The blow immediately caused a sensation. Exclaimed and cheered.

And that day, it was completely discolored. He was also glowing and yelled on the spot: "you want to compete with me and make you perfect!"

While the ancient wind was gaining momentum, he was also gaining momentum early in the morning. Although it shocked him, he was unwilling to admit it.

His whole fist was also wrapped in golden light, and he hit it straight.

Two fists met in mid air and collided. At first, there was no response, but the next second, there was a loud bang on the platform.

The whole battle platform trembled, and the endless terror energy spread around on the spot, turning into ripples like ripples of water, causing constant exclamation.

The two men on the stage took a step back, and the old wind did not change his face, but Xing Tian gushed a mouthful of blood. Immediately, his whole arm appeared cracks and was blown to pieces in bursts of startling cries.

One strike, high and low judgment, strong and weak points.

"Ah... Hateful, hateful, hateful, my strength is badly damaged, otherwise this punch will kill him." Xing Tian became angry and hated wildly.

The ancient wind roared at this time: "Xing Tian, this is only the first blow. You have to hold on!"

When the roar fell, I saw the ancient wind roaring up to the sky again and shouting: "the law of famine, the reversal of yin and Yang, breaking!"


After the roar, a special force came out of the chest of the ancient wind, which belongs to the "shortage" force. His law of famine, once again, swept to the heaven of punishment.

In the face of the sweeping of the mysterious force, Xing Tian was stunned on the spot. After reacting, he immediately followed the explosive drink, and a mysterious force rushed out of his body in an attempt to dispel the wasteful power of the ancient wind.

However, he failed, and the barren force of the ancient wind directly corroded his secret force.

Xing Tian's body was hit by the law of famine. It was only a moment's effort that his appearance changed significantly.

At this moment, Xing Tian became younger and seemed to go back to a few years ago.

His age was cut off, along with the spiritual power of cultivation in recent years.

This is the horror of the law of famine.

Famine represents time and years. The law of famine, after understanding the deep level, can reverse Yin and Yang and accelerate people's decline!

When Xing Tian was hit by the law of famine, the whole person suddenly became light and floating, and his cultivation suddenly fell from the later stage of the divine king to the early stage of the divine king... His cultivation at this time was even lower than the ancient style.


The whole audience was stupid and everyone was stunned. This scene is incredible. No one can imagine that the ancient wind has mastered such strange laws. It's against the sky.


After a brief silence and silly eyes, the tens of millions of onlookers immediately exclaimed, one after another, and people were completely shocked by the means of ancient customs.

Even the six holy kings in mid air were shocked.

There is no doubt that this Law of famine is a law against heaven, which is almost the same as a taboo law.

The ancient custom is that the cultivation is too low and the understanding of the law is not thorough enough. If he grows up completely and goes out with a law, won't he want to cut down the enemy's path for thousands of years?

This time, the ancient wind's reversal of yin and Yang is different from the last one against double headed fish.

The end of time is the law of following the years. Therefore, when it is used, it will be more powerful. It directly cuts off the double headed fish. I don't know how long it will live; This time, he used the ancient wind to reverse the law of yin and Yang against time and space, so his power was much less. He just cut off the Taoist practice of Xing Tian for several years, which brought him back to the state of a few years ago.

The reason why he only reduced his cultivation for several years was also directly related to his resistance at that time. Although the divine power sent by Xing Tian failed to completely block the law of famine, it successfully reduced its power.

In bursts of exclamation, the ancient wind burst again: "Xing Tian, these are only two moves. You have to hold on - cut the sky!"

The roar fell. In the middle of the ancient wind's eyebrows, a purple sword rushed out immediately. It was the Yuanshen sword embryo he cultivated.

The purple little sword, after rushing into the sky, turned into a huge sword. The cold light shone on the sky. It immediately passed on to the people a will to kill and kill people who vowed to "cut the sky, the earth, the universe and everything on earth".

This will to kill also contains the strong will of "when the sword comes out of its sheath, you will see blood". If you don't kill your opponent, you will never give up.


When the roar started, the big purple sword immediately roared and fell down, and Xing Tian burst back on the spot.

Originally, when his cultivation was higher than the ancient style, he was greatly weakened and lacked stamina, so he couldn't help the ancient style. But now, his realm is falling again, and his cultivation is not as high as the ancient style. How can he resist this fatal sword?

This is a fatal situation, almost no solution.

Just when everyone thought that Xing Tian would die, the situation in Taiwan changed a little again.

From the body of Xing Tian, a dark shell with patterns similar to the shape of eight trigrams rushed out immediately. Impressively, it was just a basaltic shell, that is, the tortoise shell as the saying goes.

The tortoise shell rose into the sky and directly covered Xing Tian's body below.

The eight trigrams patterns glowed, which immediately made the dark tortoise shell shine.

All of a sudden, there was only a bang of "Dang". Although the tortoise shell was trembling, it finally blocked the fatal sword.


On the spot, Gu Feng was stunned and seemed a little unprepared. He never thought that there would be such a super anti beating magic weapon in the hands of Xingtian.

The tens of millions of audience below were also a little confused. After the reaction, someone shouted on the spot: "that's his Taoist weapon, and the main material is an ancient basaltic shell."

"Tao ware made of tortoise shell?"

On the spot, Gu Feng's face turned black. Xuanwu is the Lord of defense. This tortoise shell is one of the hardest things in the world. It's really appropriate to use this material to refine a defensive Taoist weapon.

"Hehe, I scolded you yesterday as a son of a tortoise. It seems that you are not wrong at all!" Gu Feng laughed, then roared again: "cut the sky and swear to cut everything. If the sword comes out of its scabbard, you will take your life and cut it again! "

Roaring, the ancient wind's body was miraculously weak for a few minutes. A large number of Benming essence elements rose into the sky and were all filled on the purple sword.

The essence of chopping the sky is the word "chopping". What we pay attention to is that when the sword comes out of its scabbard, it will see blood. If you can't kill Xing Tian today, the ancient style of killing heaven will be abolished.

Therefore, Gu Feng put all his eggs in one basket. He vowed to kill Xing Tian and cut his tortoise shell to pieces.

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