This is also a helpless move. Mu Qingqing has lost all his previous memories. The ancient wind can't force Mu Qingqing to make any commitment to himself. He can only retreat to the second place, gradually, slowly.

Seeing that the ancient wind is no longer entangled with the previous things, Mu Qingqing is also secretly relieved.

He sat down again and shook his head gently: "I don't know this. To tell you the truth, I'm really not sure to defeat him. He hasn't fought with anyone for a long time. Few people know his real combat power. "

Although Mu Qingqing doesn't want to entangle with ancient customs, he doesn't dislike the name "Qingmei". I'm willing to have a long talk in the face of the inquiry of ancient customs.

"I think that King Xiang seems to have experienced something painful. He seems to be indifferent to everything. Could this be the direct reason why he didn't fight? "

Since the first time I saw King Xiang, the ancient wind found that there was a faint sadness and a feeling of dejection on the king Xiang. Like... Badly hurt!

In the face of the inquiry of the ancient style, Mu Qingqing still shook his head and said, "I really don't know. The former king Xiang was really high-profile and domineering. But in the past two or three years, it seems like a completely different person. In fact, he was very reluctant to attend the party a few days ago! "

"How could this happen?"

The old wind whispered, always feeling that this king Xiang must be a man with a story.

If he didn't understand, he simply didn't think about it. As soon as the conversation changed, he asked, "Qing Mei, can you tell me how you came here in recent years? It seems that you only have the cultivation of true God. How did you become the ten kings of the world? What happened to you? "

"How do you call yourself king? As you can see, I killed all the way! " Mu Qingqing's answer was very general. He didn't want to say more at all. He was stunned by the ancient wind on the spot.

Mu Qingqing didn't seem to want to entangle more on this topic. He also turned the conversation and said, "ancient wind, I have to remind you that you are lucky to be king this time. There is still a big gap between your real combat power and others. At the last Xunyang Lake meeting, you have completely offended three families, and Ning Zechuan died because of you. Those people won't let you go easily. You have to be careful. It's best that you don't go anywhere during this period of time. Concentrate on Cultivating in the fairy garden behind closed doors until the Chengxian road is opened. "

"Why offend them? Now I am an official disciple of the immortal Academy. Do they dare to touch me? Aren't our disciples of the immortal's Academy protected by everything? " The old wind frowned.

Along the way, he didn't know how many people he had offended who couldn't be provoked. Didn't he live well? There's really nothing to be afraid of.

However, Mu Qingqing frowned slightly, shook his head gently and said, "don't be naive. What if those people really hurt you secretly? Even if the immortal courtyard can stand up for you afterwards, what about liquidating them? At that time, you were dead. The fairy house can't do anything too big for you. At most, it's just a symbolic punishment for those people. "

"Besides, those secret attacks are not the most terrible. As long as you don't go out and walk around, they can't hurt you. The most terrible thing is the other kings. Those talents are your fatal threat? "

"Other kings? Where's the king? What king? "

Smelling the speech, Gu Feng's face changed on the spot. Are there other kings besides these ten kings?

Without waiting for mu Qingqing to explain, the ancient wind suddenly realized. The king referred to by Mu Qingqing is not the current ten kings granted a few days ago, but the kings of ten thousand years. The peerless demons that lurked down in 10000 years.

Sure enough, Mu Qingqing opened his mouth again and said, "the king I said is not our ten kings in the world, but the kings of all times hidden in the past 10000 years. We are only the strongest group of people in the world, and in these ten thousand years, each era has its own king, and many of those people are forcibly cut down from the realm of saints. As soon as they set foot on the path to immortality, they can immediately restore the cultivation of saints. Among them, there will naturally be the kings of those families. If you completely offend and die those families, do you think they will give up? "

"According to your current cultivation, it is difficult to deal with us kings of the world. How to face those terrible guys?"


Gu Feng was asked to be speechless. Only then did he realize the real horror of those big families.

Impulsive, it can be said that the ancient style is really impulsive this time. Even if he has a festival with the Wu family, it's enough to just renovate Wu Ming. It's good to die. While renovating Wu Ming, he renovated king aocang and King Ning. The most terrible consequence was that Ning Zechuan died. Can the Naning family give up? Once the other party retaliates, how should he deal with it?

"Ancient wind, you have to think about it yourself. Among these families, there are immortals. Once they are really angry, even the fairy house will take care of it. "

"The friction between the younger generations should not rise to the point where immortals go out?" The old wind asked tentatively, and he had no bottom in his heart.

Fairy, that's a super scary existence. Once a fairy starts, the world will be broken.


Gu Feng stayed here for a long time and didn't leave until late at night. After a long talk, the relationship between the two has made some progress, but only with this, which is far from what the ancient style wants.

There's no way. After all, muqingqing is no longer the former muqingqing. He has given face without directly bombarding him away.

In the next few days, the ancient wind really didn't go anywhere. He stayed in his yard at ease. Occasionally, the ten kings also cross the door. In the ancient courtyard, there were Chixin, Hu Guang, Bai Bing and two demon kings.

Of course, he would pay a return visit once in a while. After getting along, he was also harmonious and lived a normal life.

It's been ten days. Apart from practicing behind closed doors, the ancient custom is to occasionally get together with everyone to talk about Tao. These ten days have really been a little boring. He most wanted to visit Xiaohuo, but he didn't have any news.

In addition to the ten kings of the world, almost no other people were active in the whole fairy house.

I didn't see the six holy kings, the small fire, and the legendary immortal Dean.

On the eleventh day, Gu Feng couldn't stand such a boring life. He finally stepped out of the fairy house.

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