The ancient wind looked at the xiaoxiangzi and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

He has also heard of this person. He is indeed a famous person in the green region. His way is rhythm, killing people with the sound of zither.

This is in line with the saying: there are thousands of roads, and different roads lead to the same goal.

Rhythm, in the hands of ordinary people, is what is used for entertainment. But once the attainment of rhythm reaches a certain level, it can kill people and become a Tao.

"Longyu, ancient style!" The ancient wind arched his hand. It's a gift.

"Qing Tianwang, you're welcome. Although I didn't mean to take advantage of you, you can see that the quota is really limited. If brother Yu wins by chance, I hope King Qingtian doesn't hold a grudge. " Xiaoxiangzi said.

The main reason why he would say so is that the cultivation of ancient customs is too low. Among the ten kings of the holy land, they almost belong to the ranks of "soft persimmons". At the same time, he also saw that the ancient style seemed to have something to do with the wooden king. Once he offended the ancient style, he was afraid that the wooden king would be unhappy.

"Ha ha, brother Xiao is joking. Today's gathering and competition is a fair battle between our generation. If we lose the enemy, how can we have the truth of resentment? Come on, I've met all kinds of opponents in my life, but I haven't met anyone who is proficient in music. "

"In that case, you're welcome, brother Yu - the prelude to Xiaoxiang's soul rendition, the rain at night in Xiaoxiang!"

Ding... Dong

The words fell and the piano began.

I saw that xiaoxiangzi didn't look up at the ancient style at all. He just closed his eyes and indulged in his own piano music.

He just started to fight, so he just played the strings and made one single sound after another. Although there are only some single tones, each syllable still has a certain magic, which immediately affects everyone's heart. Suddenly, people were brought into a wonderful artistic conception:

In a bamboo forest, a woman in white danced with the patter of light rain. Not far away, a young man sat around, playing the piano very attentively. They smiled at each other from time to time, which can be described as Lang Qing and concubine Yi. The picture is very beautiful.

As soon as the picture turned, the sound of the piano remained, and the two snuggled together. Four eyes are opposite, love is continuous.

While the man's eyes were blurred, the woman in white suddenly took out a dagger and suddenly inserted it into the man's chest


At this time, almost everyone was cold on their back and shivering all over. Because everyone felt that the knife seemed to be inserted into his chest.

And Gu Feng's body tilted suddenly, just avoiding a dagger killed quickly.

The dagger was transformed by the sound wave and became the essence. It almost inserted directly into the heart of the ancient wind.

The ancient risk narrowly avoided the blow, and his back was wet on the spot. The secret way was that the rhythm was really terrible. Can unknowingly get people caught.

After trying to kill the music, the ancient wind can no longer concentrate on listening to the music, otherwise he won't know how to die in a moment.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to startle Qingtian king!"

Xiaoxiangzi chuckled, and then his right hand swept out. The original soft piano sound immediately became thick and high. At the same time, his fingers began to play the strings rapidly, and on the spot, fists with big sandbags suddenly rose from the ground and went straight to the key points of the ancient wind.


The ancient wind shouted, and suddenly became blood surging. His fist glowed with gold on the spot and directly shot him head-on.

All of a sudden, I just heard the muffled sound of "Dong Dong Dong". The ancient fist immediately roared with those illusory fists.

Although those are illusory fists transformed by sound waves, they still contain terrible power. Almost every fist has the power to open mountains and crack the earth. Every punch of the ancient wind blows up, it feels like it blows on the mountain.

"Powerful, is this equivalent to his physical strength?"

Gu Feng whispered in his heart, and he quickly waved his fist. Although one fist after another was smashed by him, there was a steady stream of fists, and more and more.

Finally, the ancient wind was overwhelmed. He was almost hit in a row on his chest, abdomen, shoulders and legs.

For a moment, the sound of "clicking" was heard continuously. At this moment, the ancient wind didn't know how many bones had been broken. He was blown back, and even a trace of blood had spilled from the corners of his mouth.

At this time, xiaoxiangzi's voice sounded: "Xiaoxiang's soul is broken, soul is broken. Qing Tianwang, you have to be careful. This is just a prelude. "

"Hehe, just put your horse here. I'm ok!"

Gu Feng smiled, and his body suddenly lit up with light green light. The law of life is activated to repair the injury autonomously.

Just now, I was careless.

Ding Ding Dong!

Ding Ding Dong!

At this time, the already depressed piano sound sounded rhythmically again. With the continuous remake falling, more than a dozen big swords suddenly appeared and cut straight into the ancient style.

"Well come!"

The ancient wind also roared, and a sharp sword shining purple lightning immediately appeared in his hand, which greeted him.

This is Lei Di's swordsmanship. The ancient wind is going to move the real qualification. From the beginning of the battle, the ancient wind has been following the rhythm of the other party, which is a very dangerous signal. He wants to turn the war around.


The sharp sword in Gu Feng's hand marked one strange range after another, and cut off one sharp sword after another on the spot.

Then, I saw Gu Feng's body suddenly rotate, with a long sword in his hand, straight forward, which planned to directly kill xiaoxiangzi's body.

However, he saw xiaoxiangzi's right hand draw a big circle and a heavy sweep out on the spot.

With the sound of "brush" sweeping the strings, a black stone monument suddenly turned into a shape and directly stood in front of the ancient wind.


Without any accident, the ancient sword was directly inserted into the black stone monument. Suddenly a shaking down, the black stone monument suddenly burst into pieces.


Before the fragments of the black stone tablet were scattered, a sharp sword appeared in the eyes of the ancient wind, rapidly magnifying in his eyes.

Just for a moment, Gu Feng was startled into a cold sweat and made a back somersault on the spot, which was dangerous and dangerous to avoid the blow.

At this time, xiaoxiangzi on the opposite side swept the strings again, and the same five or six big swords came.

As a last resort, the ancient wind had to retreat. His plan to kill xiaoxiangzi was a temporary miscarriage.

Everything just now was really too nervous. Many people's hearts were severely pulled together.

Until then, people began to talk in a low voice. There was humanity: "I don't think the green heavenly king can do it. He can't get close at all. All along, he has been following the rhythm of others. If he goes on like this, he will lose sooner or later. "

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