In the wood King's plan, these 100 ordinary seats are qualified to sit in after competition. However, the ancient custom came uninvited, which really surprised her a little. Therefore, she doesn't want to say anything more. Just sit if you want. Anyway, these seats are prepared for these heroes in the world.

"Oh, thank you so much!"

The ancient wind arched his hands to the kings again and sat directly on the first ordinary seat. Although it is only an ordinary seat, it is close to the Golden Lion King and the peacock king. It can be regarded as the "top spot".

After sitting down, Gu Feng bowed his hands to the crowd again and said, "just now, I heard that King Ning said that there were not enough wine and vegetables. I wonder if you can enjoy the delicious food brought by me - wild sea animals?"

Then, regardless of whether everyone agreed or not, Gu Feng took out his five-color tripod, set up a fire on the spot and began to cook. At the same time, with a wave of his big hand, a series of wine jars flew out on the spot and said loudly: "this is the 'drunken Eight Immortals', which is absolutely good wine. If you don't dislike it, please drink it!"

"Wild sea beast?"

Smelling the speech, almost everyone changed color. All of you here are well-informed people. Almost no one knows what kind of existence wild sea animals are. Wild sea animals live in the wild sea for a long time. Therefore, their flesh and blood are rich in "wild power". Who dares to take it?

Inside the pavilion, there was a dead silence, but outside the pavilion, there was constant exclamation and discussion.

In this regard, Gu Feng just smiled gently, regardless of other people's views and feelings, he continued to cook his wild sea animals with five-color tripods.

In the big tripod, there are bubbling bubbles. The aroma overflows and is extremely attractive. In the process of cooking, ancient customs added many top-grade holy medicines, which made people's saliva flow on the spot.

At this time, the ancient wind spoke to the kings: "do you think I'm crazy and dare to eat wild sea animals? To tell you the truth, I'm not crazy. Although the flesh and blood of this wild sea beast is full of strong famine power, it is a rare delicacy in the world. It is a pity not to eat it. Although that kind of barren power has a serious corrosive power to our friars, I believe all of you here can resist it easily, can't you? "

In fact, the wild sea animals cooked by the ancient wind are not inedible, because muqingqing was also present, he can't pit muqingqing. However, Gufeng is not a safe Lord. He moved some hands and feet in the five-color tripod. Secretly, he straightened out the double headed fish and stirred it together for cooking.

In the face of the ancient style, almost no one cares about talking to himself, directing and acting. Everyone wants to see which of the ancient style, the king of the blue sky, wants to play.

In the pavilion, there was still silence, and only the five-color tripod kept floating out attractive aroma.

After half a ring, I saw that the ancient wind took out a thing again, which immediately caused bursts of exclamation. Because he took out the half plant of divine medicine orchid.

Once the magic medicine came out, it was not only the fryer outside the field, but also the ten kings of the world.

Everyone's reaction, all the ancient customs, but they don't care at all. Under the attention of the public, he took off the petals one by one and threw them into the five-color tripod. He whispered: "since I am entertaining the king of the world, I can't be too stingy. Simply take out a little treasure and share it with you. Please enjoy it! "

When the words fell, the ancient wind waved again, and the wild sea beast in the tripod finally started to boil. He put it on eleven big plates.

With a wave of his big hand, the eleven large plates filled with wild sea animals and emitting a strong fragrance slowly floated to the kings.

"You see, this dish is absolutely valuable. A few days ago, you were very kind to me. Please smile and enjoy it! "

The ancient wind smiled and chanted, but none of the ten kings here dared to answer.

After all, this is a wild sea beast. Its reputation has long been out. Even if God medicine is added, how many people dare to eat it?

Finally, the wooden king was the most heroic. After a short hesitation, he took down the wild sea beast delivered by the ancient wind, and took down the wine jar floating in front of him. Whispered: "the king of the blue sky is worthy of being a rising star. He can even get such delicious food against the sky, which is disrespectful."

After that, the wood king really began to enjoy it. To eat, she naturally had to take off her veil. Suddenly, her true face appeared in front of everyone, causing bursts of exclamation again.

"It's so beautiful. I finally saw the true face of the wooden king. It's a worthwhile trip today!"

"This woman... Really should only exist in the sky, how can she fall into the world!"

All kinds of exclamations continued, and an ancient wind's heart was severely touched. This is not mu Qingqing. Who is it?

I haven't seen her for several years. Her appearance hasn't changed much, but her temperament is more noble, cold and gorgeous. She's not like a mortal at all.

Forced to suppress the excitement in his heart, Gu Feng smiled and asked Mu Qingqing, "Wood King, how do you feel about the taste?"

"Beauty is full of praise. Although the flesh and blood of this wild sea beast is full of strong wild power, there is nothing I can do! " Mu Qingqing looked up slightly, smiled at the ancient wind, and then continued to enjoy it.

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was stunned in an instant. After repeatedly determining a wild sea animal that was eating, he was even more puzzled.

In fact, what muqingqing eats is edible wild sea animals, in which there is no wild power. But why does Mu Qingqing say that?

On second thought, a smile welled up in the ancient wind's heart. At this moment, he understood everything. Mu Qingqing was cooperating with himself.

In the final analysis, although Mu Qingqing has lost her previous memory, she still knows the ancient style. The ancient wind took her out of the hell and into the eight wastelands. They were also "Acquaintances".

Even, the ancient wind believes that the reason why Mu Qingqing wants to take off the lower yarn is to deliberately let himself see through his identity.

"King Xiang, please enjoy it!"

Now that Mu Qingqing has taken the lead, the next thing will be easy to do. Ancient customs directly began to invite King Xiang to eat.

King Xiang just looked at Mu Qingqing slightly and saw that Mu Qingqing ate with relish, so he no longer hesitated. After bowing to the ancient wind, he also took down the big plate in front of him and the jar of "drunk Eight Immortals".

He first took a mouthful of old wine, and then ate a large piece of wild sea beast directly.

As soon as the wild sea beast reached his mouth, King Xiang's face froze. In a moment, it affected everyone's nerves again.

Can't King Xiang resist the power of famine?

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