Next, although many people came to visit, the ancient wind did not pay attention to those people.

They really began to concentrate on isolation. They want to impact the realm of saints. Only when they reach the realm of saints can they be able to embark on the journey again.

The retreat chosen by the ancient wind is the forbidden area of aojianmen, aojianfeng.

Ao Jianfeng is just like the purple sword peak of Zi linger's family. The whole mountain peak is like a sharp sword straight into the sky.

In this way, the ancient wind sits quietly on the top of the peak, looking at the sky alone. There is no desire in his heart, and his heart is as calm as water.

In this way, he silently looked at the empty sky for three days and three nights, felt the nature and changes of heaven and earth, and experienced everything between heaven and earth wholeheartedly.

After three days of sitting, he seemed to have a new understanding of this world.

At this time, his absolute field expanded from the initial ten feet square to hundreds and thousands of feet.

It looks like a small world, but if you look carefully, you can find that it is incomplete, because there are some gaps in his absolute field, and it is extremely ethereal.

At this time, I saw a thing rushing out of the ancient wind's body and suspended on his head. This is his Taoist instrument, the five-color tripod.

As soon as the big tripod rushed out of his body, it sent out five colors of light. The five colored light is the original Qi of the five elements, which is now fully integrated into his absolute field.

Then, a strange scene appeared, and the original Qi of the five elements, interwoven in his absolute field, turned into two Qi of Xuan and Huang.

The dark and yellow Qi filled the whole field, and finally repaired the original gap.

Impressively, the absolute field at this time can no longer be called the field, but a small world.

The newly formed small world is just a thousand feet square, and the world is hazy.

Although the world is not big, but under the excuse of the dark and yellow Qi, it has begun to extend infinitely.

Thousand feet, ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet

At this moment, the ancient wind roared up to the sky, and his breath rushed into the sky. As his roar sounded, something rushed out of his body again.

Impressively, that is the seedling of the world tree.

The world tree is now five feet tall, equivalent to a normal tree. Its trunk was as thick as the mouth of a big bowl. Strictly speaking, his world tree can no longer be called a seedling. However, compared with the real world tree, it can only be regarded as a seedling.

The world tree is full of fruit, which is the fruit of the monks' way, including all kinds of laws of heaven and earth. At this moment, all the fruits were turned into the laws of heaven and earth, filled with the small world of ancient customs.

At the same time, the five color tripod, an ancient Taoist instrument, also turned into one line Rune after another, which filled his small world.

The laws embodied by the Tao are the laws understood by the ancient wind. That is his Tao and that is his perception. At this time, it is full of the world.

With the blessing of these laws, the newly formed small world began to appear heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are not high, only more than a thousand feet. There is no sun or stars in the sky. It was gray and very dark.

But soon, the world was no longer dark, because a dazzling white fireball rushed up and went straight to the sky.

After the fireball rushed into the sky, it turned into a small sun on the spot and lit up the whole small world in an instant.

This fireball is nothing else. It is the cluster of Nirvana sky fire collected when the ancient wind cast a tripod in the fire demon cave when he was young.

Over the years, the fire has been growing with the pace of the ancient wind. Always with love, ancient customs don't use it much. At this time, it is just right to regard it as the sun of this small world.

The small world has become, and since then, the ancient wind has become a semi saint. The small world was connected with his heart. He only felt that as long as he had an idea, he could control everything in the whole world.

This is a sense of dominance, a sense of dominance.

"Friars can build a small world by themselves. As the way of heaven in this small world, they dominate everything. Well... Will this big world be just a small world? "

The beginning of the small world makes many absurd and strange ideas surge in the heart of the ancient wind. As soon as the idea came out, he was scared and sweating all over.

If his conjecture is true, how terrible is it that the square Tianyu where people live is really a small world built by a big monk?

If so, who will build this small world?

Is it the so-called God?

Gu Feng didn't dare to think about it. His wish was to overthrow the ruthless way of heaven. If the God in charge of heaven is really like him, one thought can control everything, how can he overthrow it?

The more you think about it, the more ancient wind feels afraid.

Therefore, he put away these messy ideas. Now that he is semi holy, he has to further open the gate of heaven, which is also called the gate of saints. Only by opening that door and establishing a connection between the two, can it be regarded as the real realm of saints.

This is the eighth day since Gu Feng came to this world. He can't delay any longer. He must seize every quarter of an hour to achieve the realm of saints as soon as possible.

Still, after a party looked up, then he roared into the sky again. In an instant, only a golden bridge rushed out from above his head.

Impressively, that is his divine bridge.

After the divine bridge rushed out of his body, it began to extend infinitely to the sky.

Then, the yuan God of the ancient wind left the body, stepped directly on the bridge and went straight for the nine days.

God bridge is golden, and his Yuanshen is even more dazzling.

Just for a moment, people thousands of miles around aojian gate saw this strange scene and didn't know how many exclamations it caused on the spot.

Although most people don't know what this means, those powerful people, especially the so-called venerable ones, all know it.

As we all know, this is the so-called ancient wind of Qingtian King attacking the realm of saints.

When people were shocked, they could only admire them. In their world, saints generally only appear in legends. The world is not obvious at all, and it is impossible for anyone to see someone impact this realm with their own eyes.

At this time, the ancient style can be described as the focus of attention. Many people's hearts are all tied together at this moment, all in a cold sweat for the ancient style.

Yuanshen stepped on the bridge. When he reached the top, he gave out a sharp roar in an instant.

In the next moment, people within thousands of miles screamed again.

The door appeared, and the mysterious and mysterious door of heaven appeared in this sharp long howl.

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