Since the ancient customs had been clearly understood and what was happening at present was not true, he did not call emperor Dayu again.

At this time, the ancient wind sat quietly in nothingness. He silently stared at the giant in front of him.

After a while, I saw that the tall and towering bronze tripod had changed. It was decomposing itself and turned into one line after another and strange runes, constantly intertwined around the giant

At this moment, the ancient wind learned a lot from the line runes one after another. He knew that the line runes one after another actually represented the avenue of heaven and earth. The lines are intertwined to draw the heaven and earth. All things in the universe, three thousand roads, are showing in the lines one after another.

That's the way of Emperor Yu, that's Emperor Yu's understanding of heaven and earth

The ancient wind was fascinated. Unconsciously, his own five-color tripod rushed out of his body without knowing it.

His tripod was also broken down into lines one after another, wrapping his body.

Similarly, these lines represent the ancient style's own Tao, which is his understanding of the universe. This is his Tao instrument and his Tao heart

Not only was his tripod broken down into lines, at this moment, behind the ancient wind, a dark big wheel suddenly rose... The big wheel was rotating, but also turned into lines and symbols one after another at this moment, intertwined and intertwined with each other, surrounding the ancient wind.

Then, the eyebrows of the ancient wind automatically split again, and his heavy pupils were decomposed... Then, the law of famine, cutting the sky, thunder walking magic power, 18000 arrays in the body... And so on. At this moment, all the means and magic powers of the ancient wind turned into lines and runes, entangled and intertwined with each other.

Those lines and runes, intertwined and entangled respectively, surround the ancient style in the middle, like a big cocoon.

All this is going on quietly, and the ancient style knows nothing about it. In his eyes, only the giant ahead.

The ancient wind saw that the Emperor Yu was wrapped in lines one after another, as if wrapped in a cocoon. Then, the transparent cocoon slowly formed a big tripod.

The Taoist utensils of emperor Dayu were reorganized. The reorganized Taoist utensils shine brightly, and many lines and some strange symbols appear on them.

At the same time, the big cocoon wrapped in the ancient style was recombined and also transformed into his five-color tripod. There are many lines and symbols on the five color tripod, which represents various Taoist principles understood by the ancient style.

The reorganization of Tao and Qi is still shining.

In addition, Emperor Yu, who recombined the Taoist instruments, suddenly drank at Jiutian and shouted, "prove the Tao, prove the Tao, prove the Tao!"

This explosion only made the universe turbulent, the universe pale and the stars fall.

Then, visions sprang up, and a bright star river suddenly appeared at the end of the sky in the distance. After Gu Feng saw the Star River, he was startled on the spot.

Where is the star river? That is clearly a time channel. Then, a familiar figure in the ancient image appeared, which turned out to be... The emperor of time and space.

Yes, it was the time and space emperor who appeared, but the time and space emperor seemed much younger than the one seen by the ancient wind. Although he looks much younger, he still looks at heaven and earth. He comes with the passage of time and space. As soon as Fang appears, he collapses a universe.

Seeing here, the ancient wind was completely stunned. He saw the legendary emperor of time and space again.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The emperor of time and space looked at the ancient wind and made the ancient wind jump on the spot.

But soon, the time and space emperor took back his eyes. He didn't talk nonsense with Emperor Yu. He directly controlled the time and space channel and fought with Emperor Yu

The war went crazy. I don't know how long it took. The time and space emperor was smashed by Emperor Yu and disappeared into the vast sea of stars in the universe.

Then another person familiar with ancient customs appeared. The man had a Buddha circle on his head and 3000 light groups behind him. That was the 3000 world. This person is Amitabha.

Similarly, there is no nonsense. When the two meet, there is only one war.

After the war to madness, Amitabha also dissipated. Then, the great emperor juehuang appeared... The Lord of heavenly demons, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, the great emperor of huangquan... Before and after, there were more than a dozen great emperors fighting with Emperor Yu.

The battle is really crazy. One after another. The giant emperor Dayu was like a mad devil at this time. His hair is flying, his gray robe has been stained with blood... I don't know how many stars have been knocked down, and how much void has been crushed!

Finally, all the great emperors appeared at the same time. They began to encircle and kill the great Yu emperor with all kinds of means. They were surprised and pleased to see the ancient style.

Finally, the bronze tripod on the head of Emperor Yu exploded and killed all the emperors on the spot. The tripod did not know that it had broken thousands of miles of emptiness. Looking around, it was dark, and I didn't know how many thousands of miles of stars were broken. It was dark and there were no stars.

At this time, the giant Emperor Yu stood up. Although he was covered with blood, he laughed wildly.

After laughing wildly, I saw Emperor Yu rush into the sky and roar again: "from now on, there will be more Emperor Yu in heaven and earth!!!"

Boom, boom!

With the roar, the shattered bronze tripod was condensed again, and it was suspended quietly on the head of Emperor Yu.

At the same time, I saw that the universe began to tremble, then twisted, and then began to collapse crazily!

Successfully, Emperor Yu successfully preached at this moment and officially became a great emperor!

When a man becomes a Tao, he suppresses the heavens, the sky and the universe.

This is the power of the great emperor. No one can reach it. Tao Cheng can't even hold heaven and earth!

The Dayu emperor, although he succeeded in preaching, did not leave in a hurry. He still stood between heaven and earth. From him, he exudes a will to dominate heaven and earth.

At this time, he is arrogant and proud of the sky!

Seeing here, the ancient style is completely shocked. It turns out that this is the great emperor, and this is the style of the great emperor.

The old wind felt that will silently. The more he realized it, the more shocked he was. Unconsciously, he himself exuded that momentum.

He is arrogant, dominates heaven and earth, smiles proudly at the sky and looks down upon the universe.

It is this will that suppresses the enemies in all directions and can only be self respecting.

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