The ancient wind was caught by Lu Yuan, but there was no resistance at all.

He knew it was his own fault and irrefutable.

Although he had to kill to save his life at that time, on the whole, he still caused heavy losses to wuliangzong. At this time, wuliangzong was unable to launch an attack and kill array and waited silently for death, which had nothing to do with him.

Lu Yuan is a maniac. He wants to crush the ancient style. He even plans to hand it over directly and let Gaozu take it away.

However, at this time, kunba made a move. He opened Lu Yuan, kicked his eyes and said angrily: "no wonder you can't step into the field of saints. You have a problem with your mind. At this time, the destruction of wuliangzong is imminent. It is not a time for internal strife. We should think about how to break the enemy. "

"Break the enemy? How to break? Who can give me a hundred gods? Without these 100 divine kings, what can I use to start the formation? " Lu Yuan roared with his eyes red.

"Kill Gu Feng, he killed us!"

At this time, the other disciples roared.

Although Wu Xutian and kunba said a few days ago that they would write off the ancient customs, how can people be reconciled at this time?

Starting the attack and kill array of wuliangzong requires 250 God King experts. Wuliangzong used to have such strength.

However, a few days ago, more than 110 people were killed in front of the ethereal Palace by the ancient wind, and nearly half of their strength was lost. Even if the large array was forcibly opened, it would not form an array and could not kill the enemy at all.

"A hundred gods?" At this time, the ancient wind's eyes were shining, his heart was fierce, and then he opened his mouth fiercely: "a hundred God kings, I'll give them back to you!"


Everyone was confused by the ancient style and didn't understand what the ancient style meant.

"Why? Can you change a hundred gods out of thin air? Or do you have a hundred gods with you? "

Everyone questioned and didn't believe in ancient customs at all.

However, the old wind didn't say much at this time. He sat down with his knees crossed.

Then, with a "bang", a monster with only one head appeared, entrenched and roared on the head of the ancient wind, revealing its ferocity.

Before everyone could figure out what was going on, another small tree full of crystal fruits appeared, still floating and shining on his head, flowing mysterious rays.

Needless to say, it must be the seedling of the world tree, also known as the divine tree of heaven.

The heavenly tree is covered with fruit in the shape of a baby, of which seven or eight are very special. It is the divine king's fruit.


Gu Feng directly picked the seven or eight fruits and handed them to kunba. He opened his mouth and said, "return your eight divine kings first, and make up the rest later!"

"Is this... Ginseng fruit?"


On the spot, countless people took a breath.

No one recognized this as the world tree. Everyone was misled by the fruit like a baby. They all thought it was a ginseng fruit tree.

Kunba and Wu Xutian took one of these fruits to recover their lives and promote themselves to the great holy land. They can't be more familiar with the efficacy of this fruit.

After a burst of excitement, kunba immediately shouted, "come here, eight true gods, one for each, eat!"


Everyone didn't know what was going on. For a moment, they all stood still. Even Gao yunzong stopped attacking the array and stared at the head of the ancient wind.

"That's magic medicine, that's ginseng fruit tree... Didn't he eat the whole small tree in order to survive the robbery that day? Why is there another one? And this ginseng fruit tree is obviously different from the one that will be eaten on the. "

Gao yunzong was stupid. Last time he was in the Forbidden City, he saw it with his own eyes. Gu Feng ate the whole fruit tree in order to survive the robbery. He really can't think of where Gu Feng got another one.

Not only gaoyunzong, but also Gaozu's eyes straightened. After watching it for a long time, he made his own voice: "that little tree, I must get it today!"

Without exception, the eight true gods ate eight fruits. Soon after that, in less than a incense burning time, they were all promoted to become God King experts... For a moment, the sect door shook and shouted wildly.

Hope, dawn!

The limitless disciples who had just been shrouded in the fear of death saw hope at this time.

The ancient wind is creating God, creating the power of the king of God out of thin air, and it is a huge pen. One creation is a hundred.

Everyone looked at the ancient wind. At this time, they were surprised to find that the ancient wind had rushed out of the terrible essence of heaven and earth and rushed straight into the sky.

The sky swallowing beast, which had long been entrenched in the head of the ancient wind, ran wildly. In a few back and forth, all the essence was swallowed up.

Then, a terrible scene appeared again. I saw that on the small sapling, at this time, it inexplicably produced one fruit after another, bright and dripping, like a newborn baby, with strange fragrance

There are thirty, as like as two peas just now!


The whole audience was shocked to breathe again.


Gu Feng's eyes opened at this moment. When he waved again and again, the thirty fruits fell into the terrible hands again and shouted, "return you thirty God kings!"


Everyone was stupid. Even kunba trembled his hands. He couldn't believe it was true.

"If you want to achieve the throne of God King, step forward!"

Wu Xutian reacted and roared again.

"I, I, I'll come!"

"I'll come!"

"I come and swear to live or die with the pope!"

On the spot, a series of figures rushed up, including not only the real God, but also the virtual God.

"If the virtual God goes down, your accomplishments are not enough, and it's a waste to give you!" Kunba roared.

"The virtual God can also directly become the God King!" At this time, Gu Feng shouted and continued: "the fruit is precious. No matter how high or low the cultivation is, it only depends on whether the loyal minister is or not!"

"Seriously? Is the empty God also useful? "

Kunba was surprised. Without saying a word, he took a virtual God and rewarded a fruit.

In less than a incense burning time, the virtual God boy actually directly achieved the God King fruit position.

This change stunned the audience again on the spot.

For a moment, everyone quarreled endlessly, and even some little friars in Shenqiao also quarreled with their loyal ministers. Even such a little monk wants to ascend to heaven step by step and achieve the throne of God King.

Take the fruit directly to advance. You don't need to experience the disaster like the ancient style.

Because these fruits were originally the essence of a king's life, and they had experienced various kinds of disasters.

Doing so is like directly robbing other people's Tao fruit. Among the fruit, there are the previous feelings and experiences, but there are no previous magic powers, otherwise it will really go against the sky.

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