Win, the ancient wind wins, and Xing Tian dies.

Once a generation of Tianjiao Xingtian, so far, it has come to the end of life.

More than two years ago, on the same platform, he was trampled on his head by the wooden king, which made him famous all the time. Today, more than two years later, it was also on this platform that he was trampled under his feet by the ancient style of cultivation lower than himself.

With his own life, he achieved the prestige of the ancient style.

So far, the ancient style of qingtianwang is completely famous. As a loser, Xing Tian will completely fade out of people's sight, because history will not remember a loser.

He will show his power and finally cut off his opponent. At this moment, the Taoist heart of the ancient style was stable, but his vitality was greatly hurt.

The purple sword disappeared, and so did Xing Tian's. There was only an ancient wind standing on the battle platform.

He closed his eyes as if he were feeling something. At the corner of his mouth, a trace of blood spilled, and his face was pale and bloodless.

The whole room was silent.

After a long time, the ancient wind opened his eyes, looked at the crowd below and whispered, "I won!"

After whispering, Gu Feng immediately raised his fist and shouted at the bottom: "I won, I won..."


As soon as his voice fell, tens of millions of spectators burst into thunderous applause on the spot.

Qingtianpeng, a brother of the ancient wind, rushed up and went directly to the battle platform to hold a big bear with the ancient wind.

"Hahaha, the king of heaven is still the king of heaven. I admire him!"

When the two of them hugged closely, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came from the crowd below. Immediately, a young man rushed up and came to the battle platform. It was Lingxiao.


On the spot, qingtianpeng looked cold, because Lingxiao was also his former opponent. On the throne of Kyushu, Lingxiao was defeated in his hands.

However, at that time, they had made their words clear. After the war, all gratitude and resentment were written off.

Seeing that qingtianpeng's look was not good, Gu Feng laughed and held them together one by one: "with the passage of time and the changes of the times, the sea has already turned into a mulberry field. What else can we do? In the future, you are all my brothers. We don't need to mention the previous things. "

When the voice fell, Lingxiao beat qingtianpeng's chest hard and said with a smile: "I lost to you in the past. I didn't care about it. What else can't you let go?"

"You were defeated in my hand. That's the way of heaven. Don't you want to come?" Qingtianpeng said indifferently, and there was no expression on his face.

"Come on, that day, you beat me by luck..."

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

On the spot, the atmosphere became tense, and there was a big meaning that a disagreement would start.

However, the ancient wind slapped them in the back of the head with one hand and kicked their eyes: "come on, you big head ghost, you're endless in front of me, aren't you?"

"Hehe, that... I'm just talking casually."

"I'm just talking casually, ha ha ha!"

On the spot, the three hugged each other and laughed wildly. The tense atmosphere just now disappeared in an instant. It's not that qingtianpeng really still remembers his former enemies, but he was born with that kind of cold humor.

When the three hugged each other and completely remembered the past, there was still a white shadow in the crowd.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was on the battle platform. It was a woman in a fluffy white robe. After she went to the battle platform, she directly pinched qingtianpeng's ear with a surprisingly fast technique and said, "dead bird, smelly bird, run, run for Ben fox? Now, Ben fox wants to see where else you can go? "

It was the little fox who seized the opportunity and caught the qingtianpeng.

As early as the first time qingtianpeng met Gu Feng on stage, she wanted to fight, but considering that Dabi was still going on, she held back. Until now, she didn't have to bear it any more. This is the best time to catch qingtianpeng.

This scene came so fast that tens of millions of the audience were stunned and then burst into a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, who is that woman? How can you be so tough? What do we see? Kunpeng, a famous fierce beast in ancient times, was pinched by people? "

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting!"

Below, bursts of laughter continued, and Qing Tianpeng's face immediately darkened, which was a shame.

When you meet an old friend in another country, it happens that the creditor comes to the door!

"What's the matter? How dare you stare at Ben fox? This fox has chased you for so many years. From heaven to earth, how much pain has this fox suffered, do you know? " The little fox drank so much that his mouth shriveled and he almost cried.

Turning around, she looked at the crowd below, almost crying, and said, "is it easy for you to judge me? I have been chasing him for several years. In recent years, he has been leaving me thousands of miles away with the advantage of speed. Today, I finally caught him, but he still wanted to fight me... Do you think he is still a man—— Sobbing! "

As she spoke, the little fox really cried. She raised her arm and wiped a handful of tears horizontally. Her small mouth was flat and flat. How much grievance, how much grievance.


In an instant, the audience was dumbfounded, followed by another burst of laughter. Later, someone really scolded qingtianpeng.

"Qing Tianpeng, thanks to your ancestors, who are also famous in ancient times, why are you so not a man? Where can you find such a good girl? "

"Yes, if a girl is willing to be so determined to me, I will wake up with a smile in my dream."

"Apologize to the girl quickly. You see how brave the little girl is..."

All kinds of accusations made qingtianpeng's face even darker. He looked to the ancient style for help and looked forward to the ancient style to break the crisis for himself.

Similarly, the ancient style was caught off guard. He never expected to see a little fox today.

Really speaking, the little fox is an old friend with him. When they met, Gu Feng was only more than three years old and had just entered wuliangzong.

"Hahaha, well... Xun'er, you see so many people today, you should save some face for Xiaoqing, don't you? Even if you don't give him face, you have to give me some face, don't you? We have been friends for more than 20 years! " Helpless, the ancient wind finally played its own emotional card.

At this time, qingtianpeng was still grabbed by a little fox. He was as ugly as he looked.

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