Seeing this, Mu Qingqing's face was black on the spot. Everyone came to help Gu Feng. Now why is it her turn to bleed?

Although he was reluctant, Mu Qingqing finally took out twelve jars of peach blossom immortal wine again. The tone was a little bad: "don't all stare at me in the future. I really don't have it here."

"Hehe, who believes it?"

The people hit a ha ha, so they stopped investigating. If you have wine, you can drink it. As for whether you have any in the future, we'll talk about it at that time.


The sun rises again and the whole holy dragon city boils.

This grand event of ten thousand years has finally begun. Today is the day for the examination of the disciples of the immortal Academy.

The xianmiao Gladiator square in WanMu city is a sea of people. It can't see the edge at a glance, and there are no less than 200 million or 300 million spectators.

These audiences come from all corners of the five realms of the divine world. Some people came to the holy land two or three years in advance in order to experience this grand event.

Xianmiao Gladiator square is very wide, accommodating 200-300 million spectators, which is more than enough. Three battle platforms were set up in the center of the square, and a rostrum was set up in the center of the three battle platforms.

Today's ancient style and wood Qingqing have personally stepped on the podium, which has attracted much attention. They are going to personally preside over this 10000 year event. Those who came to sit down for them were Nangong elders and two old holy kings who had just been born.

Five people came to host a grand event, which is unprecedented.

When Gu Feng stepped on the rostrum, they were recognized immediately. I don't know how many exclamations they caused.

This is the ten kings of the world. Who won't accept it?

Today's ancient style is really powerful. He wore a golden robe, a crown and a sword hanging around his waist, which could be said to be full of style.

He laughed and greeted all the audience. He was in high spirits and elated. I don't know how many girls screamed on the spot.

After saying hello, the ancient wind set his eyes on the war waiting area again. When he saw the iron faces, he couldn't say how happy he was.

Yesterday morning, they posted the list, and the order of the contestants was clear. Several families gnashed their teeth in anger after they had penetrated this little conspiracy.

He took back his eyes from the waiting area, and the ancient wind looked at the viewing area where several families were located. The people of those big families are also gnashing their teeth, eager to swallow the ancient customs alive.

Finally, the corner of the ancient wind's mouth aroused a sneer and took back his eyes. He shouted to all the people: "the road to immortality is opened once every ten thousand years, which is a gospel and a gift from God for our gifted children in the five regions of the divine world... There are endless opportunities on the road to immortality. There are countless people who become immortality because of this road. Who will be next? Of course, although there are many opportunities on the road to immortality, not everyone is qualified to wander. There's no more gossip. Let's start fighting. Whoever wants to be the next immortal who looks up to the world, then show your real strength! "

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience immediately burst into fierce applause, and many people's emotions were mobilized.

The old wind smiled, pressed down the applause and said again, "I believe you are also very clear about the rules of this big match? Our fairy house still acts according to the previous rules. Whoever passes three rounds of competition, even if he is qualified, will successfully enter the immortal Academy. When time is ripe, we will embark on the road of immortality together. "

"The so-called three rounds are the first round of knockout matches, where the losers retreat and the winners advance; In the second round, the loser retreats and the winner advances again; The third round, hehe, is still a duel. Whoever wins again will be admitted directly! "

The ancient wind simply announced the rules, and suddenly there was a cry.

If 50000 people are eliminated in one division, only 6000 or 7000 people can be admitted to the last division. The five divisions add up to 30000 or 40000 people.

According to the total number, it is basically one or two out of ten people.

Taking back his eyes, the ancient wind looked at the war waiting area again and asked loudly, "do you understand?"

"I see!"

"Hehe, just understand. I'm sure you know your order of appearance, don't you? Do you have any objection? "

"No objection, everything follows the arrangement of the fairy courtyard!" Many people roared.

However, when the roars fell, someone stood up and shouted, "I don't accept it. I just want to ask, why are all our Wu children arranged in WanMu city?"

"I also want to ask, why are all our children of Ning family arranged in WanMu city?"

"And our aocang family and some of our collateral branches, why are they all in the WanMu city?"

Suddenly, more than a dozen people stood up and expressed their dissatisfaction. These people are basically from three families.

Before the battle officially started, such a situation appeared. The three elders who had been sitting on the rostrum frowned at once. At this time, they found something wrong. After the three looked at each other, their faces changed.

The reason why he wants to contract the roster is that he is really holding it back.

But now is not the time to blame the ancient style. Bear it first.

After facing these questions, Gu Feng just sneered and his face sank: "I've always been fair in my work. Your numbers, brands and appearance order are randomly assigned. Where you are assigned, you can't have any objection. If anyone really has an opinion, he can quit directly. We will never force him to stay! "

Outrageous, absolutely outrageous.

Gu Feng's words made several families furious on the spot.

Is this a random assignment? Nima, isn't that lying with your eyes open? Random distribution can divide all three families into WanMu city? It's all order numbers!

This is a naked bully!

It's tolerable, who can't bear it!

Therefore, someone jumped up on the spot and sneered, "ancient wind, what are you? Do you think we're all fools? If you don't change the number plate for us today, you won't want to hold it normally! "

This is a powerful man at the peak of the divine king. His name is Wu Neng. He comes from the Wu family and belongs to the absolute elite selected.

Facing Wu Neng's provocation, Gu Feng just sneered.

The next moment, his body directly disappeared in place. Then they saw a flash of white light in the waiting area, followed by a half scream.

Only then did people see what was going on. It turned out that Gu Feng killed Wu Neng with a sword at his waist by means of thunder.

The accident came so fast that all the 200-300 million people in the audience were stupid and stunned.

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