Ray scratched his head,
"Thank you. It looks like the magic of lightening is hanging. It's just for me… I think it's as good as a regular spear, Mr. Cardina's spear, when I have it."
Everyone but Ashley loses the word to that word.
Magic hanging weapons are very expensive, to the extent rarely held by knights with arms or adventurers or mercenaries of secondary or higher rank.
In the sixth grade they've never even seen it.
Vieri said to Bosoli, "Who are you?," Ashley answers on Ray's behalf.
"Ray suddenly appeared in the woods. I don't remember, a little out of common sense, but a very normal man."
Vieri hastily apologizes to Ashley for her flashy expression.
"I'm sorry, that's not what I said. Because you can hold a spear hung with magic and even use the magic of light. If they say Luke's Holy Knight, I'll believe you soon, normal."
"Normally, you think so," Ray, who hated being in a sinister atmosphere, took the story from Ashley,
"But I don't think maybe it's the Saint Knight. They say the crest in this armor isn't the same as that of the Holy Knight, and first of all, because I don't like Light Divinity..."
The story of his accusation against Bishop Azaro soon became rumoured, and most knew the following day in Morton, a small city.
The Roches also heard the rumors in the inns and taverns, especially the beasts, Vieri and Cardina, so much so that the two of them were celebrating.
Vieri grinned and laughed.
"Okay. I know you don't like light theism, and I'm grateful you drove that crazy azaro to ruin."
At the end of their little pause time, they rode again, all the way to the city of Rezam.
Leaving the village of Breemer, they enter the deep woods again and the escorts intensify their vigilance.
Roche was uncomfortable with the state of the forest.
(As was the case earlier, I feel the woods are noisier than usual. The same goes for the forest wolf, is there anything in the woods? Or even if the Knights train... No, I didn't have that information. Don't worry......)
Not only Roche, but all the mercenaries except Ray thought the same thing.
They have done numerous escorts on this street, and when something was different than usual, and the woods were on purpose somewhere, I always felt right after I left the camp.
What the mercenaries were wary of, they did their job, and they arrived safely in the city of Rezam at 6 p.m.
My client, Orville, signed me to complete the request, and the mercenaries headed to the mercenary guild in the city of Rezam.
The reception was available because the mercenary guild in the city of Rezam is much the same as in the city of Morton, with 6 p.m. and late hours.
After completing the completion report, the six receive a half gold coin - 50C (Krona) - which is the reward, and will look for a request to return the next day.
Exactly at this hour, the request from the next morning was almost gone.
"Not much. What do we do?"
I don't know what to do. Ray calls Ashley that.
"You have no choice. Let's come back tomorrow. There's no reason to rush back."
The two give up and leave the mercenary guild.
As I tried to find the inn, Roche called out.
"You're looking for an inn, aren't you? There's a good place, why don't you come with me?
Roche, who has provided escorts like this one many times, seems to have an inn to stay in, and both of them decided to follow him.
When I looked back, not only Ugo, but the sisters of Vieri, Cardina, were walking with me. Looks like they're looking for the same inn.
After about five minutes of walking, he arrived at a small wooden two-story inn.
The style below is familiar to the dining room and tavern, and it looks like you can stay upstairs.
The inn sign depicted a large yellow trout painting.
The six enter the "gold trout" pavilion.
"Is the room empty?
As soon as Roche came in, he called out like that, and in his late forties or so, a man with a strong face - a disappointed, low-stature man - came out.
"Whoa, Roche. Long time no see. Whoa, isn't that a rare and large crowd? So, how many rooms are there?
The man - Gavin, the husband of the Golden Trout Pavilion - has been looking over the six.
Roche asks me, "Ray and Ashley are fine in one room," but I don't even ask you two for answers.
"One room and two. Two rooms at a time. Anyway, it's always free inn, you're free, right?
"Ugh. It's definitely empty though. You've never seen those two before. Two meals for two, five C (krona) per person. If there's no rice, 4C is fine."
Roche interrupts,
"Put on the rice. This guy is bad on the side, but he's not good at cooking. If it wasn't for this side, it'd be more prosperous."
"I'll let you do it anyway. So, what do we do?
Ray and Ashley looked at each other and decided to stay with a meal.
It was too late and it was already after 7pm, so when I put my luggage in the room, my gear went straight down to the dining room.
The dining room had about ten tables for four, and only three were available.
Six men in two of them, order a drink with a meal. As soon as the liquor - ale and white wine - reaches the table, Roche takes the head of the toast.
"I was a little troubled, but I was able to accomplish it safely. I haven't eaten since last night, so have fun eating and drinking. Cheers!"
Ray is eating because he's new to something called the Mercenaries Launch.
The drinking in large numbers was itself the first celebration after a duel with Cylon, but it wasn't very memorable because it was soon crushed then.
(It's a life-threatening job, so do we need a launch like this? I don't know, but something looks fun to everyone...)
As soon as I started drinking, I started cooking.
As the name of the inn suggests, trout dishes dominate and, as Roche puts it, salads shaking vinegar on aromatically baked poirettes and lightly smoked ones using butter, very high quality dishes satisfy their tongues.
Is the liquor also from nearby, cheaper than I thought, two copper coins for a cup of jock ale, twenty e (ale).
In about an hour, he was satisfied with his appetite, and all of them became more predominant in drinking.
Especially liquor lovers, Roche asked for Yale and wine alternately and was quite drunk.
He sits next to Ray as he slaps him on the shoulder with a bassin, "Thanks for the help today, Ray," he said.
"But you're strong. I don't remember the old days. Yeah, but what's the level now?
After his battle with the wolves, Ray recalled that he had not confirmed his level and confirmed it on the spot.
"Uh... the level is twenty-three... it's rising"
"Twenty-three? You're lying, aren't you?
Roche has his neck strapped to a far lower level than he is.
Ray didn't even answer that, but was surprised at something else: "Ah!" Raise your voice. Quiet around his surprise voice for a moment.
Ray never perceived the atmosphere around him, and he was whining, "My skills... I can confirm my skills..."
Only Ashley reacted to the words, "How many? I ask..." but the other four look like they don't know what they're talking about.
"Thirty-nine... I don't know yet about swordsmanship..."
"Thirty-nine... that's a reasonable number"
The unspeakable Roche said, "What are you talking about?" I don't really want anyone else to talk about it, "Ray said after saying no.
"I don't remember more than a month ago. When I signed up, I also had my skills looked up in my guild, but all I could see was weird indications..."
He doesn't talk about levels, he only tells four people about his skills.
(You can't talk about levels. I can't believe I went from level one to 23 in just a month...)
The four were surprised at the huge difference between the level of the magician and his skills.
On behalf of Roche, he was putting that surprise to words.
"It must be normal! It's common sense that levels and skills are pretty much the same... no... the professional level of a magician is too low. Twenty-three..."
When it started to look serious, Vieri laughed and tried to restore the atmosphere of the venue.
"That move should be beyond my swordsmanship skills twenty-eight. Something's wrong with the level. Well, that doesn't matter. Let's drink."
Everyone noticed the care and was soon returning to their original atmosphere.
Six people start drinking, but Ashley was thinking about Ray's skills.
(Thirty-nine or... I guess so. Almost mutual with me. No, considering the performance of that spear, Album Cornu, I would be more disadvantaged... but what it means to be visible now... maybe that's about the level of the original body owner? So, with experience, the body's recollection brings us back to our original skill and allows us to see the numbers. Isn't it because you don't know swordsmanship because you don't use swords much... and other skills... and yet what background is the original body owner? Obviously younger than me, five would be younger. Even I was at level 30 five years ago, I should not have been. How much training and experience do we get that far with that young......)
Ray knew Ashley was thinking of himself, but he didn't care so much himself.
(Level twenty-three... Not yet, far from being a veteran, but to about Mr. Cardina's level - level twenty-five - I mean, it is. Still, mercenaries are in ninth grade, even adventurers in seventh grade, but in strength, sixth class. It's a level where they say it's for one person, so you should be qualified to be next to Ash...)
Then, from Vieri and Cardina, the invitation hangs.
"Does Ray continue to combine with Ashley? Not the two of us, but the four of us?
Vieri, who is quite drunk, has told Ray that so that he can be supple.
"That's right. With your sister and me, we can scold you, and to some extent at night, you're blind, so it helps."
Cardina also keeps pace with her sister's words.
Ray can't believe he's being invited.
Even if I thought I could have been as good as one person myself, I rushed out. The basics, even in the last two days, were asking Ashley as well as the other members, so I couldn't believe why she was calling out to herself.
"I'm still a good place to rush out. Sure, with Ash, I can do some things... but I'll definitely annoy you."
With his eyes slightly seated, Vieri laughed.
"What are you talking about? If Ray hadn't been here this morning, a few would have died. And how precious it is to be able to use the magic of healing. I don't have any experience at all."
With a bash and a slap on the shoulder, that's what they say, but it just sounds like drunken bullshit.
He sees Ashley with a troubled face, but
"Right. Ray doesn't know what he's worth. All that arm and all that magic... No, if I could use all that healing, there wouldn't be any faint color in working with a veteran class. In fact, healers were quite valuable even in the mercenary regiment I was in"
Ray became an even more troubled face, turning to Vieri and Cardina,
"I appreciate the invitation, but for the time being, Ash and I have decided to do it together. Excuse me."
That's how I bow my head.
You didn't think Vieri would get an answer soon either, give up lightly.
"Fair enough. But just remember that I'm always going to work with you."
Cardina pointed her mouth a little,
"I can't believe you have these beautiful sisters on your sleeves..." Snooping at Ash. "What do you mean? You can burn it. Hehe."
At the end of the day, he said it himself and was about to erupt.
The place soothes and starts drinking again, but Hugo, who has been so silent so far, suddenly starts talking.
"I just heard that yesterday, Cylon came through here"
The four other people besides Roche are surprised and stare at him.
Roche began to talk to me to take back the story of Ugo, who immediately shut up.
"You heard me, too. He was surrounded yesterday by fifteen convoys, put in a cage, and arrived. I'm talking about the guy I saw, who seemed pretty disappointed, as if he was someone else. You said you left here yesterday morning for Fonce."
Ray and Ashley had heard about Cylon being escorted to Fonce, but they hadn't heard about it because they were rubbing with Bishop Azaro.
Ashley looked a little hoarse,
"Now you've got less to worry about. Bishop Azaro will be more peaceful if he returns to Luke."
When I said that to whine to myself, Ray was also nodding to agree.
The launch is over and we head to our respective rooms.
The two Rays and Ashley, after being tied together the day after their duel with Cylon, were going to make it into the same room, but they vacated the room in an investigation of grave vandalism or had a confrontation with Bishop Azaro, which, in the end, remained separate rooms.
When the two enter the room silently, they begin to de-equip silently.
After removing the gear and getting dressed, Ray approached Ashley.
Then put your hands on your shoulders and mouth them as you hug them.
"You've got a lot going on. But today..."
Ashley was concerned that she hadn't even wiped her body,
"I haven't even wiped my body since yesterday. It would smell like sweat..."
Ray uses the magic of purification on two people who immediately hug each other.
The light wrapped them up and quickly disappeared.
"Now it's clean..." Ray said, falling into bed with her.
After they loved each other, they held each other naked. And as Ashley stares at him, she talks.
"Weren't you even full about Vieri and Cardina?
Ray couldn't keep up with the story that started abruptly and said, "Yeah? About what?" and ask back.
Ashley looked him in the eye,
"You don't think Vieri or Cardina are beautiful? Those two were interested in you. Weren't you stretching under your nose then?
In her somewhat obstinate mouthfeel, Ray nearly erupted.
"Ash, could you be jealous? What if I told you I was with those two?
He thinks her jealous tricks, usually rigid, are cute and makes fun of him.
Ashley remains in the lead and has not grasped his intentions.
"Maybe, uh, you thought about keeping the two of us company? Wow, I can't do this alone. Hey Ray, I'm dissatisfied..."
He made fun of him, stopping her words with his own mouth with his face close.
"Sorry. I was just making fun of you. Because Ash was so cute..."
Ashley turned bright red on the words,
"Or was it cute!? Wow, I... what... really..."
At the end of the day, he tilts his neck and his voice is lowered with confidence.
After mouthing her again, Ray said "true," and hugged her.
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