With the loud bang of "boom", the Tiandao on the nine days finally cut down with the rolling power of heaven and earth, impartial and directly on the top of Xiaohuo's head.


Almost for a moment, the small fire sprayed a mouthful of blood, and the whole person's breath immediately withered.

His small world was hit hard, and the essence of endless fire elements overflowed madly and destroyed everything. Even the earth melted.

At this moment, the crowd immediately burst out a burst of sobs. Without any reminder, the onlookers suddenly retreated again.

This is so scary. The fire elements in that small world are so pure and arrogant. Those onlookers, once swept, will die.

With a knife cut off, the small fire sent out a sad scream, which immediately affected the heart of the ancient wind.

"Little fire, hold on, you can do it!"

The ancient wind burst into drinking, and a pair of fists were pinched together. At this moment, he was extremely nervous.

For a time, all the things about Xiaohuo before floated to the heart of the ancient wind again.

Xiaohuo used to feel like an ignorant teenager. Although he has great saint cultivation, he is as timid as a mouse. Unexpectedly, after a few years, Xiaohuo's temperament has changed. He is no longer cowardly and has become much more resolute. He dares to face such a terrible Tiandao.

"One blade cuts down the world, and two blades cut down the fame and prosperity. Cut again! "

Nangong drank again. That day, the knife rushed up, dragged the rolling clouds, and cut them down. It was still impartial and hit the top of Xiaohuo's head.


With a bang, the small fire gushed blood again, and the whole person's momentum was depressed again.

Again, the endless essence scattered out, and his small world was hit hard again. The small fire at this time has lost its previous prestige.

Everyone was screaming, and one by one their faces turned white with fear.

At this time, there were several more people behind the crowd. There were a few young people under the age of 30. Although their breath was restrained, people were scared back unconsciously when they found them.

These are several contemporary leaders, the king of the world, and several top demons as famous as Wu Ming.

Today's small fire has shocked the whole city and the whole holy land. Not only these top demons came to see the style, but also many old people came to the scene in person. Everyone wants to see what kind of demons this is and what power it comes from.

The ancient wind's eyes looked towards the rear, and I was surprised to see those people.

In all directions, a total of eight young people who frightened him stood in the void. Those eight people are those who don't show mountains and dew. Although they are introverted, they have a unique temperament of contempt for the world and giving up their own.

Those eight people, even if they look at each other, are contemptuous eyes.

"Is this the top genius of the holy land? Finally, I can see you today! "

The ancient wind whispered. At this moment, he felt an endless sense of war. How he wanted to fight with those top demons. The purpose of his coming to the holy land is to see the means of these demons.

Although I can see it today, the ancient wind knows that he is not the opponent of these people for the time being. After all, in the realm of cultivation, he missed these people two realms.

At this time, Wang Shihai, who was on one side, gently turned his antique arm and whispered, "those eight people will be your strong enemies in the future. Together with Wu Ming, they are called the ten kings of the holy land, and they are recognized as the ten strongest people in the world."

"Those eight people, including Wu Ming, are only nine? Who else didn't show up? " Gu Feng asked curiously.

"There's another queen who hasn't arrived. It's a figure who has risen only in the last two years. It can be said that she's gorgeous. People of the ten kings don't want to take her into their arms."

"Is there another queen?"

After listening to the ancient style, his heart moved slightly. He really wanted to see the style of the queen.

It is really admirable that a female can break out of the siege, oppress the heroes in the world and dominate the world.

"How do you know so much?" Gu Feng asked curiously. In his impression, Wang Shihai seems to know a lot.

"I said, leader of Qingtian sect, at least you have nearly 100000 people under your command? Why don't you even know these basic things? Since we have established education, we naturally have to have an intelligence agency. If you don't care, I have to do these things for you. "

"...." the ancient wind was speechless. He really didn't know that Wang Shihai had built an intelligence system behind his back.

Nine days later, the third knife belonging to Xiaohuo was finally cut down. With this knife, a gap appeared in his small world on the spot. The endless terror spirit escaped more fiercely. Those onlookers had no choice but to retreat again.

At the same time when the small fire screamed, the knife burst into the sky again and again that day.


Two big mouths of blood sprayed out. At this moment, the small fire completely fainted, and his small world was completely broken.

In bursts of exclamation, the broken small world began to condense and reorganize again. Although it was repaired automatically, it was a big circle smaller.

At this time, a onlooker suddenly gave a strange cry: "he... He was cut down into the realm of the great saint. Now, he has only a small saint for!"

This roar caused an uproar on the spot. It's really shocking that a living great saint was cut down into the realm of great saints in front of them.

The ancient wind changed his complexion and immediately burst into drinking: "little fire, what's the matter with you? You can't do anything, you hold on! "

Xiaohuo has passed out. Not only the ancient wind is roaring, but also many people around the crowd are scared and shouting. They are cheering for Xiaohuo and hope Xiaohuo can survive this level.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up..." many people are helpless and have to pray for the small fire in their hearts.

At the same time, Nangong sent out a roar of thunder: "when the fire goes up, the sky knife cuts the sky and the earth, cuts the cultivation, and cuts the yuan God. If you can't carry it, you'll have to cut your life!"

Then another holy King burst into drinking: "the Heavenly Sword has moved, it's hard to take it back. Wake up quickly!"

In a burst of drinking, Xiaohuo finally opened his eyes. A flash of fire jumped in his eyes. Incomparably domineering, he wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. Xiaohuo roared at the sky: "come on, I'm not afraid of anything for the sake of brother Gufeng!"

When the roar started, the boy's breath soared again. Suddenly, he was much more energetic.

At the same time, his sixth sword was cut down with the power of heaven and earth.

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