Xun Shang's look slowly cooled down, and he secretly hated himself for being too careless.

When it comes to prudence, he is no worse than meteorites, or even worse. A few months ago, in wuliangzong, he had many opportunities to kill ancient customs. It is because I am too cautious that I have a chance to turn over the ancient style.

Now the old problem has been made again. Xun Shang even looks down on himself.

When he was in Xingchen Pavilion, Xun ShangDiao tried his best to lobby meteorite Xingzi, saying that the ancient wind had no will of Lei Di, but he still couldn't pass his level. In any case, Gaozu who failed to attack the gate of Xiandao did die in the hands of ancient wind.

At that time, even if Gaozu suffered heavy losses, he was a real saint king. Even if Xun ShangDiao was in his heyday, he was far from his opponent. Therefore, Xun ShangDiao believes that even if the ancient style really does not have the will of Lei Di, there must be some killer mace.

But he didn't know that there was no card in the ancient style. Finally, kill Gaozu and use all his inside information.

"What should I do? What should I do? If you take this boy back, my life will be lost. "

At this time, Xun ShangDiao was really worried. Obviously, the ancient style has been alert, and it is not so easy to do it.

"Hum, if you refuse to do it for a long time, do you want to die?"

At this time, xunshang's mind suddenly heard a cold hum from meteor Xingzi, which made his face pale on the spot.

Obviously, this is the group of marks in his temple. Urging him to act quickly.

"Old... Please calm down. I'll do it now!"

The imprint of the meteorite was like a sharp sword suspended above his head, which could kill Xun Shang at any time.

"Ancient wind..." two cold words burst out from the crack of Xun Shang's hanging teeth. He was almost gnashing his teeth.

Gradually, his face turned cold again. He had made a decision in his heart and knew what to do.

Go and catch the ancient wind. Your life is in danger. If you don't go, you'll have to die immediately.

This is a dilemma. He only hates that he can't get off the thief ship.


Back to his mansion, the ancient style immediately closed the door.

"You go back first, no matter what happens, don't come out," said the green Ping with an iron face

After saying that, Gu Feng began to take action. He was arranging the array and arranging the guard array. The more powerful, the better.

"What the hell happened? Who on earth came to our metropolis? Even if an expert comes, it doesn't necessarily come for you? Maybe it's just passing by? " Lvping doesn't understand what's going on. She thinks the ancient style is too sensitive.

"You don't understand. We are so remote here. A large area belongs to the area where ordinary people live. There will be no monks at all. This man's cultivation level must be above me. He can't come to our metropolis without reason. "

In the street, the ancient wind obviously felt the spirit of a saint flash away. That's not an illusion.

This is the place where ordinary people live. Even monks rarely pass here, let alone such a powerful saint.

But there is an old custom that he doesn't understand. He doesn't know who is making his own idea.

Just as Gu Feng frowned and arranged the Dharma array, a cold laughter suddenly came into his ears.

"Hey, hey, are you alert? Yes, I came here specially for you. I want to invite you to a place. If you know what to do, follow me. Otherwise, the whole grassland tribe will have to bury you. "


On the spot, Gu Feng's face collapsed.

After some screening, he suddenly realized: "are you elder Xun?"

"Hum, you have a good memory. We'll see each other again in another half a year." Xun ShangDiao's voice came again, still cold.

At this time, he is desperate. If he doesn't take action on the ancient style, his old life will be lost.

"Hum, old man, it's you!"

After figuring out the identity of the visitor, the ancient style is a little more down-to-earth. This sureness does not mean how confident he is to defeat the other party, but that he knows who the opponent is and doesn't have to be so worried.

"When you were in wuliangzong that day, you ran fast. If you slow down one step more, you will be killed! "

The ancient custom has stopped arranging the array, and others have bullied the door. It is meaningless to arrange the large array again.

"Ha ha ha!" Xun ShangDiao suddenly laughed wildly, and then his voice suddenly turned cold: "unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. I advise you to be honest and go with me. Your life is absolutely carefree. But if you insist on not going, I just need to stamp my foot and the whole tribe will die! "

There is no regret medicine in the world. In fact, this is also Xun Shang's self mockery. The person who really regrets is himself, not the old style.

On that day, he wanted to push long Junjie to the position of patriarch, which led to the disaster with long Junjie. As a result, the gains outweighed the losses, which not only made him a lost dog, but also made the other two little saints of wuliangzong a blessing in disguise and achieved the great saint fruit position.

Now, even his own old life has been firmly grasped by others.

"Where do you want me to go? Who wants to see me? "

The ancient wind quickly calmed down. It was useless to fight with Xun Shang at this time. Finding a way to find out the other party's purpose is the top priority. In any case, he must ensure the safety of Lvping and the whole tribe.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. You just need to go with me!" Xun Shang's hanging way.

"Wait for me on the mountain outside the city. Let me say goodbye to my wife!"

"Well, I'm sure you're not the kind of person who just runs for your own life."

Xun ShangDiao's voice disappeared. From beginning to end, he did not appear in front of the ancient style.


The ancient wind took a long breath of turbidity and relaxed temporarily.

Looking back, he hugged Lvping tightly in his arms.

"Lvping, I'm sorry, I'm leaving you!"

"No, you can't go with him. You're going to be very dangerous. We can escape here now and hide forever. "

Lvping shed tears. She was scared silly. Earlier, she thought that the ancient style was too sensitive. She didn't think that there was such a powerful saint in the dark.

After wiping a handful of tears, Lvping grabbed the sleeve of the ancient wind and cried loudly, "ancient wind, listen to me, shall we not go? Brother barbarian has a magic weapon in his hand. We can put all the people in and escape here together. Find a place where there is no one to settle down. "

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