Aojian gate plays an important role in the world.

According to the world, aojian mountain, the mountain gate where aojian gate is located, is a "fairy mountain" and belongs to an absolute holy land for cultivation.

This is a high status Kendo sect. The whole sect is pure sword cultivation. This is similar to the sword sect in Kyushu.

Undoubtedly, the arrival of Gufeng and others is a great happy event for this sect. The old patriarch aojian directly ordered all the disciples to kneel down and greet him, which flattered the Gufeng group.

The sects in this world are the same as the world familiar with ancient customs. The disciples of the sect are generally divided into outer gate, inner gate and core gate. After a little survey, the ancient wind had a full insight into the cultivation realm of tens of thousands of people.

Although aojianmen belongs to the top religion in this world, there are only two people in Shenwang realm. One is the proud sword venerable, whose sword is empty, and the other is a little "young", only more than 1000 years old. He is called Jian Aoyun. He is the deputy leader of the proud sword sect and is called Aoyun venerable. In contrast, his age is not only a little younger, but also his cultivation is a little worse. Gu Feng believes that even a little fox can subdue it in one move.

There are no other people who have reached the kingdom of God. There are more than a dozen people at the level of true God, and more than a hundred people at the level of virtual God.

The rest are all Shenqiao and Shengong. Compared with those big powers in Kyushu, it can be said to be equal.

After the review, the proud sword master, the sword sky, with a sense of superiority, said to the ancient wind and others: "you Taoist friends, how about the strength of my proud sword gate? It's not a little old man. I exaggerate. Looking around, there are several sects whose strength can compare with my aojian gate? "

"Hehe, that... Your strength of aojian sect is really strong. I'm convinced!" The ancient wind smiled and talked a little insincerely.

However, the empty little monk teased at this time: "is this also called strength? Are you all frogs in a well? If I let you see those sects with real immortals, I don't know what you will be scared like? "

That's right. If you compare the large doors of Shenglong city with them, you'll throw them thousands of miles away. Apart from others, even the strength of the Qingtian divine court newly founded by the ancient wind doesn't know how many times stronger than this aojian gate. His Qingtian divine court, any ordinary disciple can destroy the whole sect.

"Ah? Is this... Really immortal? Is there really an immortal in this world? " Jian cangkong was scared silly and ashamed at the same time. At least this is his home, isn't it? Do you really want to lose face in front of all the disciples?

Don't you see, the face of Jian Aoyun, the martial brother of the sword sky, turned black at once. Not only him, but also many disciples and elders were so angry that they turned black and dared to be angry.

Seeing this, Gu Feng glared at the emptiness fiercely, and quickly said with a smile, "my brother has nothing to hide. Please don't care. We come from different worlds. The bad conditions of the two worlds are different. Naturally, there is a great disparity in the strength of monks. "

Next, the proud sword master proposed to give everyone an unprecedented reception. According to his original intention, he wanted to invite dignitaries from the whole continent.

However, the ancient wind frowned immediately and refused on the spot.

Now, what they need is not those empty headed things, but a quiet retreat. According to the current situation, they are the first people to arrive in the world. Since you have taken the lead, you naturally have to improve your accomplishments first.

Otherwise, once everyone arrives, what will he use to frighten others?

If there is no accident, some people have begun to try to break through cultivation on the way. Once the people of the three families take the lead in achieving the sage fruit position, he can't intimidate others, and maybe it will bring disaster to the world.

Seeing that the ancient style was unwilling to do anything to welcome the grand event, the proud sword master really felt a little embarrassed. In fact, when he proposed to hold this grand meeting, did he not want to strengthen his momentum with the help of ancient style and reputation?

However, the following words of the ancient style completely frightened the proud sword master and made him give up the idea of holding the grand event on the spot.

The ancient wind said solemnly: "after we close the door, please keep an eye on the changes in the world. To tell you the truth, more than 10000 people came with us. Among these more than 10000 people, the one with the lowest cultivation will not be inferior to you. Although I can guarantee that we will not bring trouble to your world, I can't guarantee that others will not. "

"What? More than 10000 people? "

Hearing the speech, the aojian Zun was scared silly on the spot. Even his younger martial brother Aoyun Zun was also frightened and turned pale.

If so many powerful terrorists came to their world together, wouldn't it really make their world chaotic?

It's no exaggeration to say that the more than 10000 disciples of the immortal academy can destroy the world every minute. The world is too fragile for them.

Seeing their own words, they scared the two venerable people silly. Gu Feng immediately began to comfort: "although there are a lot of people coming this time, please rest assured that no one dares to mess around with me."

"Really... Really? "Can you really... Really restrain those people?"

"Can it be false? My elder brother Gufeng fought more than 100 of them at the same time. I don't know how many of them were killed. As long as my elder brother Gu Feng gives a decree, I will ensure that no one dares to mess around. "

Xiaohuo couldn't help it. He would never allow anyone to question the ancient style. He's right. In that war, ancient customs really killed many people.

I don't want to explain more about ancient customs, let alone deliberately show off here.

Next, he took practical action. He suddenly patted the sky Linggai, and there was a blood wave rising into the sky, and then turned into a blood red talisman, which wrote:

Order all the disciples of the immortal academy to strictly abide by their duties. If anyone dares to bring disaster to the world by force, he will be killed.

Signature: qingtianwang ancient style.

The bloody talisman floats in the air, even in broad daylight.

The rune made it out. For a moment, the whole world was in an uproar and the whole world trembled.

"Qing Tianwang, who is this? Where did this come from? "

"What are the disciples of the immortal academy? Why haven't you heard of it before? "

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