The sudden withdrawal of wuliangzong made the main doors a little overwhelmed. Some were very satisfied with the consciousness of wuliangzong, while others frowned.

White lotus sect has always had a good friendship with wuliangzong. Therefore, when wuliangzong evacuated, Bai Changlao secretly informed the virgin of white lotus. The leader of the holy fire palace and the leader of the ice and snow sect noticed the words of the ancient wind from the beginning, so they frowned and didn't know how to choose for a moment.

The virgin of white lotus said, "you can see how to allocate the demon Temple by yourself. I white lotus sect just came to visit wuliangzong today." The virgin of white lotus said, and led several elders to catch up with wuliangzong.

With the sudden withdrawal of the white lotus sect, the people of the holy fire palace and the ice and snow sect immediately understood. Maybe this is not a real demon temple. But they were reluctant to give up so easily, so they laughed loudly and said, "our holy fire palace is just for fun today. You don't care about us, just distribute it yourself!"

The people of the flame palace temporarily evacuated on a mountain and looked at the valley below from a distance.

Seeing that the people of the holy fire Palace also left, the people of the ice and snow sect immediately laughed loudly: "we are just passing by, not interested in your competition, you continue!"

The people of ice and snow sect didn't really evacuate, but just like the people of Shenhuo, they chose a mountain and waited for its change.

Today, there are seven patriarchal clans and a long grandson family. There are only four forces left in the blink of an eye. Look at me and I look at you. No one wants to evacuate.

"You guys, how about opening the demon Temple together? No matter how much there is in it, let's divide it equally! "

"We tianxuanzong have no problem!"

"I have no problem with the five poisons gate!"

"My eldest grandson family has no problem!"

In a few words, several families reached a consensus, and then began to clear the field. Before that, those inner and outer disciples left the field one after another.

Mu Qingqing was taken by the rain and left here, standing on a mountain far away.

The remaining four forces each came out of an old man and bombarded the door of the demon temple.

Hearing a loud bang, the Palace door immediately opened, revealing the scene inside.


Needless to say, people from several large doors rushed in immediately for fear of falling behind. In a short moment, the people of the four forces basically rushed in, and soon there was a fierce fight. It was very fierce. There was a continuous sound of blasting, and the dust swept the sky.

Not long after that, a louder sound of blasting came up. The people inside finally touched the killing array, and the endless runes quickly spread and strangled. The aftermath of the explosion turned into ripples and spread rapidly. Everywhere it passed, it turned into powder. The whole valley was razed to the ground in an instant. The momentum was huge and breathtaking.

"This... Sure enough, it's not a demon temple, but a peerless and dangerous place!" The people in the holy fire palace and demon Temple unconsciously sweat on their backs, and secretly celebrate that they didn't fall in with them.

"Master!" Rain all over the sky and wood Qingqing shouted at the same time, looking extremely anxious.

I saw five people with broken bodies and blood all over the valley that had been razed to ruins. Among these lucky people, there is a master who is raining all over the sky. When they just rushed out, there was a monstrous Rune behind them. After all, the two people who followed behind couldn't escape bad luck and were hanged on the spot.

Boom, boom!

The demon temple is still exploding, and the momentum is extremely frightening. The rainy master and the other two people escaped successfully, but they lost half of their body. They have suffered heavy losses and need a long time to recover.

Among the people who successfully escaped from it were the master who was raining all over the sky, an elder of the five poisons sect and a person of the changsun family. Tianxuanzong was completely destroyed, and no one escaped.

"Master!" It rained all over the sky and flew to meet them at a high speed. Then there was a long roar. The green scale eagle that had brought them before flew over again and took the three away.

"Well, you wuliangzong, I have written down today's great revenge. I will settle with you in the future."

"My five poisons sect will not give up!"

"My eldest grandson family also needs a statement!"

They retreated, and all the Presbyterian groups brought today were destroyed here. Among them, no one of tianxuanzong survived, and the loss was really terrible.

Look at the location of the demon temple. At this time, it has already been submerged by the rolling smoke. You can vaguely see that the runes are still disappearing and emitting peerless power.

"Ah! I'll wait and go! I can see what demon tomb is. This is a big pit. Since ancient times, the pit has killed countless experts. I haven't heard that anyone has really benefited. "

The people of the holy fire Palace also evacuated. Although they had no loss on today's trip, they were still disappointed. The people of the ice and snow sect also left disappointed. They were glad to hear the secret words of the ancient wind to the white elder, otherwise they would embark on this road of no return.

At the same time, they are also cursing wuliangzong in their hearts. Since they know that this is not a demon God's tomb, they do not inform themselves. If they are not careful enough, they may end up worrying.

The storm in the demon temple is over, and all the experts of all sects evacuate. There are still those low-strength disciples left in the whole immeasurable mountain, still looking for their "babies" everywhere.

Bai Changlao of Wuliang sect, the elder who guarded the pavilion and several elders from Bai Lian sect stood on a mountain from a distance, looked at everything in the sky, listened to the roar of the sky, and looked at the smoke and dust sweeping the sky. The virgin of Bai Lian was in a cold sweat on her back.

"Brother Bai, if you hadn't reminded me today, I'm afraid my Bai Lian sect would be robbed!"

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter. Don't worry!" Elder Bai waved with a smile, which seemed to be very elegant.

Then, the virgin of white lotus gave a sigh: "unexpectedly, the so-called demon God tomb turned out to be a big pit. Countless strong people have died in this pit since ancient times! Now the demon tomb has completely collapsed, and I don't know if there is a real demon temple? "

When the virgin of white lotus said this, she seemed very casual, like chatting. In fact, she wanted to find out some news from the quilt.

Wuliangzong stands on the edge of Wuliangshan mountain. It is reasonable to send people to inquire secretly. For the demon tomb, it should know the most. Therefore, if you ask elder Bai this question, you should not ask the wrong person.

"Where did the demon Temple come from? As you said yourself, this is a big pit to kill those greedy people. The demon temple does not exist. "

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