
What qingtianpeng threw out turned out to be a xianmiao card issued by the Qianlong immortal yard. As soon as the brand came out, everyone was dumbfounded. Anyone who owns this brand is the one who is sheltered by the hidden dragon fairy house. Whoever dares to move will die.

Xianyuan, for Yihu to the end.

The aocang eighth ancestor's face twitched sharply twice, and his face immediately became extremely blue.

It can be said that several families are happy and several families are sad.

At this time, the ancient wind, the corners of the mouth slightly aroused a trace of mockery. Qingtianpeng had an amulet in his hand, which really surprised him.

At this time, he saw qingtianpeng sneer: "old thing, can you see clearly? If you can see it clearly, give it back to me. You don't need it. Even if you give it to your children, the immortal yard won't admit it. Ha ha ha ha! "

Zhang Kuang, it's qingtianpeng's turn to be crazy this time. Everyone in aocang's family suddenly turned white with anger.

The aocang eight ancestors finally returned the brand to qingtianpeng after a spasm on his face. Cold voice said: "I hope the fairy house can protect you all your life. On the way to becoming a fairy, you will cry."

"It's not certain who is crying on the road to immortality!"

After taking over the xianmiao brand, qingtianpeng turned his eyes to the iron faced aocang king again and said coldly, "come on, I've been unhappy with you for a long time. If you really want to fight against the ancient wind, just kill me and he will come out naturally. If you don't even have the strength to defeat me, go home as soon as possible and have a son! "


"What are you doing? Didn't you just be arrogant? Now I give you a chance to be arrogant. Ancient customs are the king of a party. Are any cats and dogs qualified to challenge? "

Qingtianpeng said the same without leaving a word of virtue, which followed the ancient style. They are both the same arrogance and the same unspoken virtue. The so-called is: not a family, do not enter a house. The two are like-minded.

Facing the clamor of qingtianpeng, aocang king was naturally very angry. A trace of disdain hung from the corners of his mouth and sneered: "what are you? Why should I fight you? "

"I beat you for nothing. If you are still a man, get out and die! "

"You are... Presumptuous. As you wish, I will kill you today!"

With a loud roar, the aocang king was about to start. However, qingtianpeng flashed back quickly and shouted, "slow!"

"What do you want?"

"At least you and I are not ordinary people. Even if you want to fight, you have to set rules and regulations, so that after you die, your cats and dogs will haunt me."

As soon as qingtianpeng's words fell, aocang's eighth ancestor was angry and shouted, "presumptuous, who do you say is a cat and dog?"

"Whoever answers, he is!"


Suddenly, the people of aocang family were white with anger again, but there was nothing they could do. Qingtianpeng is an immortal Miao after all. They can't kill qingtianpeng in front of three elders.

Finally, the aocang eight ancestors endured their anger and asked, "what terms do you want to make?"

Seeing that the other party had compromised, qingtianpeng sneered again, and then his face was cold. Lang said, "it's very simple. If you fight, you'll fight to the death and never die. At the same time, no one is allowed to interfere. Please ask the three elders of the fairy house to preside over justice! "

"Battle of life and death?" Hearing the speech, the aocang king immediately burst out a burst of laughter: "even if you don't set rules, I'll kill you today!"

"Hahaha, joke. Who won't brag? Who was beaten like a drowning dog by me just now? " Qing Tianpeng also laughed wildly, and then his face was cold again. He said, "the reason why we want to establish rules is to ask the elder to supervise. What I'm afraid of is that those old things in your family who don't obey the rules will forcibly intervene at the most critical moment. Such a thing has never happened on Xunyang lake. At the meeting of Xunyang lake on that day, if it weren't for the intervention of your old people, you would still be alive today? "

Qingtianpeng sneered again and again. On the spot, he was so angry that everyone in aocang family changed color and everyone was angry.

However, at this time, the third ancestor of the Wu family sneered: "boy, don't worry about killing him. I can assure you that if someone interferes at the critical moment, I will stop it and absolutely resolutely maintain the fairness of Dabi."

The reason why the third ancestor of the Wu family wanted to stand up and say this was not that he had a good relationship with qingtianpeng, but that he wanted to see the fall of the king of aocang family.

In the past, there was a king in aocang family, a king in Wu family and a king in Ning family. But now that the three kings are dead, how can the Wu family not want aocang king to go to the yellow spring?

Similarly, the fifth ancestor of Ning family laughed and shouted to qingtianpeng, "young man, I look after you. If you want to kill him, you can kill him at ease. If any old dog dares to intervene forcibly, I won't agree. I will certainly act at the critical moment to maintain justice. "

The words fell, and the people of aocang family changed color again. They were so angry that their lungs were about to explode.

At this time, anyone can see that the reason why the fifth ancestor of Ning family and the third ancestor of Wu family will stand up is to kill aocang king.

What they think is basically the same. Since all his kings are dead, what is the king of aocang's family still alive for?

Hearing the speech, qingtianpeng laughed wildly on the spot: "hahaha, thank you so much." With that, qingtianpeng turned to look at the three elders on the podium and said with an arched hand, "please allow the elder to accept the battle and supervise for me at the same time. If anyone doesn't obey the rules, please do it!"

Hearing the speech, the three elders frowned at once. They wanted to stop the fight, but it seemed a little impossible. At this time, the situation is basically on the line and has to be launched.

Finally, the three looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Well, this war will be fair and just. If you win, you will also directly enter our fairy house, and there is no need to conduct the next round of assessment. "

"Thank you, elder!" Qingtianpeng arched his hands to thank him, showing a smile on his face.

He turned his head again, looked at the aocang king and said contemptuously, "aocang child, now we can start. Kill you early, or have a big match early. It's a waste of time to leave you alone on this platform. "

"Hehe, cowhide can be blown by anyone. Since you can't wait to die, I will help you!"

Roaring, aocang King took the lead in launching his own attack. After a roar, a gray dragon rushed out of his body, roared and went straight to qingtianpeng.

"I'm your uncle. I'm glad you're willing to pretend to be 'I'm the king'. What kind of king are you? You're the king of shit. You've been kicked out of office long ago. Have you forgotten? What a fucking shame! "

Qingtianpeng taunted, and his body flew up on the spot to avoid the attack of the green dragon.

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