In the face of everyone's toast, Mu Qingqing's face suddenly darkened, and he turned pale on the spot.

It's a goddamn peach blossom immortal wine, like blue binger and Zhong Yun. They all have three or four cups and lie down directly. How many people can stand the toast of nine people?

However, wood king is wood king after all. Her hegemony and strength are not only reflected in strength. In drinking, it is also heroic dry cloud.

Although we know that we are deliberately filling ourselves, muqingqing is a heroine and heroine after all.

After nine rounds, Mu Qingqing's face was red, but he still stood. This makes the ancient wind silly and anxious.

Mu Qingqing's words have explained that if you can drink her down tonight, you'll follow yourself. But according to muqingqing's drinking capacity, she probably got down, and she didn't get down.

Therefore, when the ancient wind's eyes turned, he came up with a moth on the spot and said to everyone: "brothers and sisters, let's say a word of conscience. King Mu is really the most heroic and free and easy woman I've ever seen in my life. In particular, her sentence "who says a woman can't be king" still fresh in my memory. It often echoes in my ears like Huang Zhongda Lu... So I suggest that we take turns to honor her. Is it true that such a woman can produce one in ten thousand years? It's really an honor for us to live with such a woman! "

These words can be regarded as holding Mu Qingqing to the sky. Mu Qingqing wanted to get angry, but she couldn't get angry after all.

At this time, King Xiang raised the wine jar and sighed, "who said no? It is not only our honor but also our sorrow to live with such people all our lives! Come on, there's nothing else to say. Let's have a toast! "

With that, King Xiang was the first to drink to Mu Qingqing. King Xiang's words have been said for this reason. Mu Qingqing has no reason to refuse.

Finally, I had to harden my head.

Immediately, King Hu Guang followed up. The two demon kings were also unwilling to fall behind, and then they killed the king and jumped out of the king

At this time, the ancient wind once again showed the thief's smile and was happy: "drink, drink, women are not drunk, where do men get the opportunity? Ha ha... "

I have to say that the old style is really immoral. Tonight is his second time to drink women's wine. The key is his own wife.

If you want to sleep with your wife, you have to get drunk. Maybe you can't find a second one at the end of the day.

After this round of work, Mu Qingqing was finally a little out of support. Her cheeks were red to the root of her neck.

Not only that, she was a little tangled when she spoke and began to slur.

At this time, she was a little less aggressive, but she was a little more delicate and flattering in her daughter's house, so she was intoxicated by the ancient style again.

After this round, the ancient wind did not do immoral things anymore. If he proposes to propose a toast together again, it is estimated that everyone will doubt his intentions.

He didn't clear the Bush, but someone proposed to irrigate him.

At this time, Bai Bing stood up and said to everyone, "to tell you the truth, there is one of us who makes the little woman admire very much, that is our ancient style of Qingtian king. You see, which one of us didn't sit on the throne until the God King Jue Dian? Brother Gu was the only one. When he became king, only the cultivation of the God King in the middle period, and now he has just reached the late stage. Coupled with his special means, what kind of taboo magic power is not coveted by ordinary people? Therefore, the little woman suggested that you take turns to honor brother gu! "

"OK, I agree. I'll do it first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ancient style was not allowed to oppose at all. Mu Qingqing took the lead in bringing up the wine jar.


At the sight of this battle, the ancient wind immediately peed. If this round comes down, can he stand up? Can he still have the ability of bridal chamber?

However, this can't be helped by his unwillingness. Seeing the wood, Qingqing raised the wine jar, and the others began to agree one by one.

The killing King frowned and said, "brother Gu, can you be a man? As a woman, King Mu has gone two rounds. Why don't you dare to go one round? "

"Well... Well, today I just gave my life to accompany the gentleman!"

With that, Gu Feng directly raised the wine jar. After touching it with Mu Qingqing, he immediately looked up and took a big bite.

Just put it down, Bai Bing came again: "come on, brother Gu, I respect you!"

"OK, dry!" Another big bite.

Xiang Wang: brother Gu, come on, I respect you!

Shawang: that's just like a man.

Chixin: good brother!

Hu Guangwang:

Gu Feng: "can you give me a break?"

After several mouthfuls in a row, the ancient wind is a little unbearable immediately. In any case, these people seem to be pouring themselves on purpose.

At this time, the jumping out King mentioned the wine jar again, frowned and said, "what rest? You see, the wooden King walked two rounds in a row. Has he ever rested? "

"Ah? Well... Do it! "

Gu Feng's face was black, and he realized that everyone was really deliberately correcting themselves. Who asked him to propose filling the wood? you deserve it

After this round of hard walking, the ancient wind's cheeks were completely red to the root of his neck, and his head was dizzy and sleepy.

In contrast, his drinking capacity is really not as good as muqingqing.

After his round, no one deliberately fed him anymore. The rest of the people drank happily. Unexpectedly, several people began to play the wine order, leaving the ancient style speechless on the spot.

Two hours later, Bai Bing got down first, followed by Chixin, and then two demon kings, King Hu Guang... Finally, King Xiang couldn't do it, so he just lay on his back on the floor.

Looking at Mu Qingqing again, he was lying on the table early in the morning, but he didn't completely get drunk.

Tonight, everyone really drank. For this reason, Mu Qingqing bled again and took out ten jars of peach blossom immortal wine.

Gu Feng only drank the first jar, but he didn't open the second jar at all because of his bad heart.

At this time, a thief smile hung on his face again, and he swayed to Mu Qingqing. He gently touched Mu Qingqing's tender face and whispered, "wood king? Wood king? Qing Mei? "

"Well, drink, is it over?"

Mu Qingqing murmured indistinctly. He half narrowed his eyes to see the ancient style and the people lying all over the ground. Frowned: "why, why are you... Sleeping on the ground?"

"Hehe, it's cool on the ground. Let them go, Qingmei. I'll help you to the room to have a rest!"

The ancient wind thief smiled and directly picked up Mu Qingqing, who had little consciousness, and walked towards his room.

If there is no accident, we can't run away tonight!

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