Once again, the immeasurable sect is in front of us. The ancient wind of returning like an arrow looked at the direction of the ethereal palace and rushed away.

However, a tragic scene appeared... At the moment when the ancient wind was about to rush into Xianshan, an extremely strong rebound force blew him out on the spot, embarrassed him and almost suffered heavy losses. At the same time, a dazzling golden light immediately rose over the whole wuliangzong.

The whole wuliangzong was guarded by the golden light in that circle. It turned out to be a guardian array and ran automatically.

"Damn it!"

The ancient wind cursed and rubbed his painful chest. He was depressed and was about to vomit blood. He hit the invisible array.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Almost instantaneously, the whole wuliangzong sounded a loud roar. Everyone began to get busy at the first time. They were in place and waiting on the array eyes, ready to meet the incoming enemy.

After the great war a few months ago, now the wuliangzong is almost full of grass and trees.

"Slow down, I'm an ancient wind, not an enemy!"

Gu Feng immediately roared. He didn't want to try the attack and kill array of wuliangzong.

Those terrible attack and kill arrays, even ordinary ones, can kill great saints like gaoyunzong. Even more terrible, they can kill holy kings like Gaozu. Ancient customs dare not try.

"It's an ancient style. It's him!"

A God King expert recognized the ancient wind and withdrew the Dharma array on the spot. He rushed up and came to the ancient wind.

"You... You're not dead?"

On that day, the ancient wind was captured by Gaozu. Almost everyone thought that the ancient wind was doomed.

"I'm fine!" Gu Feng, with a black face, patted the God King on the shoulder and left.

After this event, the ancient wind has a new understanding of wuliangzong. Obviously, the vigilance of wuliangzong has been improved, and the power of guarding the array has been strengthened a lot.

I wanted to go directly to the ethereal palace, but from a distance, the ancient wind saw two familiar elders standing at the door of the Wuhua immortal hall, namely kunba great saint and Wu Xutian.

"Ha ha, I thought it was Gaozu who returned again. I didn't expect it was you."

Kunba laughed and was sure that it was the ancient wind that came back and was full of joy.

"Don't worry, elder. The old thing of Gaozu can't come all his life." Gu Feng said with a smile.

After being captured for four months, he finally came back. At this time, the mood of the ancient style also became relaxed and happy.

"Oh? What do you mean by that? "

The two great saints were very curious and looked at each other. They couldn't guess at all.

"Go in and say it!"

The ancient wind took the lead in entering the Wuhua hall and found a seat.

He opened his mouth and said, "senior, maybe you don't know. In the future, we don't have to worry about any revenge from gaoleshan, because gaoleshan has been completely removed from the world..."

Then, Gu Feng roughly told the experience of these four months to the two old saints, and they were stunned.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Gaole mountain, which has stood for more than 100000 years, ended like this..."

Wu Xutian sighed and felt deeply.

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. The Gaozu deterred the eight wastelands for so many thousands of years, but finally died under his own karma..." kunba also sighed. After passing through the Tao, they can better feel the desolation at the end of the curtain.

Gu Feng didn't want to be tangled in this matter. He quickly asked, "how's the patriarch? Remember that day he ran out of resources... "

"Don't worry about this. The patriarch is fine. He can shut down casually and recover after tens of thousands of years."

Kunba Da Sheng waved his hand and seemed very indifferent.

However, Gu Feng's face darkened all at once.

Just shut up for tens of thousands of years? Do you think Li Mingyang is an immortal? How old is Li Mingyang in all? It's only a few thousand years old... I've been closed for tens of thousands of years. I can't say I've recovered my accomplishments. Even if I start from scratch and practice again, I can achieve the great saint's accomplishments.

Obviously, kunba Mahatma is making fun of him.

Sure enough, seeing that Gu Feng's face was not good-looking, Wu Xutian Da Sheng immediately smiled and patted Gu Feng's shoulder and said, "don't worry, although the patriarch was seriously injured, he won't be closed for tens of thousands of years. But it's necessary to be closed for ten or eight years. "

The more powerful a monk is, if he doesn't have some special methods, he will have to shut up for a long time once he is hit hard.

One day, the world has been thousands of years. It's about those super powerful monks. Those people usually sit down and completely ignore the passage of time.

The ancient wind heard that Li Mingyang needed to sit in prison for at least ten or eight years, which was also a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, the relationship between him and Li Mingyang is too deep.

Suddenly, the ancient wind remembered a very important thing, that is, the divine fruit of Gaozu after he was refined.

It is the divine fruit of the holy King level. It is the fruit of the Tao in the life of Gaozu and the condensation of Tao principles. What if you give the fruit to Li Mingyang? Will Li Mingyang get better directly, break through the shackles and achieve the holy throne?

Now, the ancient wind has four choices. The first is to give the fruit to Xiaohuo, so that Xiaohuo can directly achieve the holy King's fruit position; The second is to give Li Mingyang, which can not only help him break through the realm, but also make him recover from his injury; The third is to give this fruit to one of the two great saints of kunba; The fourth is that the ancient wind goes out to subdue a monster and replace the position of small fire.

Of course, he can eat by himself, but he basically doesn't need to consider this option.

"Not to mention the talent of small fire, it's just that his foundation is too thin to take. I don't know the depth of the two saints in front of me. I can't trust them completely and it's not suitable. The grandmaster Li Mingyang is the most suitable candidate... "Gu Feng was thinking about it in his mind and was a little hesitant.

This divine fruit is really too precious. In order to kill the Gaozu, the ancient wind took all his savings, even the last five ghost saints.

"Sir, I wonder if I can visit the patriarch? Maybe I can help him end his retreat ahead of time. "

After thinking for a long time, Gu Feng still plans to give this fruit to Li Mingyang. It can be regarded as a reward for his kindness. After all, they have a deep relationship.

Hearing the speech, the two saints looked at each other, kunba shook his head and said, "I know you intend to use the divine fruit to help the patriarch, but I advise you to give up the idea. According to the patriarch's character, he won't accept it. He disdains to use any external force to break through cultivation. "

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