The sky gradually lightened, and the ancient wind finally returned to the fairy house. Because the war post is a little too high-profile. Therefore, like a thief, he timidly returned to his yard for fear of being seen.

Although he was very careful, he was unfortunately found. Just after he settled down, there was a knock at the door: "is brother Gu at home?" It's the voice of Snow King Bai Bing.

"I'll go. It's so secret that the little girl found it? At this time, she came to me before dawn. She was not afraid of being criticized, and then she had an affair? " Although he thought so, the ancient style dared not neglect after all. Lang said, "it's white girl. Come in and talk about something!"


The gate opened automatically, but the next second, the ancient wind was completely stunned. He found that he thought too much, because the people who came to find him were not only Bai Bing, but the nine kings!

"Well... Hehe, I don't know why you guys suddenly came to my humble house?" Such a battle really startled the ancient wind. Needless to say, he also knew that it must be for the sake of Zhantie.

Sure enough, Mu Qing said with a cold face, "the king of the blue sky is so powerful. He also 'spreads his wings to cover the sky'. Do you want to crush all of us? We are all unconvinced by you. Come and ask us to try it now? "

It can be said that the ancient war post is too ostentatious. At this time, don't say it's Mu Qingqing. Even several other people have calm faces and look very bad.

At this time, the ancient wind remembered the last Xingtian challenge. It was also due to the high profile that the ten kings of the world were attacked one after another. Thanks to the ancient customs at this time, I have become familiar with the ten kings of the world. Otherwise, if one of them can't be done well, the ten kings will challenge themselves.

It would be a great shame if things really evolved to that point.

Therefore, Gu Feng had to laugh dryly: "brothers, you misunderstood. It's just to suppress Wu Ming. I absolutely don't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."

Although the ancient style is trying to explain, everyone's look is still not very good-looking. I saw the peacock king step forward, gently patted on the ancient wind's shoulder, and said earnestly: "brother, I can't help you, please ask for more luck!"

With that, the golden lion on one side also shook his head reluctantly, showing the color of pity on his face, and stood aside.

Now, the ancient style was completely confused.

what do you mean? Is it difficult for these people to come together and really want to challenge themselves?

Some time ago, everyone had a drink together. Shouldn't it be so easy to turn over?

Seeing that the faces of the other kings were still bad, Gu Feng had to explain with a dry smile again: "you guys, this is really not intentional. I will never dare to offend your tiger power..."

The new kings are not very afraid of the ancient style, but the God of death kills the king, jumps out the king, Xiang Wang and so on. In front of them, the ancient style simply can't afford to fight. Therefore, he had to show weakness and make amends.

The atmosphere was a little frozen. No one spoke at all. After half a ring, Wang Chixin of Yanyu suddenly "ha ha" smiled and immediately broke the deadlock.

He also came forward and gently patted Gu Feng on the shoulder and said, "brother Gu, I see that your battle post is domineering. Why are you counseling now? In front of us, you still know fear, but why do you want to declare war with such a high profile, Wu Ming? Are you absolutely sure to defeat him? You don't need to explain other things. Just explain this. Explain why you did it? "


Smelling the speech, the ancient wind is a long sigh of relief. As long as these people don't come to challenge themselves.

After sorting out his thoughts, Gu Feng sighed again and said, "brother Chi is right. In front of you, I still know fear, and I'm not crazy. Why should I challenge Wu Ming? In fact, I have to... "

Finally, Gu Feng slowly explained the matter of qingtianpeng, and everyone was angry on the spot.

"The Wu family... Is really getting worse and worse!" King Xiang frowned.

Then, jumping out Wang also opened his mouth: "it seems that brother Gu has no choice but to do so. If it were me, I might be so high-profile."

Now, no one will blame the ancient customs for being so arrogant. In the final analysis, it's just for their own dignity. Since you want to challenge others, of course, you should show some momentum, otherwise it won't be a joke?

"I think this matter should be reported to the president for handling. As for this challenge, it's OK not to go!" White ice road.

She also knows that the cultivation of ancient customs is a low level. If you really want to fight, the victory rate is very small.

However, he saw Mu Qingqing slowly shaking his head and said, "the battle post has been down and everyone knows it. How can we not fight? The ancient wind can't afford to lose this man, nor can the fairy garden. "

"What about that?"

"Go to find Nangong elder first!"


Several elders in charge of the immortal Yard said last night that once the ancient wind came back, they must go and meet each other.

As a last resort, the ancient wind had to walk towards the deepest part of the fairy garden with a worried heart. There is a row of magnificent palaces, where all the elders of the fairy courtyard live.

Yangxin hall is the usual residence of the elders of the holy kings. When he came to the door of the temple, an antique heart jumped on the spot.

After hesitating for a while, he summoned up his courage and bowed his hand and shouted, "disciple Gu Feng, I'm ordered to see you!"

After shouting three times in a row, a dignified voice came out from the hall: "come in and talk!" It's Nangong elder.

After hearing this sound, Gu Feng broke out a cold sweat on his back on the spot. The secret road is going to be damaged and unlucky.

Once again calmed the throbbing heart. The ancient wind finally summoned up the courage and walked towards it with great strides.

When he came to the hall, the ancient wind was startled again. All six holy kings stared at themselves with anger. The fierce eyes seemed to eat people.

"The ancient wind has seen you elders!"

The atmosphere was so oppressed that the ancient wind bowed down and never raised his head again. None of the six holy kings asked him to get up.

After a while, the Nangong elder snorted coldly, "ancient wind, are you wrong?"

"I know my mistake!" The ancient wind did not dare to contradict, submissive, and did not dare to look into people's eyes at all.

"Hum, just know your mistake. Now I'll punish you for facing the wall for a month, but I'm convinced?"

"What? Face the wall for a month? Then... "

"What? Are you still thinking about the challenges in five days? Do you really want to die? " Nangong elder became angry again, and then said, "I told you how many times to stay in the fairy house and practice in isolation, but you just don't listen. You've only been out for one day, and you're making trouble again... How did you promise me before you left yesterday? "

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