"What? She... She is also one of the great emperor's generals? " Gu Feng was startled, and his face changed dramatically on the spot.

However, the old man's next words are even more unacceptable to the ancient style.

The old man said, "if you want to talk about the chaotic generation, a single Shi Erni is not enough. But if you really have a relationship with Yan Yan, it's not as simple as disorderly generation, because your sister Xinya is also the life separation of Yu Hu! "

"Ah? So is Xinya? "

Now, the complexion of the ancient style has really changed, and his eyes are staring round. It's incredible.

Really speaking, whether his sister Gu Xinya, Shi Erni, Yan Yan or Zi Xiahan, they are the same person.

If he really had a relationship with Yan Yan, wouldn't he have a relationship with his sister Gu Xinya?

However, the old man didn't seem to be surprised. He continued: "there is actually another main reason why you are not allowed to provoke Yan Yan's girl again, that is the Emperor himself. Do you know who Yu Hu is? Her true identity is not only the general of the great emperor, but also the beauty and lover of the great emperor in the past. "


Now, the ancient wind was completely knocked down by thunder. His eyes were wide and his mouth was wide. He couldn't close at all.

The old man smiled again and said, "no matter how you count, you are half a disciple of the great emperor. Are you going to rob a woman from him? What if you rob his woman? It doesn't matter if Yan Yan's girl is just taken away, but the key is that it's not taken away, but reincarnation. "

"Well... Why didn't Emperor Yu explain when Erni's last life was reincarnated?"

Gu Feng remembers very clearly that Shi Erni's predecessor was the mother of the sea god. He and Emperor Yu saw the reincarnation with their own eyes. It is reasonable to say that emperor Dayu at that time should know that the mother of the sea god is the first incarnation of his beloved woman. But Emperor Yu didn't say it clearly and ordered Gu Feng to accept Shi Erni as an apprentice. How can we explain this?

Emperor Dayu is half a master of ancient style, and Shi Erni is an apprentice of ancient style. Isn't that another generation of chaos?

Facing the problem of ancient customs, the old man just sighed helplessly and said: "this is also a helpless move. Although the great emperor also deeply loves Yu Hu, he has been unwilling to marry him. He has a mission and is worried that he can't give Yu Hu happiness... This evil fate, once entangled, is the end of an era. It's really God's will. Finally, they met in the lower world. The main reason why the great emperor asked you to accept Erni as an apprentice is to escape this relationship. "

"How could this happen? The great emperor, how could he do this? " Gu Feng was stunned. He remembered why Emperor Yu killed the mother of the sea god himself. It turned out that the real purpose of Emperor Yu was to alienate Yu Hu. The ancient wind was just hit by chance and was used by Emperor Dayu.

So it seems that emperor Dayu is really similar to ancient customs. They belong to the same kind of people. They are both people who are unwilling to involve others for the mission on their shoulders.

After understanding the context, Gu Feng had no hope for Yan Yan at all.

Because no matter Yan Yan, his sister, Shi Erni and Zi Xiahan, they will eventually become one and become the master of Yu Hu. Perhaps at that time, Yu Hu will no longer be the fairy king, but the great emperor of Yu Hu.

It's really a great stroke to turn nine into nine and reincarnate for ten generations. I can't help but be dissatisfied with others.

After talking about Yu Hu and Emperor Yu, the old man brought the topic back to reality again and asked, "tell me, how sure are you in a war with the Wu children?"

"Almost zero!" The ancient wind replied truthfully.

Which of the ten kings in the world is not the best? Are the elites of the elite, the demons of the demons. Even if the cultivation realm is the same, there is not necessarily an absolute assurance, not to mention the ancient style is still a lower realm.

Facing this kind of people, it is almost impossible to cross the level challenge.

"You can't deal with a child of the Wu family. Once those ten thousand year demons are born, how should you deal with them? Once you set foot on the road to immortality, you will face all kinds of demons and geniuses from the heavens and the world. How should you deal with them? "


Gu Feng was asked to be speechless, and then realized that he was really weak. In this world, he can't be king or above everyone, not to mention facing those so-called "ancient dragons"? Once he embarks on the road to immortality, he will face opponents from the heavens and the world. What should he take to deal with it?

The old man asked again, "do you know your strengths and weaknesses?"

"This... I don't know. Please give me some advice." Gu Feng was asked again. He was speechless. On the spot, he was ashamed and looked up.

However, the old man then gave a very impolite lesson: "you don't know the strength of your opponent, and you don't know your weight, do you dare to challenge others? With your current strength, do you still dare to establish a religion and call yourself the leader of Qingtian cult? Where did you get your arrogant capital? Your so-called Qingtian shenting is a joke in the eyes of others. Thanks to you, the sect is in the depths of the desolate sea. If it were outside, it would have been destroyed. "

"..." the old style was taught to be speechless again. He was so ashamed that he just wanted to drill through the ground. On the spot, he arched his hands and said, "what the elder taught is that you should keep a low profile when you act in the future!"

The old style was not stupid, but he could still hear that the old man was blaming himself for being too ostentatious and high-profile.

The old wind had known his mistake, so the old man nodded with satisfaction. Then he said, "it's good if you can realize your mistakes. You must remember that your real identity is the reincarnation of the demon star. Once this identity is leaked, the tragedy of Kyushu will be repeated. Therefore, you must keep a low profile in the future. Swallow the Sutra of heaven and never use it easily! "

"Remember the teachings of ancient customs!"

The archaic wind bows its hands again. This time, it is completely taught. Today, he was given a slap in the face, which made him realize many realities at once.

The old-fashioned attitude really satisfied the old man. Then the old man said, "in fact, you have many wonderful methods, but it's a pity that none of them are proficient. If you master one of the wonderful methods in your hands, you will not worry about fighting, but the Wu children! "

What the old man said is also true, which can be verified by pure heart and white ice. They are only proficient in one of the five elements, so they can directly win the throne, and their position is more stable than the ancient style.

"So... What should I do?"

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