In the view of the twelve great saints, both the contempt for Wu Ming himself and the contempt for the Wu family are unforgivable.

On the spot, someone wanted to get angry and teach the wood king a lesson, but he was restrained by the wood King's preemption.

When Muwang finally got up, she bowed slightly to the twelve great saints of the Wu family and said softly Judo: "today is really a gathering among peers, so these seats are prepared for peers' talents. You are all highly respected people. Why should you compete with our young people for position? If you really want to stay here, please stand behind the king of Wu. These seats are arranged by the little woman. "

Although the tone was not high, it had an irresistible force, which made the twelve saints turn blue on the spot.

"You... You let us stand and watch the war?"

However, as a woman, the wooden king was more domineering. As soon as he shook his sleeves, he directly sat back on his throne and said coldly, "you can also choose to watch the war outside or not!"


"What? In full view of the public, do you Wu family still want to bully me, a weak woman? " The wooden King sneered and made the twelve saints of the Wu family speechless on the spot.

Finally, Wu Ming couldn't see it anymore. He opened his mouth to the twelve saints and said, "you'd better come to me!"

"Childe, don't..."

"Come here!"


Finally, the twelve great saints of the Wu family failed to take their seats, so they had to stand behind Wu Ming angrily.


In an instant, there were bursts of cheers outside the pavilion, and even towering applause.

"The wood king is worthy of being the wood king. Indeed, not everyone can bully!"

Many people, at this moment, have a feeling of boiling blood. Muwang has become a model for everyone.

In bursts of applause, there was another exclamation from the rear: "King Xiang is here, King Xiang is here!"

On the spot, people unconsciously gave way to a passage. After a while, a young man wearing a gray Taoist robe appeared. It was Xiang Wang Yushang.

King Xiang's Taoist robe is not only gray, but also his hair and eyes are gray. Its overall feeling gives people a feeling of dejection.

King Xiang didn't pay attention to any pomp. Although he was more famous than King Wu, he came alone and didn't even have an entourage.

Similarly, a long distance away, the king arched his hands at the pavilion: "I'm invited by the wooden king to come to the meeting!"

"King Xiang has come all the way. Please take a seat!"

This time, the wooden king didn't put on airs, but got up to meet him in person. It can be seen that in her heart, the weight of King Xiang is much heavier than that of King Wu.

King Xiang smiled a little. After looking at the table, he had no opinion. He resolutely sat opposite Wu Ming, that is, the lower right head of King Mu.

Although this is just a simple move, there are many discussions outside.

"The king of Wu doesn't know how thick he is. Doesn't he know the distinction between right and left? How can he be above King Xiang? He is not only above King Xiang, but also above the other eight kings. He can sit still? "

Indeed, in terms of seats, the position of the left is greater than that of the right. King Wu came first, so he sat in the first position on the left.

"Hum, I don't know how to die for a while. Thanks to King Xiang, if I were King Xiang, I would slap him to death!"

King Xiang has a very high popularity, but at this time he sits under King Wu, which has indeed aroused the dissatisfaction of many people.

Although King Mu sat alone, he was the host. The so-called guest and host are different, so no one cares about this.

Just when people were dissatisfied, there was another exclamation from the rear: "King Ning is here!"

Hearing the speech, everyone turned back, and then they made way again. After a while, a soft sedan came in the air. And the man who carried the sedan chair was also twelve great saints!

"I'll go. The king Ning has a big shelf and let the twelve saints lift a sedan chair for him. NIMA, aren't you afraid of losing his life?"

"The aocang king is here!"

When people looked back again, they saw a driving car following them. It turned out that the car was pulled by nine dragons, which once again caused bursts of exclamation and hot discussion.

"I'll go. These kings are really bigger than each other!"

Aocang's car stopped. He smiled at the crowd and stepped directly into the pavilion.

"You two have come all the way. It's hard. Please sit down at will!"

Wood King is still this sentence. In the face of their arrival, he never got up to meet each other.

King Ning and King aocang also frowned slightly after looking at the arrangement of seats.

First, they were dissatisfied with the high position of wooden King alone. Second, they were dissatisfied with Wu Ming sitting in the first position.

At this time, King Mu finally opened his mouth: "the seats are not distinguished between high and low. King Wu and King Xiang came first, so they took the first and second seats. Please don't mind!"

"Hehe, the king of wood is light and easy to say. The seats are regardless of high and low. Are you willing to give me your seat?" There are twelve great saints following King Ning. Therefore, when he talks, his waist is much harder.

In this regard, the wood king just smiled and whispered, "King Ning wants to sit here. You can come over!"

Then king Xiang said, "I advise King Ning not to argue with King Mu. If you don't think the seating order is good, you can sit here with me!" Then king Xiang really got up and seemed to really intend to give his seat to King Ning.

Seeing this scene, King Ning's face changed on the spot. King Xiang's move is undoubtedly telling him that if you want to compete with King Mu for a seat, you have to pass him first.

Therefore, King Ning had to show a smile, arched his hand to King Xiang and said, "King Xiang laughed. It's just one seat, which doesn't represent anything. Just now I just played a little joke on Mu Wang. I didn't really intend to seize her position. "

Then he looked at the seat next to Wu Ming and found that the aocang King sat in that position silently.

Finally, he had to bite his teeth and actually sat under King Xiang.

Then came the question of his twelve followers. The twelve great saints he brought, like the twelve great saints of the Wu family, wanted to sit in the 100 ordinary seats. But he was stopped by the wooden king again: "as servants, you'd better stand behind King Ning and watch the war. The king will arrange these 100 ordinary seats."

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