The first five knives cut off the great sage cultivation of Xiaohuo, and the last six, seven, eight and nine knives directly cut through the small world that only belongs to saints. This tenth knife will cut off the gate of the saint, that is, the gate of heaven in the mouth of the holy king of Nangong.

That portal needs a small fire to release the divine bridge in the divine palace, and the other end at the top of the divine bridge is connected to the so-called gate of heaven. Only by cutting off the connection between the divine bridge and the portal can Xiaohuo's cultivation be considered as a complete fall into the realm of saints.

Now, the small world of Xiaohuo has been completely cut off, but he has not lost contact with the portal. Now he is equivalent to half a saint.

Under the repeated explosions of the six holy kings, Xiaohuo finally woke up again. His eyes fell on the old wind, and a quiet smile hung on his face, which was very desolate.

"Brother Gufeng, Xiaohuo is willing to taste any suffering in the world in order to follow you. Please don't drive me away in the future!"

"Xiaohuo, you are a good man. Brother Gufeng will never drive you away again. You are my forever brother. Hold on to me!" The ancient wind roared and squeezed his fists together.

Due to excessive tension, his nails had been embedded in the meat, but he didn't know it.

"Cheer up, release the divine bridge, and get ready for this last knife!" Nangong holy King roared again and pulled Xiaohuo's thoughts back.

The front nine knives can be regarded as a cushion. Only this last knife is the most critical. Because this last knife is related to the original God of small fire. If one doesn't do well, his yuan God will also be killed by a knife.

"Come on, I'm ready!" Xiaohuo was forced to cheer up. His eyes still stayed on the ancient style, with a smile on his face.

With the bang of "boom", a golden bridge behind him rushed up to nine days. Then, his Yuanshen also stepped on the bridge.

"The gate of saints, that's the gate of saints!"

Someone exclaimed, and they saw the golden door on the nine days. The God of small fire stepped on the bridge and sat in the middle of the door.

"Huh? Why is his Saint's door so solid? " In the rear, the elders of all forces frowned deeply and vaguely felt that things were bad.

The six holy kings who are sitting around the yin-yang eight trigrams and casting spells are even more surprised.

"The situation is bad. This son's portal is too solid. I'm afraid I can't cut it off with a knife!"

"Up to now, if we can't cut it off, we have to cut it off. If we give up halfway, this son will be completely abandoned." Nangong holy King's eyebrows were also locked, and his face was full of worry.

Above the nine days, the door of the small fire is golden, shining like the essence. The yuan God of small fire sits quietly in the door and is closely connected with the door.

"Whatever, you must cut it!"

The six holy kings looked at each other again, then fiercely controlled the knife that day and cut it down again.


Tiandao cut down, right at the golden gate of heaven. Circles of golden ripples rippling open, nine days above, golden eyes, people's line of sight blurred.

When all the golden light and ripples dissipated, the yuan God of small fire still sat in the door. The golden door was still golden, as if it had not been damaged at all.

"What happened? Failed? This last knife failed to cut through the gate of saints? "

"It seems to have failed. Tiandao disappeared, but the portal is still there!"

After a brief silence, the scene immediately exploded, and all kinds of discussions continued.

Suddenly, a sharp woman screamed: "look, his Yuanshen was hurt. Tiandao failed to cut open the golden door, but it completely hurt his Yuanshen."

When the words fell, everyone looked up at the nine days, but saw that the small fire god, who had been sitting quietly, fell down at once, and many of the original essence of fire red escaped crazily again.

"He, he won't die like this, will he? This is the first demon genius in the world? "

Another burst of screams sounded, and people were completely stunned.

The ancient wind roared again and again, and the already very nervous heart became more anxious.

He hurriedly shouted at the six holy kings: "please help me, elder immortal courtyard. Little fire can't do anything!"

There is no need to remind the ancient wind. The six holy kings naturally know what to do. At this moment, the yin-yang eight trigrams plate rotates wildly, and the Qi of yin and Yang is born, enveloping the flesh of Xiaohuo. Then, the spirit of yin and Yang wound around the God bridge of small fire and spread all the way up to the gate of saints.

"Yin and Yang go against heaven and earth. Gossip turns life and death. It's settled!"

When the roar started, the Yuanshen of Xiaohuo was shrouded by the Qi of yin and Yang. The power of Yuanshen that escaped immediately flowed back and returned to the Yuanshen of Xiaohuo again. Originally depressed and dying, the little fire god suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

"Hold on, hold on..."

Many people are silently refueling, silently holding a cold sweat for the small fire.

Several people in the Wu family, however, have evil intentions. Except for Wu Ming, they all curse again and again. They are eager for Xiaohuo to fall.

"Die, die, why not die? You old people are so fucking busy... "

Wu Xiaobao roared at this moment because he wanted Xiaohuo to die.

This voice was amazing. It immediately attracted the eyes of many people. People looked at Wu Xiaobao one after another. Everyone was silly and admired Wu Xiaobao's courage. Even, many people cast pity eyes on him.

In mid air, the six holy kings who were casting spells also directly focused their angry eyes on Wu Xiaobao, one by one.

At the same time, Gu Feng was also angry. He yelled on the spot: "son of a bitch, you want to kill my brother. Today I will kill you first!" When the roar falls, the ancient wind directly blows up and hurts people. He picked up his fierce fist, rushed over at a lightning speed, and smashed Wu Xiaobao's head with a direct punch.


In an instant, the audience was dumbfounded and then in an uproar.

After the reaction, the people of the Wu family were also angry. Wu Ming didn't move, but his second uncle stepped on with a vigorous step and killed Gu Feng's forehead with the same straight punch.

His fist speed was much faster than that of the ancient style. It was almost in the blink of an eye. At the same time, he unfolded his own small world and shrouded it, which was about to completely erase the ancient customs.

The situation is extremely critical. Seeing the ancient customs, it will suffer.

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