Although ziling'er recognized the ancient style in her heart, she refused to admit it.

Finally, the ancient wind ignored her at all, and simply sat in front of the cliff and realized it seriously.

The ancient wind always thinks that the purple sword front is not simple, and this cliff is not simple. There may be some deep meaning in it.

Seeing that the ancient wind ignored herself, ziling'er felt boring, so she began to look for a topic: "Hey, is it true that she realized her mistake and thought about repentance?"

When he opened his eyes, the ancient wind turned white and ziling'er didn't answer.

Just now, his mind was immersed in this cliff. It seemed that he sensed some special fluctuation. Unfortunately, he was interrupted by ziling'er. This feeling is very bad.

"Why don't you tell me your real purpose of coming to our purple mansion? For no reason, you can't just come to apologize. " Ziling'er began to gossip and wanted her to sit here and think about it. It was worse than killing her.

As soon as ziling'er returned to Ziyun mountain, she came here directly. She didn't know the scene in Zixin hall. She didn't know that the ancient wind wanted to exchange scriptures.

Therefore, for ziling'er, she doesn't know the purpose of the ancient wind.

Gu Feng looked back at the gossip purple ling'er. After half a ring, the corners of his mouth slowly opened, hung up a smile and said, "I want to say I came to propose marriage in the purple house. Do you believe it? A year ago, I won the final championship in the martial arts competition. I should be your brother-in-law... "

"You... I bah, shameless man, you can deserve my sister?"

Ziling'er took a hard look at the ancient wind, then got up and stayed away from the ancient wind.

There was a smile on the corner of the ancient wind's mouth again, and he replied indifferently: "if I don't deserve your sister, I'm afraid no one can deserve her. Don't blame me for being talkative. Now the situation in your purple house is not as simple as it looks, is it? Apart from other things, the eight divine kings outside the Forbidden City, dare you say they are one heart with you? On the surface, the eight people follow your instructions. In fact, they want to kill me and let you carry the black pot. If you take the blame, your father will be punished... "

"You... Know quite a lot." Purple ling'er's face turned black and was very ugly.

When she was outside the Forbidden City, she didn't think it was so deep. When a person thought about it inside, she also slowly straightened out the fierce relationship between them. Now, she still can't hang her little face because of the ancient saying.

Gu Feng chuckled again and continued, "I know more than that. With all due respect, didn't you want to select a person with strength, potential and responsibility in the martial arts competition held a year ago? You need this person to stir up the beam of your purple house. If this person is willing to join the purple house, there is no reason for other saints of your purple house to force your father to abdicate. "

"However, after that big match, I'm undoubtedly the most suitable candidate... Tell me, if I'm not worthy of your sister, who else is worthy of these eight wastelands? Who else is qualified? "

"Hum, so what? That was before. You left my sister that day. Do you think my sister will marry you... "

Gu Feng and Zi ling'er had a heated debate on this issue, but Zi Xu, who had been hiding in the dark, showed a dignified face.

He said to himself, "is it true that this boy really came to propose marriage? If this boy can really enter my purple house, it will undoubtedly be the best ending. First, our decapitation can be passed to him smoothly. Second, the Lei Di Sutra and many of his precious magic powers have naturally entered our purple house. The most important thing is that the big brother's crisis can be relieved immediately... "

Without testing, all the abilities of ancient style have been fully displayed in front of everyone in Zifu. Whether it is strength, potential, courage or courage, there is no lack of ancient style. He is the most competent candidate for the son-in-law of the purple house.

"This boy is a thief. He obviously wants to take money from my purple house, but he wants to say that he is exchanging scriptures." Zixu's mouth stirred up a smile and continued to say to himself, "no, I have to discuss this with my eldest brother."

Zixu left. It can be said that he can't wait. Whether he can get the Leidi Sutra from the ancient wind is the second. What he values most is the happiness of zixiahan and the future of Zifu.

Gu Feng argued with Zi ling'er for a long time. Obviously, he talked about the little girl's heart, but the other party was a dead duck.

Finally, the old wind simply tilted his head and disdained to say, "do you believe it or not? Anyway, if I don't deserve your eldest sister, she really can only be a nun."

With that, the ancient wind continued to face the wall and ignored purple ling'er no longer.

Ziling'er's character is so strong that of course she won't give up. She continued to cling to the old style, trying to make it clear.

However, the ancient wind said positively at this time: "little girl, don't make a noise. Don't you realize that the cliff is very special? I suspect that the whole purple sword blade is unusual. There must be some big secret in it. Let's seize the time to feel it and maybe we can get something. "

"You are shameless. Even if there is really any big secret in it, it is also the secret of my purple house. What does it have to do with you?"

Although he said so, ziling'er didn't continue to make noise. She also learned the ancient style and began to think about it seriously.

The ancient wind immersed his mind in the cliff. At the beginning, he got nothing. It was not until a long time later that he finally caught the unusual stir.

A brand-new door opened in front of him.

Gu Feng saw a sword, a huge purple sword, which was extremely murderous and terrible.

"This is... The ancestor of Zifu?"


This huge sword is no stranger to ancient customs. He saw it in the Forbidden City a year ago. It's what Ziyang called the ancestral weapon.

That day, the ghost living in mingxiaoyou's body was born, which was killed by this ancestral weapon.

The huge purple sword shines in the sky, and the will to kill and attack is close to the deepest heart of the ancient wind.

It is the ancient wind's will to cut heaven, earth, heaven and earth and destroy everything on earth.

However, the will to kill and attack in this huge sword is more powerful than Zi linger's decision to cut the sky.

When ancient customs feel this will, they are almost assimilated. He felt that he was the sword that could kill everything in the world.

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