Who says a woman cannot be king?

Mu Qingqing's words are overbearing. As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience was boiling and there were voices everywhere.

The king in muqingqing's mouth is not the king of the ten kings in the world, but the king of kings, the emperor of kings and the supreme king of kings.

Throughout the history of the five realms of the divine world, no matter in which period, there is absolutely no such situation.

Exclamation continued outside, and almost everyone changed color in the pavilion. Even the ancient style was completely shocked by Mu Qingqing's words. It's incredible.

The face of the God of Death killed the king twitched slightly, and finally squeezed out an ugly smile.

Arched his hand and said, "the wooden king is worthy of being the wooden king. He doesn't talk surprisingly. I hope you have the strength to suppress everyone present." With that, King Sha looked at King Xiang and King Tiao Mie again. Others can't count on it. If he is defeated, he will have to rely on them.

"It's useless to say more. Let's fight. If I win today, I will be the king of kings! "

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Qingqing's body floated up and landed on the battle platform very gracefully. Suddenly, there were voices everywhere.

"Wood King, wood king, you can finally see the wood King's hand!"

"Can this domineering queen defend her status and dignity? Can she really take the lead and become the emperor of kings? "

Everyone's eyes fell on her.

In everyone's eyes, the God of Death killed Wang also came to the stage. The two stood against each other, with floating clothes.

Almost everyone thought that they were about to start a complete war, but mu Qingqing's voice sounded again: "all kings coexist, who is the hero? Who is the king of kings? The road to immortality is rugged and arrogant. If there is no absolute strength to suppress the eight sides, how dare you lead the heroes? Therefore, I dare you. Please jump out of the king and take the stage. I want to defeat you by one against two and thunder at the same time. If I can't do this, I don't deserve to be arrogant. "

With that, Mu Qingqing's beautiful eyes looked directly at the jumping king in the pavilion.

Almost for a moment, the whole audience was stunned and then in an uproar. Now the frying pan was completely fried and there were discussions everywhere:

"What does Wood King mean? She wants one against two. Did I hear you right? "

"The God of death kills the king without losing. Anyone who has fought with him will die in his hand... A king wood King alone may not be able to deal with it. She has to fight and destroy the king at the same time?"

"The jumping out king is also not a weak person. When jumping out of the way, he is also invincible. King Mu dares to fight these two people at the same time? Can't it be... Crazy? "

Not to mention the audience outside, even the kings in the pavilion change color.

Everyone is thinking, is this wooden King crazy? Although she has become famous in the past two years, isn't she a little too arrogant? Don't say it's her. Even the king Xiang, who has always been at the head of the crowd, dare not speak out to challenge the two kings at the same time.

Everyone has different expressions, some shocked, some stunned, and even secretly sneering. As one of the parties, the jumping out king had an iron face.

What does that mean? Once the wooden King succeeds, doesn't it mean that the wooden King steps on their shoulders?

But there was no way. Even if Wang was not happy, he got up and went directly to the battle platform.

Jumping out of the king is like death killing the king. He has always been quiet, but he does things with great speed.

Two to one, three people stand in three directions. Mu Qingqing was a relaxed smile, but the other two were all gloomy.

At this time, the God of Death killed the king and said, "King Mu, in fact, I don't want to fight with you today, because my way is to kill! Unless I don't do it, I will kill people as soon as I do it... "

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Mu Qingqing, who smiled and said, "I know what you want to say. Do you want to say that once we start, if we can't kill me, your heart will be broken, right? But you and I have no grievances, but you don't want to kill me, do you? "

"Hehe, but it doesn't matter. Although you try your best, if you can't resist, you will die in vain. If you can't kill me, you don't have to worry about Daoxin being forced. The immortal's yard is ready. "

With that, Mu Qingqing turned his eyes to the king of jumping and destruction, and said with a smile: "king of jumping and destruction, your way of jumping and destruction has always been invincible and has not been defeated. Today, I really want to learn it. Similarly, you can give it a go. If the king can't resist, he is willing to die! "

The simple words immediately showed Muwang's domineering and self-confidence, and won a lot of popularity for her again.

The words have been said for this purpose. The God of death has nothing to say about killing the king and jumping out the king.

On the spot, they looked up to the sky, which was a burst of roaring, hair dancing and bullfighting.

Mu Qingqing also flew into the air at once. She opened her arms and slowly rotated her body. With floating clothes, a fairy came down to earth. I don't know how many heroes were obsessed on the spot.

"One against two, sister Qing, don't try to be brave!"

A pair of old-fashioned fists were tightly squeezed together, and my heart was extremely nervous.

Although Mu Qingqing is a childhood sweetheart with him, she has never seen through the ancient style. What muqingqing gave to the ancient wind is always mysterious. Even if later muqingqing has become his wife, the ancient wind has never really understood muqingqing.

It's only a few years since she came to the divine world. Mu Qingqing has grown to such a point. What has she experienced? What kind of secret does she have?

The ancient wind can't guess, and can't stop and interfere with any decision of Mu Qingqing. The only thing he can do is to cheer Mu Qingqing silently.

On the battle platform, the jumping out king and the God of death killing the king are still gathering madly. Their breath is more and more terrible. It seems that they can break through the last barrier and break through the field of saints at any time.

However, I saw the wood king in white singing in a low voice at this time:

When is the bright moon? Ask the blue sky for wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is this night

Her song is crisp and sweet, like the cry of a nightingale; Her figure is graceful and graceful, as ethereal as an immortal. With her singing, people were surprised to find that the sky overhead was dark!

The stars are shining, blinking, like talking eyes. A full moon with a big millstone hung high, and the bright moonlight shone on the earth, enveloping everyone.

Everyone was stunned and looked up at the full moon. However, the amazing thing is still behind, because people saw a magnificent palace in the full moon, and a graceful fairy danced in front of the palace

The heavenly palace is exactly the heavenly palace. Ancient customs have seen it in the lower world.

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